VLE 2003 (Hey! It rhymes!)

Some hobbies are expensive.  Some cheap.  Others, like swing dancing are cheap, but if you really want to go crazy with it, they can get really expensive.  But now that I think about it, I’m sure you can say the same thing about every hobby.  So, nevermind.

My latest expense, justified towards redeveloping the growth of the world economy, was my trip to Vancouver for the Lindy Exchange.  As some of my close friends know, one of my deep dark secrets is that I have a Canadian Fetish.  I don’t know why.  I just seem to be drawn to them.  I call it “Eh-dar”.  (Speaking of that, look at what I found!)

In any case, while I was there, I had some really amazing dances.  All too many to single out.  (Mostly because I’m afraid that I’d forget someone.  I’m also really bad with names.  So, chances are, if I danced with you, told you “Thank You.”, I probably enjoyed it.)  While I was at it, I finally purchased new clothing!  Something I don’t believe I’ve done in about 6 months. (Check out the Gallery for pictures of the city and of the dance.)

Unfortunately, there weren’t too many quotes at the exchange, but I updated the quote page, with other mindless ramblings.

In other news, my Pool of Pudding Pictures have become quite the rave.  I’m getting calls from managers really high above me asking for the password to get in.

–Just a boy looking for your love.P.S.  I love my friends.  They’re insane.  But not insane like this.

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