After a much needed rest and some good work put in, I finally got the full “Stupid Lack of Parking Restriction Sings, Yet No Lack of Towing” story (aka Why Chris and Joachim came in at 5AM.) Chris’ car got towed and now his AC doesn’t work.
Thankfully, I was able to earn my keep and a free breakfast from Joachim who picked my brain for a good few hours about Perl since he had just been thrust into a new Perl project and knew little. Free room, board and breakfast for information I know like the back of my hand? Booyakasha!
We made it to a Miss Lydia’s “Blues with a View” party that had a pretty good turnout of dancers and mormons. Words can’t express how much this amuses me. There was an impressive amount of food and tiki torches right there on the beach of Lake Michigan. One of my favorite moments was wading in the water to “Wade in the Water”. After some socialization and pictures of “Tinching of the Pitties”, I found a dark room with a view of the lake and slumbered oh so peacefully.
It was also great to see a few other Yehoodites like John, Gary and a number of other people who’s name escapes me from non-alcoholic forgetfuness.
–Snoopykiss went to Chicago and didn’t take you.