This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

Author: Tommy

  • Yet another weekend proving that I have the coolest friends this side of the universe. About 100+ people stopped by my house this Saturday to check out some amazing dishes. I was so happy to throw this party, that I even bought prizes for the winners! The award winning receipes…

  • I wish I had more to say about Lindy Gras right now, but it’s pretty late in the night (or early in the morning) and after postponing this post for so long, the vivid memories of dances and follows are quickly being replaced with Perl code. One speciality of this…

  • I went through my site stats today and found something amazing. I had 140K+ hits to my site last year. January’s not even over and I’m almost at 10K hits, with 1100+ hits just today! You love me! You really do love me! Or at least my pics… –SnoopyKiss feels…

  • Another weekend, another party. This time, it was a bit more personal focused, than an all out, Crazy Go Nutz time. Some Okies thought that they could actually dance better than us, so by some miracle, they were actually able to follow directions and make it down to Dallas for…

  • Last year, I resolved to: “Not make any New Years Resolutions.” I’m not sure if I either totally succeeded, or completely failed. So, this year, I decided to put some effort into this. About 2 minutes later, I sneezed and the feeling went away. Due to a number of fortunate…

  • Wacky antics ensued. I want to shout out to a few people who helped make this last party such a huge success: DJ FU! Who kept the tunes raging and the people dancing from 8PM-2AM. The Tommy Support Team: You know who you are and what you did. This party…

  • So many great games out there. So little time to play. Lee tells me about Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and how great it is, how I should play it; however, I’m pretty sure that I’ll never finish it. On Saturday, tho, the Heavens and the Earth will…

  • Too many things have happened since I’ve last posted for me to describe in any great length, so here’s the 5 minute ramblings: Most of the Falgout Family came into town to visit. I even got Charles, my nephew, to come out dancing. I never knew I could have so…

  • One of my small pleasures in life is the art of subtle humor. My friend Matt Mussleman is the supreme king of such humor. I, on the other hand, tend to keep it to myself and many times too obscure or bizarre. For example, one of the servers I created…

  • On many different levels. One of which was that I didn’t even notice that my site’s been down for quite some time because my ISP (Comcast) changed my IP w/o me knowing. Therefore, didn’t resolve. If you don’t find this funny, ask a techie. If the techie doesn’t find…
