This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • After going through enough 100+ people parties, there comes a time where one realizes that there is a core group of people who are not just your party buddies, but people who you can really depend on. Those are the people I wanted around me for my St. Patrick’s B-day.

    It’s those people I wanted singing Happy Birthday in the loudest, off-key, deaf-tone, intentionally unharmonious, way possible. Ones that would give me Pinky, the Love Pig as well as show me the epitome of “ghetto wrapped”. Ones who know me and what I want, oh so well. (Thanks for the Mentos and shirt!) As well as ones who are so willing to help me “find something to bang” while making a joyful noise unto the Lord. And then give me a spatula to help with spankings.

    After much merriment and a very-welcomed day slept in, I was kidnapped by two awesome Denver Follows, and whisked off to Lindyfest in Houston. This consisted of a weekend full of the country’s best and intriguing instructors where I took a class called, “Learning to Dance to Soul Music” and even saw my friends compete in the American Lindy Hop Competition Regionals.

    Pictures forthcoming.

    –Snoopykiss needed that. In a good way. And a bad way.

  • Session Start ( Wed Mar 16 14:58:21 2005
    Leigh: “I put my hand up on your hip and when I dip you dip we dip”
    Tommy: “I get knocked down. And I get up again. You’re never going to keep me down.”
    Leigh: “Pissin the night away”
    Leigh: “I wanna lay you down on a bed of roses”
    Tommy: “I would do anythign for love. But I won’t do that.”
    Leigh: “how my poor heart aches… with every step you take”
    Tommy: “Don’t break my heart. My achy-breaky heart”
    Tommy: “Every Step you take. Every Move you make. I’ll be watching you.”
    Leigh: “black cat, cadillac, baby meet me out back, we’re gonna boogy”
    Tommy: “I’ve got a pink cadillac, it’s as big as a whale. And it’s about to set sail.”
    Leigh: “Tin rrooff! RUSTED!”
    Leigh: “Love shack, baybee love shack!”
    Tommy: “Like a fiddler. On a hot tin roof”
    Leigh: “with or without you”
    Tommy: “And IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIeeeeeeeeeeee will always love…you.”
    Leigh: “How do you solve a problem like Maria?”
    Tommy: “And if you try sometimes. You just might find. You’ve got what you need.”
    Tommy: “I am 13 going on 14.”
    Tommy: err..”I am 28, going on 29.”
    Leigh: TomTom.. “I think I LOVE you!”
    Tommy: “Don’t go chasing waterfalls. Just stick to the rivers and streams that you’re used to.”
    Leigh: “Go grease lightening, GO grease Lightening!”
    Tommy: “AMERICA!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!”
    Leigh: “Shut your F’in mouth , Unclse F’er!”
    Tommy: “FAME! I wanna live forever!”
    Leigh: “Dancing queen, young and sweet, ONLY 17”
    Tommy: “Du hast! Dus hast mich!”
    Leigh: “oh mamma, I’m in fear for my life from the long arm of the lawwwww”
    Tommy: “I shot the Sheriff!
    Leigh: “hang man in coming down from the gallow and I don’t have very long”
    Tommy: “Signs signs..everywhere there’s signs”
    Leigh: ” Bealzubub has a devil for a son!”
    Tommy: “Cats in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon. Little boy blue ran away with the moon.”
    Tommy: “Just like me…”
    Leigh: “you’re the one!”
    Tommy: “You’re not the only one. That can make me feel like thiiiiisss..”
    Leigh: “I touch myself”
    Tommy: “Big hands I know, you’re the one!”
    Leigh: I heart you tommy

  • Strange things are afoot at Chez Falgout. It started off with my web server eating through 3 different power supplies in 4 days before I gave up and decided to pay someone else to host my site. (Thus the new design for the somewhat observant.)

    And now my phone is having as much trouble finding service as a room full of Trekkies.

