All posts by Tommy



Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

Conversation while picking up the Mini between Jeff (sales manager/old swing dance instructor) and I:
“Wanna check out your Mini while I finish up with these customers?”
*hands me keys*
“Where is it?”
“Where here?”
“Here” *points to car in showroom*
“I’ve got a showroom model?! Sweeeet!”

Needless to say, they didn’t let me drive it off the showroom, but I’m sure they got a good laugh as I stalled it numerous times trying to get onto 75.

— GLEEEEEEEE!!!! Snoopykiss is full of it.



Originally uploaded by lounytoon.

is the sound that the Universe makes when it bends to my will. And I think that I’ve been having that one track on repeat these past few days.

After some unfortunate potential roommate situations, I’ve got 2 of them coming in! 2 of them. And that’s awesome.


I’m supposed to be picking up “PAGO” tomorrow. And now I’m looking for iPod interfaces for it. I have a feeling that tomorrow’s going to be a complete productivity killer as I’ll just go around chanting “MINIMINIMINIMINI!”


One small hitch, but amazing story is how I had to get a valid TX DL to pick up my car. I’ve been driving around with an expired one for a few months. I go to the DMV and see “Now Serving: 414, 413, 412” and about 100 people sitting down, looking like their very lifeforce is being sucked out of them. From their chairs.

While waiting in line to get a number, “912” shows up next. As I’m talking to the clerk, some guy asks what 912 is, and she said, it’s a special number. I told him it’s how much you had to pay to get in line next. Soon after 415 is called. I tell the clerk my story about how I ordered my DL, but never got it and she gives me 913.
Jokingly: “So, does this mean I’m next?”
*mouth drops* *5 second pause*
“Now serving 913”
I swiftly sauntered down the rows of zombies and never looked back because I knew I had about 100 people waiting to rip my head off at the slightest bit of hesitation. I think I was the only happy person there. In and out in 15 minutes.


And now I’m looking forward to a long weekend of getting kidnapped by a lovely lady who knows her Transvestites.

Whoompda. Whompda.

–Snoopykiss is going to run off with the car, the money and the girl.

My Garbage Can Overflow-ith

New York Sanitation ;)-

Originally uploaded by khoogheem.

…but I sure didn’t do it. And my neighbor’s can was pretty empty. So, now I’m suspicious about who in the area is doing OT-ing.

Regardless, life has been good. Pago the Mini isn’t here yet, but should be less than 2 weeks. Work paid for renting a theatre for a bunch of us to watch Star Wars (which didn’t suck! Huzzah!). Just finished Wicked, which was a FANTASTIC read. And apparently, I got some girl all hot and bothered because I have mad programming skills. Go me.

Lee‘s back online too!

Yarr, Steve. Yarr. (Who I just noticed grew up in Plano!)

–Snoopykiss is studying to become a Kung Fu, Fire Twirling, Programmer. Boo-ya!

Jazz Fest, babye.

Jazz Fest Logo Thingamabob

Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

Road trips are funny things. You never know what’s going to happen or where the conversations are going to go. Thankfully, between George, G and I, we were able to keep it going around one of my favorite subjects. No wait…two of them. And that’s awesome.

After a great day at Jazz Fest where I totally grooved on the Gospel Tent. There was also a B-day and other celebration party which involved lots of cool people and then a late night run to the French Quarter and closing down 3 bars, one right after the other. And some dancing on the pool table.

Day 3 involved being all nostalgic about Tulane while coming across some very interesting sidewalk musings. That and lunch with the family.

One of the most amazing parts for me was that for the first time ever, I actually wanted to stay. Most everyone has heard me complain about NO, but this time things were different. Or I was. Whatever. I enjoyed it immensely.

–Snoopykiss has a new roommie coming in! I better straighten up the place. And myself!

Cheap Thrills

Blurry Blues

Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

Some day, I’m actually going to go to St. Louis and check out the city instead of Blues dancing till 4AM. But until I get tired of dancing with goregous women, The Arch will have to wait.

This past weekend was no exception, as Cheap Thrills is a Blue Dance Workshop weekend put on by the main peeps of the Gateway City. One of my favorites being Sara, who graciously let me and 4 other Lindyhoppers lay waste to her place for the weekend.

The experience started off by jumping into a moving vehicle, and ended with two of my new favorite photos.

Another great part of the weekend was my entry for the “How Blues Can You Get” contest where one lucky winner got their registration refunded. My “Liquid Blues” entry came in Honorable Mention, while the winner was Miss Karen who came up with an actual song. I had no problem losing to actual talent.

For them that’s interested, here’s my Entry:

After a long day of work, or a really bad breakup, or finding out that
your grandmother just got mauled by a runaway combine harvester,
you’ve probably got “Da Blues”.

While modern medicine has made some significant progresses in curing
“Da Blues”, there are usually nasty side effects that occur when one
tries to circumvent the natural process of letting Da Blues pass over
them. These side effects are somewhere in the range of: Dry Skin,
Head Aches, Impotancy, Itchy-ness, Bitchy-ness, and having to pay too
much money for a pill smaller than your fingernail.

