Author: Tommy
Aside from finding out how much traffic I actually get on this side, one of my favorite things to do is see how people discover this site. This is done by HTTP Referer logs, which I keep. One of my favorites so far was something along the lines of a…
High school. 4 tortureous years, drenched in loneliness, angst and depression. Something I never wish to repeat. Amidst the teenage awkwardness, there’s supposed to be a night of freedom, a time of youthful revelry. This so-called Prom. A lot has happened in 10 years, and I’ve gained the ability to…
It had been a while since my last Exchange, so when it came time for Tulsa’s, I knew that I had to be there. I also brought along Lee and Miss Heather who found themselves
Since I still hadn’t conquered my blues, I thought, “Hey! Maybe if I buy stuff, I’ll feel better.” I’ve heard women do that, so I decided to try it out for myself. Here’s my progression: Breakup -> Blues Went shopping and found 2 DVD’s of Happy Tree Friends and cool…
I’ve got so many great taglines to use in my jorunals, but so little content. This latest one sparked my imagination after a fairly reenactment of this happened at the BK near my work. Few things put me me in the holiday sprit. That’s one of them. I’ve also been…
Another month, another exchange. (Although that ratio is a lot lower this year.) I’ve made many decisions in my now 28 years of life. Some have brought me great amounts of happiness, such as buying this house. Others…well, there’s a reason why I’m called SnoopyKiss. (Also realizing that a Variable…