Category Archives: Blah Blah Blah

Care to imply a game?

Session Start ( Wed Mar 16 14:58:21 2005
Leigh: “I put my hand up on your hip and when I dip you dip we dip”
Tommy: “I get knocked down. And I get up again. You’re never going to keep me down.”
Leigh: “Pissin the night away”
Leigh: “I wanna lay you down on a bed of roses”
Tommy: “I would do anythign for love. But I won’t do that.”
Leigh: “how my poor heart aches… with every step you take”
Tommy: “Don’t break my heart. My achy-breaky heart”
Tommy: “Every Step you take. Every Move you make. I’ll be watching you.”
Leigh: “black cat, cadillac, baby meet me out back, we’re gonna boogy”
Tommy: “I’ve got a pink cadillac, it’s as big as a whale. And it’s about to set sail.”
Leigh: “Tin rrooff! RUSTED!”
Leigh: “Love shack, baybee love shack!”
Tommy: “Like a fiddler. On a hot tin roof”
Leigh: “with or without you”
Tommy: “And IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIeeeeeeeeeeee will always love…you.”
Leigh: “How do you solve a problem like Maria?”
Tommy: “And if you try sometimes. You just might find. You’ve got what you need.”
Tommy: “I am 13 going on 14.”
Tommy: err..”I am 28, going on 29.”
Leigh: TomTom.. “I think I LOVE you!”
Tommy: “Don’t go chasing waterfalls. Just stick to the rivers and streams that you’re used to.”
Leigh: “Go grease lightening, GO grease Lightening!”
Tommy: “AMERICA!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!”
Leigh: “Shut your F’in mouth , Unclse F’er!”
Tommy: “FAME! I wanna live forever!”
Leigh: “Dancing queen, young and sweet, ONLY 17”
Tommy: “Du hast! Dus hast mich!”
Leigh: “oh mamma, I’m in fear for my life from the long arm of the lawwwww”
Tommy: “I shot the Sheriff!
Leigh: “hang man in coming down from the gallow and I don’t have very long”
Tommy: “Signs signs..everywhere there’s signs”
Leigh: ” Bealzubub has a devil for a son!”
Tommy: “Cats in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon. Little boy blue ran away with the moon.”
Tommy: “Just like me…”
Leigh: “you’re the one!”
Tommy: “You’re not the only one. That can make me feel like thiiiiisss..”
Leigh: “I touch myself”
Tommy: “Big hands I know, you’re the one!”
Leigh: I heart you tommy

Still haven’t found what I’m looking for.

My life always seems to play itself out in themes. The current theme seem to be “Recovery.” Unfortunately, my week long excursion with the Lovely Miss Aya did not work out as I hoped it would. This coupled with a previous chagrin, has had me seek the Great Geek Wisdom of Ernst Leland Gibson IV, who replied: “Red Warrior Needs Time to Self Badly.”

So, after some much needed reflection time, I decided it’s time to rally up some old friends and go out dancing. This is as far as I got:

“Hello? Is Vivian there?”
“I’m sorry, but you just called the Cingular Wireless Store.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. We’re checking things out here and I noticed that the phone on display started ringing.”
“You’re kidding me?!” At this point, I can barely contain myself.
“Um. Ok.”
We then both have a good laugh and hang up, still laughing.

Even when Life doesn’t give you what you want, it has a funny way of giving you what you need.

P.S. NYE Pics are up!

–SnoopyKiss also needs some Snuggle-ual Healing.

I got game!

After a devastating blow to the ego, my mind will often wonder off into the dark land of depression and solidute, wondering if I’m doomed to have all of this potential inside me not be realized and appreciated.

It’s good to know that I’ve got it where it counts.

Interestingly enough, my Sinfest books just came in last night and I feel the need to snuggle up on my favorite 4 person beanbag, with some hot chocolate and the fireplace going and immerse myself in the stylistic drawings of one who’s Ego is as directed as mine.

Thanks Tat. And Thanks Aya.

–Snoopykiss would like to present his nominations for Best Supporting Role.

Once Times. Twice Times. Five times??

For the longest time, I waited for the world to change, so that I could be happier. I knew that I wasn’t happy where I was at, and my frustration was usually focused at external sources. I overcame that mountain and now people know me as “The guy that never not smiles.” What a great place to be.

But there was something lurking in the shadows, something that was later going to come back and bite me in the arse. That thing was the personal declaration of, “I’ve made it. I’ve gone through my growing pains. I get to be selfish now.” This ego driven mindset, had me take a number of things for granted. The biggest of which, was the pure love and devotion of one of the greatest ladies this world has ever produced. I lost that relationship, but I’m glad to have gained something even more important: The opprotunity to break my selfish cycle and reconnect with people again.

I’ve been asking myself and others how to do this, and what I’ve gathered for myself is that I’m going to find what I’m looking for through acceptance. Pure 100% “ain’t nothing wrong here” acceptance.
The good news is that there is nowhere else to look but towards myself.
The bad news is that there is nowhere else to look but towards myself.

On this quest to Know Myself and be the Best I Can Be ™, I’ve unexpectedly found someone who has already guided me towards being the person I want to be. I’m amazed at how much I’ve enjoyed the company of another person so late at night for so many nights in a row. I mean, aren’t 2AM phone conversations something you’re supposed to grow out of in college?

–Snoopykiss wants to grow up, but be a Toys R Us kid.