In my personal experience, and mind you, growing up in the Bayous of
Louisiana in a small town called Cut Off, one really gets to know the
meaning of Da Blues. Where was I? Oh yes, in my personal experience,
I’ve found much wisdom in the words of my friend Lee, “The only way
out is through!” With that said, the only way to cure Da Blues is to
get it in ya.

I propose: Liquid Blues.

1 Part Blue Curacao
1 Part Amaretto
2 Part Sprite

Wash, rinse, repeat until you no longer feel Blue.

-Tommy “SnoopyKiss” Falgout.

P.S. MUCH experimentation went into creating the formula for this. 5
professional drunkards, 15 different types of alcohol, 2 packs of
blueberries, Blue KoolAid, Blue food coloring, Blue punch, Blue
Martini mix. Pretty much anything blue and edible/drinkable and a
well stocked liquor cabinet was fully utalized. But remember folks,
don’t try this alone. Drinking is always best with friends. I mean,
who else is going to take pictures to keep you from running for public

I want my Mini!

My finances can be best described as: Feast or Famine.

Frugal. Frugal. Frugal. SPLURGGGGEEE!!!

Such as this past week where I’ve been living off of leftovers and sandwitches and then last night where I put a $1K pre-deposit for my new car and went to Fogo De Chao for dinner.

Next weekend: Cheap Thrills, babye.

Oh yeah, how I plan to pay for my habits as well as a cheap plug for my favorite online Web Comic:
Jennylynn4064: I need a place to live
lastcoolnameleft: My house.
lastcoolnameleft: 🙂
lastcoolnameleft: Adn then commute to Denver
Jennylynn4064: perfect
lastcoolnameleft: See? That’s pretty easy, eh?
Jennylynn4064: oh, wait. can Julie live there too?
lastcoolnameleft: Sure. It’s 4 bedrooms.
Jennylynn4064: ok, now it’s perfect.
Jennylynn4064: how long’s the commute to Denver?
lastcoolnameleft: Oh Um. Weren’t you supposed to be working on that teleporter?
Jennylynn4064: I was, but then school got in the way
Jennylynn4064: I thought I sent the specs to you?
Jennylynn4064: so you could take over the development process?
lastcoolnameleft: Oh crap! They probably went to my Junkmail folder.
lastcoolnameleft: You didn’t put the title as, “Make the machine go faster”, did you?
Jennylynn4064: no, it was probably more like New High tech product thats sure to please

— Snoopykiss can’t wait until the parents find out about this.

It happened again!

I’m starting to wonder if guys have just started taking multi-tasking (peeing and giving directions) to a whole new level. I’ll keep my those actions separate, thank you very much.

Meanwhile, I had the following dream:

I was walking to my car from The Bone (however, my car was on the other side of the Deep Ellum tunnel, for some strange reason).

Then my friend Tam drove by and asked me if I wanted to hop a ride. So, I jumped on the top of her trunk and said, “GO!” She then started screeching the wheels and somehow I was able to hold on while making this crazy right turn onto Good Latimer.

But then she decided to do a U-turn in the One Way lane right before the tunnel and then started going the wrong way down the same One Way Street back to Elm. She shot through 2 red lights at which point the cops noticed and turned on their lights and sirens, which then started a police chase. All this, while I was still holding onto the trunk with some apparently, super grip hands.

After we passed the Gypsy Tea Room, we were no longer in Dallas, but now in some type of redneck residental area with lots of tall grass and many wooden shacks and Tam was making sharp turns to try and ditch the cops. At some point, I realized we were going to get caught and jumped off and into some dark alley, but then there happened to be a police car coming down that alley right as I jumped.

I woke up right at the point where I knew I was going to be busted. Headlights shining in my face and everything.

After I woke up and then contemplated this for a moment and my only solid thought was, “I should have jumped right as she made a turn instead of while she was in the middle of an alley because then I would have gotten my feet grounded better and been able to run faster. Note to self, just in case I’m ever in this situation.”

–Snoopykiss needs to have a Zen Moment. Only $19.95

Urinal Noise

Coming from a guy who has a national reputation for licking people, one can imagine that it would take something fierce to really gross me out.

I also live pretty much an open book life, but there are some times that are sacred to me. Namely, when I’m releaving my bodily needs. I think that those are times that should be done behind closed doors and with no one else observing or even being aware. (I’ll admit that I’ve done my buisness while on the phone before, but it’s one of those things that I feel really guilty about and made sure that I was on mute during those un/comforting times. So, that makes it ok.)

Therefore, I was surprised when I walked into the work bathroom to find someone giving directions while operating “hands-free”. I then took it upon myself to ensure that his compantion was quite aware of his social faux pas (pis?). No hitting the back wall, I was aiming for the water, baby. I was somehow able to fill the entire bathroom with that famous sound and could tell that I made my urinal-neighbor quite shifty as he obviously was trying to quicken his own process. But these are things you really can’t rush. No really.

When he finally left (I forget if he washed afterwards), I felt somewhat guilty, but even more embarassed when I noticed I was laughing all by myself at a urinal. Great story for the next guy.

— Snoopykiss wants a mini. Cooper that is.