Last year, I resolved to: “Not make any New Years Resolutions.” I’m not sure if I either totally succeeded, or completely failed. So, this year, I decided to put some effort into this. About 2 minutes later, I sneezed and the feeling went away.
Due to a number of fortunate events in my life, I have found myself evolving and breaking out into those areas I have, for so long, ignored and passed over: Being a Normal Human Being.
- Cooking: My first experience in this arena actually happened on New Years Eve Eve, where I completely surprised myself and Angelica with my ability to make a really good flank steak. These directions were provided in the new steak knives I got for X-mas.
- Spending X-mas with the family: I didn’t tell my family I was going to Louisiana tuntil the last minute because the drive there makes me regretful of ever leaving Europe where one can drive 30 mph over whatever speed you think might be appropriate. God Bless Lee and his desire for adventure to spend X-mas with a bunch of coonasses. I also got to take a few cool pictures too!
- Work on the house: I’ve LOOKED at new wallpaper. That should could for something.
- Trying new dishes: From my new diet, I’ve been eating Oats long enough to know that they won’t kill me. Maybe asparagus won’t either.
I’m also really happy to say that I have fully recovered from the parties. I think I’ve apologize to everyone who deserved it too. 🙂