Nothing brings people together like being confined in a small environment, all with the same goal. Korean, Russian, Romanian, Canadian, and even a Texan Coonass.
Things I learned today:
– “Botched Job” comes from an engineer (Botch) that created a bridge in Scotland that later fell and killed 75 people.
– Never trust a Cambell
– “Blackmail” is a Scotish term. I forget what it means, but it’s something about paying for something (mail) with sheep that are somehow blackened.
– “Attack the Gas Station!” (One of my favorite Korean movies, and the inspiration for my car’s name, PAGO!!!) caused a big problem in Korea, because all sorts of kids took after the movie and started attacking gas stations. Pago can also mean, “Hit the car in front of you!”
– The Highlands of Scotland are BEAUTIFUL.
Monty Python Locations I saw today:
– The “What is your Quest?!” bridge (Actually, the bridge is gone now.)
– The castle where the marriage scene is “performed”. The one with the curtains.
I enjoyed the Highlands so much that it’s now the next leg of my trip. Now if you excuse me, I’ve got a showing of Braveheart to go see. (Make sure I tell you the story of how much the Scots love that movie.)
— Snoopykiss wants to go running naked across a mountain now. But damn, it’s cold.