    BUT! My birthday is coming up and this is more than enough reason to start celebrating. Good friends and hot tubbing last night and dancing till my feet fall off for the rest of the week.

    I leave you with this limerick from my good friend Matt Weyandt who now knows why men pat each other on the back 3 times:

    There was once a man named Tommy,
    Whose mantra was “Be kind to the hotties!”
    The lassies did dig him,
    On the floor, he did spin them,
    Why else?
    Dancin’s his hobby.

    — Snoopykiss thinks you’re never too old to get spanked.

  • I love it when my expectations of things get thrown away and then replaced by even mo’betta things.

    Like going to see the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. Beautiful view of the city with a rollercoaster on top! How could you possibly have a better adventure than that? What if your cab driver opens up the coversation about how far your seat is with, “So, how’s your nuts?” And then proceeds to barely miss running over every pedestrian that gets in the way.

    Crazy Driver Dude to Lee: “So, where you’re from?”
    Lee: “Portland”
    CDD: “Cool. Got some weed?”
    *confused, “Did he just say that”-ish pause* “No.”
    *swerve* *swerve* *Run redlight* *bank left on 2 wheels*
    CDD: “Now we’re in the getto. Want some crack? Want some weed?”

    Best $5 ride ever.

    G and I also scored $500 vouchers because Southwest was overbooked and we volunteered to take a later flight. To celebrate, we got G dronk with margarita’s the size of our heads in the airport.

    Other wacky antics involving Lee, Barb, G, Deb and Gabe ensued. G and I stayed an extra day and went to see a Cabaret show where I then got drug up on stage.

    But the highlight of the weekend for me was climbing the 75 foot indoor rock climbing structure at Gameworks. Toward the top, I was starting to breathe really heavy and my hands were getting sweaty, but getting to the top was a complete personal victory. That and I’ve been craving it for quite some time.


    — Snoopykiss has found himself a new level of peace. It’s Zen-tastic.

  • In the persistent quest to better my dancing ability and fix my Overly Caucasion Syndrome, I attended the Paul and Sharon workshop this weekend. I picked up on all sorts of little tricks, moves and techniques, but if I had to say what concretely stuck in my mind (outside of the video of Laurie dancing) was that I finally know where to put my hand. And I’m sure all the ladies will love that.

    And of course, no Dallas dance weekend would be complete without the proper cramming of as many people as possible at my place. As a result, I got in a fair amount of hot tubbing, some great company and even leftovers!

    Amidst the active weekend, I was able to score tickets to my Kung Fu school’s Chinese New Year Celebration. Accompanied by the lovely Miss Erica, we now both know of some 10 year olds that could probably take me down.

    After a (probably better off) cancelled date to go rockclimbing, I picked up the wackiest game in my PS2 collection. Katamari Damacy. The point of the game is to amass crap by rolling on it. The more you roll on, the bigger you get; the bigger you get, the more you can pick up. Don’t try picking up that cow too soon, he’ll get angry. Make sure to gather enough small children. Then you can move onto a Pachincho Store. Or my personal favorite: A Giant Squid. Well worth the $20.

    –Snoopykiss needs a nap. But he’s going to Vegas, so don’t feel too bad.

  • 7 Marshmellows. 1 Mouth. 6 Fluffy Bunnies.

    All that with an interesting movie, friends, and hot tub popcorn makes a Tommy happy. Yarr!

    –Snoopykiss. The other white meat.

  • So, this weekend, I felt like disappearing and since I had a friend in Tulsa who was celebrating his B-day, I knew my destiny.

    4 hours and one speeding ticket after jetting from work, I found myself getting preped for a ballet with Teh Stella (Officially STELLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!), Chris and Sharon. On the way there, Stella and I were talking about some recent unfortunate events.

    Me: “Yeah, I know it sucks. But it’s one of those stages of loss. You know, Denial…Anger…Acceptance…Tossing Ferrets….”

    I don’t think that the world will ever know how funny that really was without going back in time and actually being there in the car. Sucks to be them.

