keep telling people that I haven’t been up to much lately; however, as I’ve
just finished writing an email to a good old friend of mine, Tino Dai, I
realized that I’ve got a lot to talk about, but I keep forgetting. So, I’ll
list it out here so that I’ve got a point of reference. It’s mostly small
victories, but ones that really please me.
- I love my plastic car. I think that Saturn did themselves well when
making my car. I’ve put it through so much tortue and tight turns that when
I took it to the dealership to get it aligned, they said that they’ve never
seen a car that askew before. Anyway, the point I want to make is that I
got something for it that has me back in love with it. A CD-MP3 player.
Now, on 1 CD, I can store 12 hours of music, all at CD-quality. I’m not
sure if I can easily convey how joyous it is to be able to carry almost your
entire CD collection in about 5 CD’s. God Bless Technology - I am currently transistioning roommates. I’m looking forward to
rooming with “Mr. Sushi Matt”, who has gained this title after professing
his love for Sushi on a cruise we went on a while back. I also think that
with Mr Sushi Matt, (and soon George) we will turn my house into the ultimate
bachelor/gaming pad. We will have a PS2, Dreamcast, X-Box and GameCube.
And after I’ve built up some extra funding, HOT TUUUUBBB!!!! (And maybe tommystubcam.com
for those in waiting. 🙂 ) - I’ve taken up a really cool hobby of Disc Golf. This is a sport which I had seen before, but never played. Thankfully to my good friends at the Nejdl and Gibson
house, I have been properly introduced to this new sport and quite enjoy
it. I even went out and bought myself 3 discs. One of which “migrated”
to the river on the first shot on the first hole of it’s existance in my
hands…never to be seen again. The other went into the river, rescued…later
to be found nesting in the highest branches of a really tall tree. My putting
disc has been faithful and fairly accurate in homing in on the “hole”. Good
Disc. I’m still a bit bitter about the course,
but the last time I was there, I did much better and didn’t sink a single
disc, and in fact came out one ahead after picking one out of the river. That
first time must have been some bad juju. - An amusing story: Every Friday night, a bunch of us geeks get
together and play Role Playing Games and partake in some light drinking and
an occassional movie. This is the samegroup.
I have become known to the group as the “Nelly Froo-Froo” drinker. I always
bring the Smirnoff Ice, Strawberry Daiquari’s, and other fruity drinks.
At first the group resisted. Then, little by little, I sucked them into
drinking these tasty malt beverages. This Friday night, the last one gave
in. John took one from my fridge and said in a very masculine tone, “Ok,
I’m having one. Now don’t make fun of me because I’m having a Nelly Froo-Froo
drink, ok?” “Dude!! It’s all good. We’ve been drinking them for a while.”
At which point John goes to open the Smirnoff Ice with his hands, and pulls
back his left hand wincing and whining in a very distinctly girly voice,
“ooouuuuWWW!!!” He hurt his hand opening the bottle. At that point, Lee
and I turned right to each other and pointed, and prompted fell to the ground,
laughing until we couldn’t contain it anymore. John and his ego were not
amused. We sure were.