Category Archives: Backpack: Check.


Edinburgh is gorgeous. Although, a bit cold, even for this Coonass who likes it like that. Backpacking is an amazing experience where you get to learn a lot about yourself and other people. However, it does get a bit…well…lonely.

So, I went up to the bartender and told him about my problem: I’m here to visit Ireland and Scotland, but…I don’t drink beer. After a few shocked looks, and having to indeed verify that I was a Texan, he eased me into a decent cider.

I then struck up conversation with a Scotsman right next to me and we chatted for a while till I got drawn into this “Hen Party” (i.e. Bachelorette Party), where one of the girls was so Irish (i.e. drunk) that I think I introduced myself to her 3 times.

Europe is a great place. All it takes is saying you’re Texan, and then singing the first 4 notes to “Dallas” and you’ve got insta-friends. Tell them your uncle has an alligator farm, and they’ll never let you out of their sight.

I’m up bright and early now to head out to do a day trip to Loch Ness. Makes me wish I brought my squid shirt.

P.S. I went to bed early, and woke up to the sound of a girl coming into my bed room. (It’s a 6 person, dorm-style room with private curtains for each bed.) At first, I thought some lucky guy had made a friend and wondered if this would be more like college than I was hoping for. Then more women came in and I realized that I was the only guy in here. It’s an awkward experience hearing a woman undress knowing that she probably has no idea you’re there. Seriously.

Kamikaze UK

At some point, I’m sure I’ll actually get to see Europe. But currently, it feels like I’ve done nothing but travelling. 8+ hours by plane to London, 8 hours by bus to Edinburgh.

On my way here, I realized that it had been about 3 day since I last brushed my teeth…


Details and pics to make you hate me later.

Stick It To The Man Tour: Day 3 (StL -> Chicago)

Dressed up Chopper

Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

Escaped St. Louis w/o much incident. (I had no idea that STL had the “Bowling Museum” Crazy.)

Made potential buisness contact which could mean some major cizzash! w00t!

Unfortunately, this sickness which I’m battling with has proved to be more stubborn than me. So, on a Friday night, I’m staying at home, chilling, while the Capt and Joachim and a few other Chi-ites go out dancing. Much needed rest for Tommy.

Stick it to the Man Tour: Day 2 (Tulsa -> StL)


Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

After MUCH delays and suffering from an overdose of Orange Cone-age, we finally made it to St. Louis where I got to hang out with the lovely Miss Kim Massey. Who after a little bit of brain probing did remember me as her 2004 Dr. Feelgood.

While she was up on stage, we had some good banter, the one that stuck out in my head the most was:
Her: “I love you.”
Me: “I love you more.”
Her: “No, I love you more.”
Me: “No, I love you more. Deal with it.”

Our hosts Jen and Amy have been gracious enough to let us sleep in their guest bedroom. Which is currently occupied by their snake, that is more interested in shedding than playing host. Good times, yo. Good times.

Stick it to the Man Tour: Day 1 (Dallas -> Tulsa)

Kum and go

Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

Got to Tulsa. Highways here look like my kindergarden drawings. Hwy 75 turns to 69 then to Indian Turnpike to I-40, back to 75 and then to Creek Turnpike. Got lost, because I think I forgot to turn right at the spotted cow. Maybe he was grazing. Who knows.

Found out that PAGO! (My Mini Cooper) get 22 MPG at 100MPH, w/o even hitting 5,000 RPM. God, I love that car.

Only pic so far: The Kum and Go convenience store in Tulsa.

Officially named this the “Stick it to the Man” Tour, because I’m taking this trip while working “Out Of Office”. Fantastic.

Stick it to the Man Tour


Originally uploaded by _rebekka.

I was recently VERY annoyed by the process which I had to go to get the VPN software for my new iBook to let me into Nortel (my employer’s) network. Long story short: Since I’m on a Mac, I had to purchase from the company I work for, with my own money the software I needed to get into the Nortel’s Network. Downright crazy.

However, not to be knocked down, I’ve decided to take my newly purchased freedom (now I can connect to work from any Internet connection) and work “Out of Office”. You know, some place like…Denver. Or in this case, The Big Apple. (Thus the picture and the iBook. Now the circle is complete.)

The plan has fallen in my lap quite suddenly, and I’m going to be sacrificing a number of other opprotunities here, but it shall be worth it. Especially since I’ll be gone for 2 weeks, but only taking 1 week of vacation. (The Man has been properly stuck!)

–Snoopykiss is making even MORE of his friends jealous, day by day.


We’re so white!

Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

Ok, so I knew my car was cool. I mean, it’s a Mini Cooper. Decent gas milage, a stylish look, and “A Juicy Butt”.

But I had no idea that on Highway 2222 in Austin, I would find out how supremely badass my car is. Taking each turn 2-3x faster than those yellow blurs advised me to, I’ve been glowing this entire week. A full day at Six Flags doesn’t even comes close to how much adreneline was going through my body. I also finally broke it in at 103.

There was also some tubing and in Weyandt’s Army, I’ve been appropriately titled, “Private Button Pusher.”

–Snoopykiss’ car makes girls moist. In the good way.

Jazz Fest, babye.

Jazz Fest Logo Thingamabob

Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

Road trips are funny things. You never know what’s going to happen or where the conversations are going to go. Thankfully, between George, G and I, we were able to keep it going around one of my favorite subjects. No wait…two of them. And that’s awesome.

After a great day at Jazz Fest where I totally grooved on the Gospel Tent. There was also a B-day and other celebration party which involved lots of cool people and then a late night run to the French Quarter and closing down 3 bars, one right after the other. And some dancing on the pool table.

Day 3 involved being all nostalgic about Tulane while coming across some very interesting sidewalk musings. That and lunch with the family.

One of the most amazing parts for me was that for the first time ever, I actually wanted to stay. Most everyone has heard me complain about NO, but this time things were different. Or I was. Whatever. I enjoyed it immensely.

–Snoopykiss has a new roommie coming in! I better straighten up the place. And myself!

Vegas Expectations

I love it when my expectations of things get thrown away and then replaced by even mo’betta things.

Like going to see the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. Beautiful view of the city with a rollercoaster on top! How could you possibly have a better adventure than that? What if your cab driver opens up the coversation about how far your seat is with, “So, how’s your nuts?” And then proceeds to barely miss running over every pedestrian that gets in the way.

Crazy Driver Dude to Lee: “So, where you’re from?”
Lee: “Portland”
CDD: “Cool. Got some weed?”
*confused, “Did he just say that”-ish pause* “No.”
*swerve* *swerve* *Run redlight* *bank left on 2 wheels*
CDD: “Now we’re in the getto. Want some crack? Want some weed?”

Best $5 ride ever.

G and I also scored $500 vouchers because Southwest was overbooked and we volunteered to take a later flight. To celebrate, we got G dronk with margarita’s the size of our heads in the airport.

Other wacky antics involving Lee, Barb, G, Deb and Gabe ensued. G and I stayed an extra day and went to see a Cabaret show where I then got drug up on stage.

But the highlight of the weekend for me was climbing the 75 foot indoor rock climbing structure at Gameworks. Toward the top, I was starting to breathe really heavy and my hands were getting sweaty, but getting to the top was a complete personal victory. That and I’ve been craving it for quite some time.


— Snoopykiss has found himself a new level of peace. It’s Zen-tastic.