This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

I’m starting to wonder if guys have just started taking multi-tasking (peeing and giving directions) to a whole new level. I’ll keep my those actions separate, thank you very much. Meanwhile, I had the following dream: I was walking to my car from The Bone (however, my car was on…

I’m starting to wonder if guys have just started taking multi-tasking (peeing and giving directions) to a whole new level. I’ll keep my those actions separate, thank you very much.

Meanwhile, I had the following dream:

I was walking to my car from The Bone (however, my car was on the other side of the Deep Ellum tunnel, for some strange reason).

Then my friend Tam drove by and asked me if I wanted to hop a ride. So, I jumped on the top of her trunk and said, “GO!” She then started screeching the wheels and somehow I was able to hold on while making this crazy right turn onto Good Latimer.

But then she decided to do a U-turn in the One Way lane right before the tunnel and then started going the wrong way down the same One Way Street back to Elm. She shot through 2 red lights at which point the cops noticed and turned on their lights and sirens, which then started a police chase. All this, while I was still holding onto the trunk with some apparently, super grip hands.

After we passed the Gypsy Tea Room, we were no longer in Dallas, but now in some type of redneck residental area with lots of tall grass and many wooden shacks and Tam was making sharp turns to try and ditch the cops. At some point, I realized we were going to get caught and jumped off and into some dark alley, but then there happened to be a police car coming down that alley right as I jumped.

I woke up right at the point where I knew I was going to be busted. Headlights shining in my face and everything.

After I woke up and then contemplated this for a moment and my only solid thought was, “I should have jumped right as she made a turn instead of while she was in the middle of an alley because then I would have gotten my feet grounded better and been able to run faster. Note to self, just in case I’m ever in this situation.”

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