This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

Strange things are afoot at Chez Falgout. It started off with my web server eating through 3 different power supplies in 4 days before I gave up and decided to pay someone else to host my site. (Thus the new design for the somewhat observant.) And now my phone is…

Strange things are afoot at Chez Falgout. It started off with my web server eating through 3 different power supplies in 4 days before I gave up and decided to pay someone else to host my site. (Thus the new design for the somewhat observant.)

And now my phone is having as much trouble finding service as a room full of Trekkies.

BUT! My birthday is coming up and this is more than enough reason to start celebrating. Good friends and hot tubbing last night and dancing till my feet fall off for the rest of the week.

I leave you with this limerick from my good friend Matt Weyandt who now knows why men pat each other on the back 3 times:

There was once a man named Tommy,
Whose mantra was “Be kind to the hotties!”
The lassies did dig him,
On the floor, he did spin them,
Why else?
Dancin’s his hobby.

— Snoopykiss thinks you’re never too old to get spanked.

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