Better Sunday things.

Yes, there are things to do on Sunday, but they always seem really boring for me.

Have you ever noticed that as much as you want to get your butt out of
gear and go do something that you know would be worthwhile, you don’t always
do it? In fact, most of the time, you don’t? Today was one of those days.
I have $300 of merchandise to return, a house I’d like clean, a stomach to
feed (mine), and a very adventure-some life to live. And I spent the most
of the day in front of the computer.

I think that what I’m looking for in a woman is someone who will give
me a good kick in the rear when I get like that so that I’m doing something
I enjoy, rather than retreating into the depths of my computer. Heck, I
don’t even have that many online friends to chat with to pass the time.
Where does one go to make online friends now? Eq has lost my interest since
Terri and I broke up.

I began to write her a letter. A letter to let her know what’s really
going on for me. A letter to let her know why it didn’t work. A letter
to give her what she deserves. Heh. It would be easier if I knew what she
deserved. 🙂 I know that this was a huge growing experience for me, and
hopefully for her too. My biggest regret is not being responsible for how
much I hurt her. She still means so much to me that I only wish the best
for her.

On a happier note, I worked with someone today on unconceiling something
which was holding her back from completing her college paper which she was
procrastinating for so long. And now she’s back in action. I’m starting
to find comfort in providing something for other people. It makes this world
a better place.

All is well in the world. It may not always seem like it at times, but I know…all is well.

-God Bless.

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