been a while since I’ve updated this place. Not much has happened, except
for an occasional date. Which brings me up to an topic:
Growing up, I always hated dating. I would say that it was nothing than
a bunch of horny guys chasing after girls that just want to play with you.
Thus, all of the relationships I had started not out of dating, but because
we instantly connected and found ourself in a new relationship. No courting,
no working up to it, no sexual tension. We would meet, we would have one
night together, and then poof. We’re together. So, I’m now exploring this
new idea of dating. (i.e. I’m now one of those horny guys.. 🙂 Thankfully,
I’m not out to just bed every girl I meet.) Anyway, I digress. These past
few weeks have been chock full with dating and other women meeting opprotunities.
A 3rd date with Snoopy Kiss Girl, a blind date with one of my friend’s fiancee’s
sister…and tomorrow…TOGA PARTY!!! Yeah babye!
Now I know that people say that they’re just dating and that they don’t
want to get serious. And for some people, I believe that, but for the most
part, I think that’s total BS. We’re all looking for someone. We’re built
for partnership. Call me a romantic, but I’m looking forward to the day
that I find my special someone that I say to myself, “Ok. I’ve found her.
I’m now ready to dedicate myself to you.” And I think that one thing that
is really cool is that I’ve learned a VERY valuable lesson in life, dating
and relationships. The job of the guy is to make sure his woman is happy.
Yeah, yeah yeah, some of you might argue with that; however, I know that
I am really satisfied and fulfilled knowing that I’m doing the right thing
which pleases her. Now to find a woman willing to communicate what she wants.
Before I get too far off track and forget why I started writing this at
3:15AM, I will let you know why the circle is now complete. On Thursday,
I called one of my X-girlfriends, Jenny to wish her happy birthday. Everyone
has “Their X”. The one that broke their heart more so than anyone else.
Well, this is Jenny for me. The conversation went remarkably well and I
can say that I am now friends with every one of my X-girlfriends. That’s
something not many people can say. I wish there was something really profound
that I could tell you about that, but I can’t think of anything at 3AM.
Maybe something will come to me tomorrow.
Till then…good night…err…good morning.