If 10 years of Texas hadn’t converted me to a beer drinker, then I figured 2 weeks of Ireland and Scotland, would be my last shot. Nope. At least I got into Ciders; so it’s not a complete loss. Kathy’s not disappointed tho, as she still got someone to drink fruity drinks with. I did refrain from ordering a Smirnoff Ice tho. It was like being in the Garden of Eden!
Speaking of running around naked, I didn’t walk around in a Kilt and/or tromp around the Highlands of Scotland in the buff. It was freggin’ cold. Maybe next time. I’m definitely coming back and bringing my…well, lack of inhibition.
Stop. Change. Start. I’m sharing a room with a guy named Lindy and most of my shirts are from Lindy Exchanges. He said that he’s never seen his name on that many shirts before.
I knew that when I came to Europe, that there would be a language barrier. It’s bound to happen. I just figured that it would be between me and the French or the Germans. Not with the Irish or the Scots. As much as I love those people, trying to listen in on their conversations is like performing Calculus with a slide rule. Both leave you wondering, “People actually act like that?!”
April 11th, 2007 – Kilarney, Ireland