You can find my picture album for this, here.
Yesterday, along with about 70 other people, I witnessed the marriage
of someone very near and dear to me and someone who I believe will cherish
and love her for the rest of his life. Congratulations Mary and Richard
Ameredo. (sp?)
I used to think that only women thought about things like this, but I
then started thinking about my own marriage. Who would it be? How would
the wedding be? Who would be my best man? Would Pastor Bill do the sermon?
Where would it be? If I plan to get married, then I better find a church
here to call home, else I’ll be looking pretty out of place having the marriage
in my house, because I’m not a member of any other church.
In any case, I realized that I was thinking too much and by that time
the wedding was over and Sonny came out from behind us playing bagpipes,
indicating that the ceremony was over and that we were supposed to get to
downtown for the reception.
The reception was one of the most fun I have had in a very long time.
It started off with an open bar. (And it ended with taking a bottle of champagne
and going to Zeitman central (where I find myself now) and talking all about
Europe and my adventures there.) There were a lot of Landmark people there
and of course, we were all VERY self-expressed and later owned the dance
floor. I found myself very tipsy at the beginning from two bottles of wine
and no food in the last 6-8 hours. I was enjoying myself very much, but
very cautious every time I walked near the beautiful cakes, afraid that I
would become the token clumsy fool that tripped into them after paying more
attention to a beautiful woman walking by me than my own feet walking in
front of me. Even in my “more than tipsy, less than drunk” state, I was
able to avoid disaster and certain embarassment.
I will admit that I look forward to my wedding. I look forward to meeing
the person that I will intently look at with both eyes in front of an audience
of about a hundred people and say, “I do.” and then know that for the rest
of my life, this woman will light me up, turn me on, make me do the “Dance
of Joy” for as long as we both shall live. Yes, I know that like any relationship,
my marriage will go through hard times. It will go through REALLY hard times.
Hell, it’ll go through times where I will wish that I had that device in
Men in Black where I would forget the about everything; however, I KNOW that
I have the tools to make the relationship work. And if I can find someone
with tools of her own, I think we’ll be set for life.
Marriage…How ’bout them apples.
NOTE: I finally wrote down my My Theory of It. Please read and comment.