This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

Author: Tommy

  • At one of my last parties, I realized that I had thrown enough parties designed to get wild and meet lots of cool people. I wanted to do something new. Something with a bigger purpose in mind. Something that would leave people with warm fuzzies. Something…for the children. So, I…

  • Apparently, it was that time of the month for me. I was a bit late; however, that was ok; because I was able to resolve some personal issues since the last time. And once it happened, it was a big relief for me. I was starting to get really worried.…

  • Imagine my shock when I got a short message from my mom with the above link asking me to check it out for a surprise. For those that have read the entire article, I’ll let you know that it’s true. Yes, some of my uncles hunt alligators, and one…

  • After taking enough trips for dancing/swing related events, I decided to do something completely different: Accept an invitation to go to Baltimore/Wash. DC to see a wedding of someone I had never met before, a friend of an x-girlfriend. And get some dancing in, if I’m so inclined. As you…

  • A while back, my good frirend Teel told me about this place called Kerrville. Being somewhat perceptive, I noticed that Teel seemed to like this place a lot. A LOT. Like A LOT, A LOT. No really. More than that. After finally letting my mind accept the fact that if…

  • While I was at Kerrville, I did some pondering. And some stream of consciousness work. It’s amazing what will come out of your head at 5AM. These are the days, right? The days where I’m to roam the Earth, footloose and fance free, right? The days where the World is…

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  • There are those things

  • Ok, I’m upset. Pissed. Fuming. Raging. Why you ask? Because I just dropped and screwed up one of the most expensive pieces of equipment I have here at my house. My near, dear and precious camera. I invited my good friend Audra and Joe to come over and drop Montgomery…

  • Oh yeah..I forgot some of the quotes that I either overheard or instigated during the exchange: “Let the a$$ slapping begin!” Our waitress at Minnies – “Our food is really great, which is surprising considering the crappy service.” “Carbonated yogurt with Seltzer.  It tasted like goat.” “Wow, it’s like Valley…

  • As Seattle has been one of the most talked about Lindy Exchanges out there, I pondered…who am I to pass up such a great opportunity such as this?  Apparently, about 200-300 people had that exact same thought.  or maybe some deviation of that thought.  or maybe it went along the…
