Since I still hadn’t conquered my blues, I thought, “Hey! Maybe if I buy stuff, I’ll feel better.” I’ve heard women do that, so I decided to try it out for myself.
Here’s my progression:
- Breakup -> Blues
- Went shopping and found 2 DVD’s of Happy Tree Friends and cool new pants and shoe rack that I’ve been needings for about 2 years -> Happy
- Got home and listened to Blues -> Blues
- Put together shoe rack -> Productive
- Watched Happy Tree Friends DVD -> Amused
- Found KICK ASS “Break Up Songs” compilation on iTunes, which really hits the spot -> Elated!
- Problem downloading songs via iTunes, chatted with friends -> Happy
- Finally downloaded files with iTunes. Some files missing -> Irked
- Found out iTunes won’t let me re-download music I’ve purchased. (Even when their software failed the original download.) -> PISSED!
I would go to sleep, but now I’ve got two very prevelant reoccuring thoughts in my head, “I HATE iTunes” and “la la LA LA LA”.
— SnoopyKiss will have interesting dreams tonight.