night, I had dinner with some friends who went exploring Rome at the same
time Hemang and I went exploring Siena. On Tuesday morning, we had heard
that they were still stuck in Italy, because they didn’t have their Passports.
To further complicate the matters, one of the guys is Pakistan. (This’ll
give you a small taste of the rest of the story.) On Wednesday morning, we
were really worried about when they were going to come back. And on Thursday
morning, we were releaved that everyone was ok. You can check out the entire
story at: Your Passport, and why you should never leave a country without it. (Especially at these times and if you’re Pakastani.)
This weekend, I plan to explore Paris. I’ve been living here for about
2 weeks and I haven’t been able to explore this place much. I’ll take care
of the big attractions, like the Arc, Tower, Versailles, etc. Also, it might
be the first time I go touring by myself. It will be a new and interesting
Even though it’s still October, I keep thinking ahead towards X-mas and how I would so enjoy having Terri and my family come visit me in France. It would truly be a great experience.
A bientot!