Another weekend, another party.
This time, it was a bit more personal focused, than an all out, Crazy Go Nutz time. Some Okies thought that they could actually dance better than us, so by some miracle, they were actually able to follow directions and make it down to Dallas for the 2nd SmackDown.
There were some pre-dance activities which involved me showing off my “mad shuffleboard skillz”, and Heather (#6; Double-Three; C; Casey; < Insert Personalized designation here >) schooling everyone in pool. And I don’t mean: Winning. I mean: Slack jawwed Okie still has 4 solids on the table as she sinks the 8 and gloats. It was like all out Pool-sodomy.
Afterwards, there was a major good time at Party Central (Chez Falgout) involving some damn fine blues dancing and music, an interesting game of “I Never”, and a visitation from the local Police at 5AM.
–SnoopyKiss thinks it’s time to give in and buy a professional steam cleaner.