Yesterday, I discovered my favorite part of this buisness trip so far: The laundry service.
Hemang and I are planning to go to Italy this weekend, so he recommended
getting all my laundry done so that I can pack it. So, I put my dirty laundry
in two bags and brought them downstairs. When I came in from work yesterday,
there they were: Bright, Shiny and New. My underware was neatly folded
with tags, my socks were matched together by pair. My shirts were even ironed
and clipped to a cardboard square! My jeans were on a hanger and my “travel
pants”…the pants that have seen more cities that some people’s luggage,
with all of it’s holes, loose threads and crinkled pockets were ironed and
maybe even starched! The only thing I could say that even came close to
how I was feeling was, “Wow! That’s worth the price of admission!” I would
definitely go on more buisness vacations if it meant having someone else
do my laundry and fold and iron it like that!
Other than that, things are really shaky. My roommate situation is sticky right now and Terri
sent me an email which has got my world in a swirl. I’m beginning to see
how big of a jerk I am to people. Lots of times, I do inconsiderate stuff.
Stuff, I’m sometimes not even aware of. Stuff, where I may have good intentions,
but something else happens. If you’re one of those people I’ve hurt or offended,
I apologize. And finally, the pastor’s son at my church passed away after
fighting a lengthy illness. He was a friend of mine, close to my age, and
the epitomy of dignity, intelligence and acceptance. The world will miss
you, Bill Jemison IV.