Lindy Gras a cometh

For those still not aware of my new habit of going to Lindy Exchanges, get used to me mentioning them.  I should be hitting quite a few this year.  The latest one which I am preparing myself for tonight is Lindy Gras, hosted in one of my old neigborhoods of New Orleans.

Most of the dances will be right by alma-mater, Tulane.  I’m really looking forward to it.  Although the drive (Yes, I’m driving there instead of flying), will be quite an 8 hour hike which I’m not looking forward to.  Thankfully, I’ve got Greg to keep me busy. Plus, I just found all of my missing MP3 CD’s!  Yea!  Each CD is about 11 hours of music, so we’ll never run out of music.  Yarrr!

I’m also planning another trip down to New Orleans in two weekends for the classic celebration of Mardi Gras.  This time, George, Lee, Michael and I are planning to make the journey.  I’m not sure how that will turn out since George is our more “pure” friend joining us.  I wonder how his brain will handle the massive visual breast intake.  Will it fry his brain?  Or will Pat O’s do it first?

Planning a trip to New Orleans always concerns me.  Living there for 4 years and hearing about your friends getting mugged, I’m always the cautious one, watching my step.  I hope that this will be a safe time for me and my fellow Lindy Hoppers.  May God keep us safe.  Especially through this time of international tension.  I hope that no crazy guy decides to bomb New Orleans while we’re there.  Pray for a safe trip for me.

Dancing like there’s no tomorrow,Moi.

P.S.  I also have the pictures from Matt Weyandt’s 80’s B-day party up.  It was a total blast, dude.  Complete with Rubix Cube cake and almost working Atari’s.

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