In talking to the Sweed in my night sleeper, I found out some very interesting factoids about Swedish couplehood. We talked for a while and he mentioned his wife. And a bit later, he mentioned his girlfriend. Ah ha! So the Sweeds DO get to have it all. The beautiful scenery, the beautiful women, and multiples of each!
But no. He called her his wife because they’ve been together for 13 years and have 3 kids together. But they’re not married.
All of this is common around here. He asked her about marriage one time, but she gave him a very strange look and he dropped the subject. Many times, couples will get married after 25 years as an excuse to have a party. I swear..blondes do have more fun.
I also told him about how the Americans worship the Swedish women, and were they really that beautiful? His response: “We don’t deserve them.” So far, I think he’s right.
April 22nd, 1:49PM on a Swedish Train to some city that I still can’t pronounce or spell correctly.