This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

My finances can be best described as: Feast or Famine. Frugal. Frugal. Frugal. SPLURGGGGEEE!!! Such as this past week where I’ve been living off of leftovers and sandwitches and then last night where I put a $1K pre-deposit for my new car and went to Fogo De Chao for dinner.…

My finances can be best described as: Feast or Famine.

Frugal. Frugal. Frugal. SPLURGGGGEEE!!!

Such as this past week where I’ve been living off of leftovers and sandwitches and then last night where I put a $1K pre-deposit for my new car and went to Fogo De Chao for dinner.

Next weekend: Cheap Thrills, babye.

Oh yeah, how I plan to pay for my habits as well as a cheap plug for my favorite online Web Comic:
Jennylynn4064: I need a place to live
lastcoolnameleft: My house.
lastcoolnameleft: 🙂
lastcoolnameleft: Adn then commute to Denver
Jennylynn4064: perfect
lastcoolnameleft: See? That’s pretty easy, eh?
Jennylynn4064: oh, wait. can Julie live there too?
lastcoolnameleft: Sure. It’s 4 bedrooms.
Jennylynn4064: ok, now it’s perfect.
Jennylynn4064: how long’s the commute to Denver?
lastcoolnameleft: Oh Um. Weren’t you supposed to be working on that teleporter?
Jennylynn4064: I was, but then school got in the way
Jennylynn4064: I thought I sent the specs to you?
Jennylynn4064: so you could take over the development process?
lastcoolnameleft: Oh crap! They probably went to my Junkmail folder.
lastcoolnameleft: You didn’t put the title as, “Make the machine go faster”, did you?
Jennylynn4064: no, it was probably more like New High tech product thats sure to please

— Snoopykiss can’t wait until the parents find out about this.

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