Another month, another exchange. (Although that ratio is a lot lower this year.)
I’ve made many decisions in my now 28 years of life. Some have brought me great amounts of happiness, such as buying this house. Others…well, there’s a reason why I’m called SnoopyKiss. (Also realizing that a Variable Life Insurance Policy is not a worthwile investment for a Gen-X’er was another poor decision.) However, one of them will go down in my mental history books as being the wisest of them all. Staying in Denver those two extra days.
It wasn’t a quiet exchange. In fact, with all of the hundreds of pictures I took, you’d think that hardly danced a song. But I did. Mmm…Amber blues.
The Denver Exchange is a meeting of some of the best Lindyhoppers in the entire country. And not only are they good dancers…but they’re HOT!
So, why were those two extra days so great? Where else would I have gotten to compete in a cage dance competition, lindybomb the techno club upstairs with some sessy, sessy blues dancing downstairs, and have three women commandeer my camera to make a home video of “Why Tommy should move to Denver.”
And no, you can’t see the video.
And yes, it’s good to be the King.
Oh yeah. I got to pick out fetish wear for hotties.
—SnoopyKiss contemplates moving to Denver. But will they still respect me in the morning?
P.S. A few more shoutouts:
Kat, Jen and Amanda: God bless you and your fine arse slapping!
Kathy!!!!: Without you, I probably would have skipped out.