On Monday, for the first time ever, I bought a flash drive. Considering that I also still don’t have a DVD burner, many of my friends could consider this as being “behind the times”. Instead, I think of this as being far ahead of the times. I’ve never needed one.
Anything small enough to fit on one could be emailed and anything bigger than that could be found on a torrent. I found that people usually used them to share Word Docs, MP3’s and/or pr0n. If you were on a computer that had those, you were probably already close enough to email them.
The reason I finally caved and got one was for more of my “ahead of the curve” obsession. Boxee (boxee.tv) is my new toy. I’ve been able to convert an Apple TV from a crippled iTunes box to an internet multimedia playhouse. Hulu, last.fm, Comedy Central and soon Netflix will all be available from one box.
The plan is to also rip our movies to disk so that we no longer have to deal with disks anymore. The world is moving to streaming video. And I like it.
–Snoopykiss is an early adapter. It can be expensive. But it sure is fun.
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