    The thing about ferret tossing is that if you can throw away your animal cruelty concerns, this is really a great idea. First off, when you toss them from their hind legs, they make a nice ferris (ferret?) wheel spinny-action in the air. Plus, the resounding “THWAP” that they make when they hit the target is one of the most satisifying feelings one can get from a discounted pet store. The important part is that as much as you may want to help someone out, you cannot perform these actions for another. They must toss their own ferret.

    –Snoopykiss wants a pi step program.

  • Have I stressed enough how much I love my friends? My very diverse set of friends. Well, at least as diverse one can be while living in a city pretty much comprised of computer geeks?

    My good friend Mark had his 30th B-day party, and I was excited to see him and his husband, Dave, and their new house. It was a surprise theme where everyone was supposed to come dressed up in their favorite Rocky Horror or Disco outfit. I figured I was going to be the only straight guy there, but this would not be an unfamiliar situation to me. Regardless, Disco Stu made an appearance.

    After hanging out with Mark and his friends, and apparently blending in quite well, this one girl seemed affectionate, and we got to talking. Somehow age came up, and she wanted to know how old I was.

    “You’re 23, right? 25? Ok, maybe 21. *pause* Wait…you’re not 19 are you? You’re drinking. You can’t be 19. 21?”

    I held out for a while and then told her that I was 28 and she gave me a huge hug and said that I was so cute for 28. It then hit me, “She thinks I’m gay!!!”

    So, I had fun with this and have made a new friend. Who still doesn’t know if I’m gay or not. And for some reason…that cracks me up.

    –Snoopykiss is uni-curious.

  • Ok, not yet, but I’m getting there.

    I signed up at Master Lee’s White Leopard School where they teach Kung Fu and Tai Chi. And I’ll have to admit, I’m a little nervous. I’m not interested in learning a way to defend myself as I’ve learned how to avoid most of these situations through general awareness of my surroundings. Instead, I’m looking for to gain some mental and physical conditioning.

    Like all things that involve a large undertaking, I did lots of research. 5 different schools. Lots free sessions. No broken bones.

    I’ve also started coaching the Self Expression and Leadership Program at Landmark. But instead of mental and physical conditioning, I’m working on being more self-expressed, fun and connected to people. I’m also looking to expand my ability to contribute to people more. All in all, getting back to my good ol’ wacky, happy Tommy-self.

    Oh yeah, I’m supposed to be getting fishies too! Yea Responsibility!

    –Snoopykiss wants to know what love is. He wants you to show him.

  • Of course, thanks for everyone who helped organize this wonderous event. It kicked much arse! Unforunately, I had too much fun and my body’s making me pay for it now by being sick and stuff.

    Some of my favorite highlights were:

    * Riding the bull and doing a damn fine job of it, if I don’t mind saying. Video forthcoming.

    * Meeting up with my parents and other relatives at Cafe Du Monde and seeing the “No Funk For Tommy Team” and hearing my dad say, “You know, your mom doesn’t have to know, but I’m proud of ya.”

    * Getting a picture of me and my dad with me wearing my “Qui Est Ton Papa?” Shirt. Priceless.

    * Walking down Burbon Street, and biting on Erica’s neck, and then running into my relatives again. Ack! As Stella said, “You turned a deep purple.”

    * THE Blues Club

    * Going to The Blues Club with the gang and then getting my relatives and parents to go inside. Then showing off.

    * Watching my parents dance. This was pretty much THE highlight of my weekend. I can’t say how much that meant to me. It gave me an infinite number of warm fuzzies.

    * The smallest Room / Shower in the world.

    * Being a Marshall for the 2nd Line Parade. w00t! Free Umbrella!

    * The Matrix Posings with Sharon. Where’s those pics, G?!

    * Bowling Ball Dancing with Holly.

    * The Last Dance with Jasmine.

    Oh yeah, PICS ARE UP!