Deep Thoughts. By Tommy Falgout

After discovering some recently upsetting news, I asked two friends for some advice and counseling. I went into the conversation with much anger, frustration and sadness. I left with a new life goal and inquiry for myself.

Beforehand, there was lots of questions and confusion which is what had this all hit home, but here’s how it went.
Me: “But I feel like I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. Aren’t all girls looking for daddy?”
Male friend: “You said it right there in the beginning.”
Me: “What?”
Male friend: “Aren’t all girls looking for daddy?”
Me to Female friend: “What does a woman want?”
Female friend: “A Man.”

It was at this point, I new that I had a new goal for myself in life. It all made sense. It all came together. Now, it is time for me to change.

And so, I’ve done some reflection. What the heck DOES it mean to be a man? I’ve realized all sorts of outside influences have already tried telling me what that involves (Real Men love Jesus. Real Men don’t talk about their feelings. Real Men let go on 5…ish Real Men choose Bic.), but none of them fit.

Here’s what I’ve come up with so far. “What does a real man want? A Woman.” And finally, I can see the ying/yang of it all. And a whole lot more of my past makes sense now.

I now look forward the future. What changes are ahead for me? What will my next relationship be like?

–Snoopykiss n’est pas ton papa.

HTTP Referers

Aside from finding out how much traffic I actually get on this side, one of my favorite things to do is see how people discover this site. This is done by HTTP Referer logs, which I keep.

One of my favorites so far was something along the lines of a Google search on “squid sex”.

Some of the ones currently amusing me on the list are:

  • MSN search on wet naughty school girl pics
  • Nakes Yehoodies
  • Dallas Massage Girl Happy Ending
  • Hemaphrodite Stories
  • How Do You Know When Your Cherry’s Been Popped
  • Her Name Brooke Sugar Daddy

And a few other’s I’m afraid to mention.

–SnoopyKiss is worried about the people out there. And this is coming from a guy who licks people.

iTunes: From God to Gastly in 1 hour

Since I still hadn’t conquered my blues, I thought, “Hey! Maybe if I buy stuff, I’ll feel better.” I’ve heard women do that, so I decided to try it out for myself.

Here’s my progression:

  • Breakup -> Blues
  • Went shopping and found 2 DVD’s of Happy Tree Friends and cool new pants and shoe rack that I’ve been needings for about 2 years -> Happy
  • Got home and listened to Blues -> Blues
  • Put together shoe rack -> Productive
  • Watched Happy Tree Friends DVD -> Amused
  • Found KICK ASS “Break Up Songs” compilation on iTunes, which really hits the spot -> Elated!
  • Problem downloading songs via iTunes, chatted with friends -> Happy
  • Finally downloaded files with iTunes. Some files missing -> Irked
  • Found out iTunes won’t let me re-download music I’ve purchased. (Even when their software failed the original download.) -> PISSED!

I would go to sleep, but now I’ve got two very prevelant reoccuring thoughts in my head, “I HATE iTunes” and “la la LA LA LA”.

— SnoopyKiss will have interesting dreams tonight.

Would you like an apple pie with that?

I’ve got so many great taglines to use in my jorunals, but so little content. This latest one sparked my imagination after a fairly reenactment of this happened at the BK near my work.

Few things put me me in the holiday sprit. That’s one of them.

I’ve also been proud of myself as I’ve finally embraced the idea of doing my homework. Growing up in Louisiana, you usually couldn’t get me to go outside unless you tossed the computer out the window. And even then, that would be because I was attached to it. So, that I actually bought and USED a weed-wacker, is about as shocking as having Mushmouth replace Dick Clark and getting the countdown right!

I’m also excided as I will be getting a minion (read: Co-op) at work. Don’t know what else to say.

–SnoopyKiss just got professionally insulted, and feels honored.

P.S. After-hours blues party = Good, Good, Good, Better.

I’m Popular!

I went through my site stats today and found something amazing.
I had 140K+ hits to my site last year. January’s not even over and I’m almost at 10K hits, with 1100+ hits just today!

You love me! You really do love me! Or at least my pics…

–SnoopyKiss feels validated. But not like a parking ticket.

Happy w00t Year!

Last year, I resolved to: “Not make any New Years Resolutions.” I’m not sure if I either totally succeeded, or completely failed. So, this year, I decided to put some effort into this. About 2 minutes later, I sneezed and the feeling went away.

Due to a number of fortunate events in my life, I have found myself evolving and breaking out into those areas I have, for so long, ignored and passed over: Being a Normal Human Being.

  • Cooking: My first experience in this arena actually happened on New Years Eve Eve, where I completely surprised myself and Angelica with my ability to make a really good flank steak. These directions were provided in the new steak knives I got for X-mas.
  • Spending X-mas with the family: I didn’t tell my family I was going to Louisiana tuntil the last minute because the drive there makes me regretful of ever leaving Europe where one can drive 30 mph over whatever speed you think might be appropriate. God Bless Lee and his desire for adventure to spend X-mas with a bunch of coonasses. I also got to take a few cool pictures too!
  • Work on the house: I’ve LOOKED at new wallpaper. That should could for something.
  • Trying new dishes: From my new diet, I’ve been eating Oats long enough to know that they won’t kill me. Maybe asparagus won’t either.

I’m also really happy to say that I have fully recovered from the parties. I think I’ve apologize to everyone who deserved it too. 🙂