New Years are always interesting times. Finding out that Dick Clark is still alive, people are coming off of the X-mas hussle and bussle, there are more drunks on the road, people are cheerier than X-mas, and of course, the opprotunity to clear off the slate and start new.
Interestingly enough, the gathering I was at for NYE didn’t turn on the TV until the very last minute of 2002 and ended up counting down the seconds in Spanish, because we didn’t have time to change the channel. Afterwards, they had a Spanish Ska band which was interest capturing.
I’m proud to say that I don’t feel as if I have anything that I need to wipe off, but do have some new directions I’d like to take my life. And although I am typically against resolutions, because I think that they don’t amount to nothing. This year, I’ve taken on some ones that I look forward to rather than feel would be a burden:
- Attend at least 3 Swing/Lindy Exchanges. (I’ve already registered for SoFLeX, Dallas will be a given, and Denver looks really cool.)
- Learn to cook something new once a month.
- Travel more. (This goes hand in hand with the Exchanges.)
So far, the 2003 is going well. I spent Jan 1st taking two movies off of the Movie List, vegging out, waking up to the smell of cooking pancakes, played some disc golf and had some of the best hot dogs on Earth. All that an I’ve started to develop a taste for NPR, which I listened to.
Some of the things I think will happen next year is that I will have owned my house for two years. I will probably be roommateless for the first time in about 3 years. Lee will be graduating and probably move to some far away city. I’ll miss the guy. And I plan to install a hardwood dance floor downstairs. That’ll be fun.
But in the grand scheme of things, who knows what will happen. All I know is that I plan to enjoy it extensively. In the words of Roooth Acosta, “Bring It On!”