My second International Exchange has been a great adventure. Although, there are some differences which struck me as odd.
One I wish I would have learned before coming is that it’s common to dance with the same partner for two consecutive dances. This was a bit of an ego deflator as I thought I was so good that all these girls asked me for a 2nd dance, but it’s just the way that they roll here. There’s a bunch of good dancers here, so it wasn’t a problem, but so many times I found myself finishing the dance with one girl, hearing the next song come on and then wanting to find another follow to dance with, but sticking with the same one. Not a complaint, mind you. Just different.
The other is that this Exchange is dance event first, and a social event second. I’ve been to so many exchanges by now that it’s quite the opposite for me now. People dance, and if they sit down, they look at everyone else dancing. Noone’s grouped together, pouring each other drinks, no cliques hanging out together. Just dancing. Once again, not a complaint. I danced my butt off at this exchange, when I’ve been drinking at all of the others.
There was no arse-slapping either. Well, at least till I noticed it was missing. Few things will catch you off guard like saying, “You know, there’s no ass-slapping at this exchange.” And then having your Asian dance partner say in her Australian accent, “Yeah! I like that!” Definitely not a complaint.
I’ve also seen more ariels and Zoot Suits today than in the last 3 years of my dancing. I guess just like what’s cool in America hit Europe years later, what’s lost fashion travels just as slow. Ok, this one’s a complaint. 🙂
There were a few snacks for us and one guy said in his perfect English accent. “There’s such a wonderful selection! This is quite exciting!”. My internal dialogue was, “No. If some girl just took her top off and started running around, THAT would be exciting. This is just fruit and candy.” It’s amazing what we find amazing.
April 15th, 5AM in the same Flat in London