So! I finally made it to Paris. This is just a quick note before I head off and do some real work in Nortel. Thank you all for your support and I will keep all of your updated on my adventures. I’ve seen some interesting sites!
Love, sunshine and disco dancing,
Here are some excerpts from my journal which I started on the flight to France:
Now, for the future. Where will I go in the next 2 1/2 months? What adventures will I experience? How will I grow?
A lot of people are afraid to fly nowadays. I completely understand their
fear; however, I don’t share the same fear as them. As I just learned, I
am most frightened by the sound that the airplane toilets make after those
few seconds of silence after pressing the flush button. *Push Button* …
?? … Is it working? … WWWHHHOOOOSSSHHH!!!!
I realized today that the relationship I have with my pilot is the same
I have with my doctor. I know that I’ll hear from him in the beginning and
in the end. However, I want as little interaction from him in between.
Heh heh. The growth has already started, and I haven’t even touched down
yet. I realize that I’ve chosen to remain or pretend to remain innocent
or ignorant in certain areas of my life. In ‘Paris Inside Out’, one of the
first things I read was: “Wisdom is acquired only through the gradual shedding
of innocence.” So, I’ve been stunting my growth in those areas by deciding
to stay innocent. Interesting.