Ark + Azure Kubernetes Service

As much as Cloud Providers tout their availability and uptime, disasters happen. It’s inevitable. And it’s usually up to you to be prepared. There are services that can help; however, they’re not always “Kubernetes aware”.

Thankfully, the great folks at Heptio open-sourced Ark, a Disaster Recovery tool which works for all the major cloud providers.

I got hands-on with Ark and followed their Azure steps. It was a good start, but didn’t highlight how an actual failover and recovery would look to the operator. I took their steps and created a step-by-step guide to perform a full migration.

Ark support Azure native resources, namely Managed Disk + Snapshots.
You can review those steps here:

Another option would be to use Restic, which performs backups to a local file system. Later, I’ll detail the steps on how to use Restic with Azure.

If you’re looking for Best Practices on supporting Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery for AKS/K8S clusters in Azure, you’re in luck! I wrote a Microsoft article covering this use case, which can be found here:

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