After going through enough 100+ people parties, there comes a time where one realizes that there is a core group of people who are not just your party buddies, but people who you can really depend on. Those are the people I wanted around me for my St. Patrick’s B-day.
It’s those people I wanted singing Happy Birthday in the loudest, off-key, deaf-tone, intentionally unharmonious, way possible. Ones that would give me Pinky, the Love Pig as well as show me the epitome of “ghetto wrapped”. Ones who know me and what I want, oh so well. (Thanks for the Mentos and shirt!) As well as ones who are so willing to help me “find something to bang” while making a joyful noise unto the Lord. And then give me a spatula to help with spankings.
After much merriment and a very-welcomed day slept in, I was kidnapped by two awesome Denver Follows, and whisked off to Lindyfest in Houston. This consisted of a weekend full of the country’s best and intriguing instructors where I took a class called, “Learning to Dance to Soul Music” and even saw my friends compete in the American Lindy Hop Competition Regionals.
Pictures forthcoming.
–Snoopykiss needed that. In a good way. And a bad way.
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