Amsterdam pictures are up!!! (Check out: Itchy Bitchy, and my new hero, who’s diary I am now reading: Anne Frank)
So far all of my trips have been to the stereotypical Classic European
cities…Paris, Vencie, Siena, Florence, Chamonix, Salzburg, etc. However,
this past weekend, I feel as if I went to the “New Orleans” of Europe: Amsterdam.
Amsterdam is a major city in the country of Neatherland. It’s a very
hip place where the gas stations play techno, the streets are lit up by neon
signs and even grandmas wear fashionalbe coudoroy jeans. It’s also where
you can find the famous “Red Light District” and smoke majaraunia legally.
I knew that I wouldn’t partake in any of those activities (I can almost
hear my mom giving a sigh of relief right now.); however, it was on “My List”
of things to see. (On this trip I got to see how everyone has a “My List”
This is a list of things which they want to experience in their life before
they die. Skydiving, be married, and watch your kids go through the same
hell that you did with them, are a few examples. My list is a lot more conservative
than most; however, I still have a few wild things to add to it: paragliding,
sky diving, bungee jumping, etc.)
I also consider myself an open person and was able to just be with the
idea of prostitutes standing in a window, wearing next to nothing, putting
on a show for some guy with about $50 looking for a good time. However,
one scene blew my mind:
I’m chilling with some friends in the red light district with our backs
up against the walls, talking to each other and facing the prostitutes in
front of us and then I notice this girl crouched down to my left, reading
a book. Since it was really cold outside, I figured that she didn’t do this
for fun, but hey…this is Amsterdam. A few minutes later, one of the curtain’s
in front of my goes back, an a guy walks out, and then the girl gets up,
waves to the prostitue, the prostitue waves back, and the girl grabs onto
the arm of the guy who just came out and they walk off down the street arm
in arm. I know that I’m assuming something here; however, that just blow
my mind!
Also, while in Amsterdam, I wore my black trenchcoa, black shirt and my
new Oakley sunglasses. My friends said that I looked like the “White Shaft”.
However, to the locals, I apparently looked like someone who was into the
white stuff. No, not Anthrax. Cocaine. I was approached 4 times by someone
wanting to sell me some coke.
All in all, not much else exciting happened while I was there. I didn’t
enjoy myself there as much as the other places; however…it was on the list.
What’s your List?