had one of those days where everything went your way? Where you were on
top of the world? It seemed like for 24 hours, your guardian angel was the
cream of the crop? And then it his 12:01, the next day, and his/her shift
was over?
On Friday, I had a truly extraordinary day. I got figured out A LOT regarding
perl, Makefile and installing libraries on my UNIX system at work, without
having root access. Go me. 🙂 Then, I got a call from a girl who asked
me out! Woah! Don’t get much better, than that, right? Well, I then went
to play disc golf with my best friend Lee
and then I sank an 85 foot putt! (Quite an amazing feat, I will say.) After
celebrating at one of our favorite restaurants, Chipotle, we went to CD Warehouse
and I bought music from a band I’ve been wanting for a long time. Oingo Boingo.
And on the way home, a really great girl who I think is the total bomb, called
and wanted to hang out. I did the Snoopy Dance of Joy as soon as I got off
of the phone with her.
When she came over we chatted, and watched “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back“. Kevin Smith is one hell of a director, and we both enjoyed the movie. A woman who can hang with Jay and Silent Bob says a lot to me. Anyway, the universe was at my every command. Muhahahaha!
And as far as I can figure, at 12:01, all of that changed. What happened
is that I licked her. Now before your mind goes south with that, I want
you to know that it was just on the cheek. It is what I call a Snoopy Kiss.
Remember how Snoopy would lick Lucy and then she would go around screaming,
“Dog Germs! I’ve been touched by Dog Lips!”
Well, she didn’t run around like Lucy did, but at that point, the evening
was over. Nor have I heard back from her. Lesson learned.
So, boys and girls, what’s the moral of the story? For the Love of God,
don’t Snoopy Kiss someone until you’ve reached “that point” in the relationship.
Even then…wait a few months. Commit that to memory.
Here’s Lee’s account of the event: