Going to visit the family is, of course, always a pleasant thing to do. Have home cooking from mom, chat about the future with dad, kid around with Michelle, play with the newphews, etc., etc., etc. However, there is one party of going to Cut Off, which I abolustely despise. My allergies. Plain and simple I’m allergic to my hometown, especially my home.
It didn’t bother me for the first 24 hours, but soon after I wrote my last blog entry, I would be found roaming the halls doped up on Benedril, Claritin or whatever else I could find with a box of Kleenex in my hand, like a patient with an IV trailling them. It was absolutely miserable. Thankfully, my sister needed a babysitter so mom and I drove up to visit her near Nawlins, and in the 8 hours that I’ve been away from Cut Off, I have started to ween myself off of the Kleenex and make a visible recovery. I’m walking upright now. Yeah.
My main concern is recovering in time to go dancing at the DSDS Holiday dance. I’ll be driving directly from the airport there, so if I do make it, I’ve got a long, fun road a head of me. Let’s hope I’m an animal enough to make it. After taking the “Which Muppet Are You?” test, I found out that I’m Gonzo. That’ll do.