While I was at Kerrville, I did some pondering. And some stream of consciousness work. It’s amazing what will come out of your head at 5AM.
These are the days, right? The days where I’m to roam the Earth, footloose and fance free, right? The days where the World is at my fingertips, I’m experimenting and the only thing stopping me is my finite amount of finances.
Yes, these ARE the days.
Don’t tell me when it ends. I had to work hard to get to this level of blissful ignorance. I don’t want to know.
As a kid, I thought I’d be married by now. Probably struggling to make ends meet and saving up to by a house. My best friend, my spouce.
Reality check: I’m two years past that date, my best friend is a rocket scientist and I’ve already got the house. No struggles either. Sometimes I wish that I had someone to share all this with; however, since I’m not with them now I assume that I’m not ready.
…abruptly ended because I needed sleep…
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