For those of you that just want the answer to this question without having to read the whole story, here it is: GET LOST!
Now here’s the story:
Wednesday was not a good day for me. I had some Italian food and went “swing dancing”
the night before. When I got home, my stomach was not feeling good so I
went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I couldn’t go more than
5 feet away from the toilet before having to go back towards it. I then
called into work and said that I wouldn’t be coming in. I then crawled back
into bed hoping for the pain to go away.
At 2PM I was awakened by room service who wanted to come in and clean
the room. Since I was in a dazed mood I said sure and thought that walking
outside might do me some good since my stomach stopped aching.
Figuring it would be a waste to spend a day in Paris and not exploring,
even though I was sick, I decided to go to the Louvre. When I got there,
it was closed because the workers were on strike. Of all the dumb luck.
Since I was feeling weakened by my more unforunate events, I decided to
go back to the hotel in hopes that the french maids were done with my room.
Not knowing where I was, I took random turns knowing that you’re always 5
minutes away from a metro station in Paris. My first turn lead me to a very
interesting Metro station. (picture coming soon) I walked towards it and
thought it was very cool. Behind that station was a historical monument.
Once again, very cool. At this point, my curiosity was starting to overpower
my weakness. Behind that was a lavish garden with kids playing soccer and
perfectly aligned trees. I kept going straight towards what looked like
another shopping district and ended up pretty much a dead end. And at the
dead end was a statue that’s probably older than dirt.
So, the moral of the story is: When you’re in Europe, the best thing
to do is: GET LOST! Why? Because you’ll always find something interesting.
And even if it’s a dead end, there’ll be a 500 year old statue of a naked
woman there. You can’t lose.
I was also approached by a pimp last night. It’s the 2nd time in a week. What gives?
Cheers, love and humanity. Tommy.