Turning a new tree.

Greetings Tommy-party enthusiasts,

Over the years, I’ve thrown countless parties, all with amazingly great success. And I owe that to my friends, my peeps, my homeys. What’s made all of these events (Auction Party, Food and Spirits, God and Goddess, etc.) such an overwhelming success is the people who make it and what they contribute. And by that, I am only slightly referencing the tangible items brought. I am more referring to the spirit and general “good natured-ness” which is why I love every one of my friends. This is truly what makes a Tommy-Party ™.

In that same breath, along with the huge successfulness of my parties, stuff happens. And along with the wacky antics, some the hilarious stories. But sometimes it takes away from a greater picture. Something I’m far more committed to. In this case, “Ensuring that everyone that attends, enjoys themselves fully and walks away feeling that they were part of a really special event.” That’s pretty much the essense of a Tommy-party(tm). That and shaking your Groove Thang.

I often think back to all of the parties, specificly, what worked and what didn’t work. I take what worked and keep it in mind for the next party. And I take what didn’t work and try to remove it in the next one. Sometimes I’ve succeeded in doing this. Sometimes…not so much. And when I look at what I could have done to eliminate it sooner, one thought shouts out above all other. “Be true to yourself and trust your instinct.”

SO! This New Years Party shall be unlike any other Tommy-party. This year, there will be participation and celebration!

Here is my idea:
Everyone attending is invited to bring two pieces of paper.
One stating what they are proud to have accomplished this year. A boasting and acknowledgement of themselves.
One stating what they are not proud of, or didn’t accomplish this year. An acknowledgement of what didn’t work or what didn’t happen.

I’m gonna have a fire a’blazing that evening and everyone participating is invited to read those papers to themselves (and to others, if so desired) and then do with them as they please. (Personally, I look forward to watching one piece of paper burn as I then move on.)

Of course, there will be the usual Tommy-Party food and merriment and stories and activities and lots and lots of social interaction. This is something for people to participate in at their own leisure.

NOTE: This is NOT about making resolutions. You can do that on your own time. This is about acknowledging exactly where you’re at, and what you accomplished and didn’t accomplish. What you do from there is your journey.

Let’s get this party started!

Much Love,

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