Thankfully, there’s lots of things in this world that makes me happy. One of which is helping Lee to update his site so that it has all of the articles from our old Radio Possibility site up and getting the dates correct. I’ve been ever-expanding my knowledge of PHP and MySQL through this website and my work at Nortel. My new banner makes me happy too.
What do I have to write about? Today? Nothing. It’s just been a good day. Lots of things are wacked righ now (like the Saturn dealership having my car for many hours and them not being done with it), but it just feels like a good day. One of those days where you’ve got it handled. One of those days where you’ve got tickets to Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat and then are going to hang out with some friends aftewards to go see Strangeheart. You might have a sense of what I’m talking about. I dunno.
I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new play-thing, the Treo 600. My existing Treo has taken a beating and is ready to be replaced. And as much as the flippy top looks cool and has that Star Trek feel to it, it gets annoying after a while. Yeah! New Technology!
–wondering where all the Cowboys have gone.Mr. Falgout