Author: Tommy
My friends say the darndest things. Thankfully, I usually have enough sense to capture them down and the put them on the internet.Now the latest quotes are updated at the top: Only funny if you live in Dallas: “there seem to be a lot of accidents…especially on the freeways that…
WARNING: This post links to some pretty graphic stuff. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. A while back, a friend of mine, Matt Musselman told an interesting story about how he was searching through some porn one day and came across one of his X-girlfriends. Pretty shocking, mind you. Well,…
Bonsoir tout la monde, A heck of a lot has been going on since last I posted. US has gone into war, Melissa and I took a vacation around Texas, my B-day, lotsa lotsa working. I could write about it all for a while, and I might but I’ve been…
The above conversation was an excerpt from a conversation I had with a drunk kid one recent Sunday morning when I told him that I told him I graduated from Tulane. (where he was studying) I then told him that he was a long way from home. Drunk people amuse…
One of the traits I feel I’m blessed with is the ability to laugh as most any situation. This comes especially in handy with bad movies. I’m not talking about Bad Movies like, “Waterworld” or “Toys“, but BADDDDD MOVIES like, “Jack Frost 2: Revent of the Mutant Killer Snowman“, “Tromeo…
New Years are always interesting times. Finding out that Dick Clark is still alive, people are coming off of the X-mas hussle and bussle, there are more drunks on the road, people are cheerier than X-mas, and of course, the opprotunity to clear off the slate and start new. Interestingly…