This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • Aside from finding out how much traffic I actually get on this side, one of my favorite things to do is see how people discover this site. This is done by HTTP Referer logs, which I keep.

    One of my favorites so far was something along the lines of a Google search on “squid sex”.

    Some of the ones currently amusing me on the list are:

    • MSN search on wet naughty school girl pics
    • Nakes Yehoodies
    • Dallas Massage Girl Happy Ending
    • Hemaphrodite Stories
    • How Do You Know When Your Cherry’s Been Popped
    • Her Name Brooke Sugar Daddy

    And a few other’s I’m afraid to mention.

    –SnoopyKiss is worried about the people out there. And this is coming from a guy who licks people.

  • Pop: Portland.

    Yup, that’s where I’m at right now. You steal my best friend long enough, I’m bound to fly up there and visit him. While waiting for my vacation to kick into 6th Gear, I’m listening to about the largest iTunes collection I’ve seen so far, and am in envy of Lee’s iPod. Sooon…After my new hardwood floor.

    Pop: Siblings.

    My sister (unflattering picture forthcoming), came to visit me with her rugrats and hubby. It was great seeing her again and make up for all of family time that we’ve missed out on. Another trip to 6 Flags was in order and I’ve learned that the power behind a woman with an expired ticket and determination can make it through those gates.

    Push, Pop: Europe canned.

    Soooonn…after hardwood floor and new kitchen.

    Pop: Midgets.

    TMBG concert: Good!
    Getting free tickets to Midget Wrestling in addition: Mo’ Betta!

    Shift: Perl

    I think I’ve been doing too much of it. I’ll leave that on the stack for another day.

    –SnoopyKiss thinks that he might have found the only job better than his curent one.

  • High school. 4 tortureous years, drenched in loneliness, angst and depression. Something I never wish to repeat. Amidst the teenage awkwardness, there’s supposed to be a night of freedom, a time of youthful revelry. This so-called Prom.

    A lot has happened in 10 years, and I’ve gained the ability to put the past where it belongs and live life fully. So, when these opprotunities to dredge up the past arise, it becomes a challenge to face my life nose to nose.

    So, I did it.
    I went to Prom.
    But this time, I could dance.

    –SnoopyKiss wants to give props, where props are due: Thanks Hannah, for starting this, Clint for hosting myself and Heather, and Nate and all others for organizing this great weekend!

  • It’s always great to learn something about yourself. Especially when it deals with your impact on other people. I just had a theory of mine soundly reinforced the other day: “If you want to get married, date me. Chances are, you’ll marry the next guy you date.”

    Thankfully, I end all of my relationships on good terms so I’m able to share the joy and encourage them on their way.

    I don’t think of this as a positive or negative, but rather a better after effect than my other friend who had the running joke, “After you date me, you turn gay.” We were all worried about how that was going to turn out when she started dating one of my Navy friends. They’re married now. With child. So, I’m guessing he enjoyed it.

    –SnoopyKiss wants a ring…A One Ring.

    P.S. Oh yeah, the blues party was yet another success. These are starting to become my new favorite types of parties to throw! Right number of people too.

  • It had been a while since my last Exchange, so when it came time for Tulsa’s, I knew that I had to be there. I also brought along Lee and Miss Heather who found themselves .

    On Size: No, LOLX was not a huge exchange, about 60 people or so. But with last year, I think that people were expecting something different.

    On Quality: One of the things I loved most about this exchange were the people. So many cool people to talk to, so little sleep had. One of my new finds was a Lounge covers of of NiN, Papa Roach, Disturbed and other “Angry White Boy Music “(tm).

    On Longevity: Arriving at 11PM on Friday and leaving 4AM on Monday, this gave us the maximum amount of Exchange for the minimal amount of vacation time (Read: 0 days).

    On Pillow Talk: One of my favorite moments was finally getting a chance to sit down with an old college friend of mine who I “ran into” while in Denver about 6 months ago. It’s always intriguing to converse with someone who knew you 8 years ago. That and compare “Halle Stories”. 🙂

    In Conclusion: For those that made it, I’m overjoyed to have spent a weekend with you. And those that missed, this may sound crude, but I’m glad you had your plans, as it wouldn’t have been the same Exchange if y’all crowded the place like a Tommy party.

    On playing favorites: Without a doubt. But a close second.

    Speaking of which…

  • The weekend that kept getting wackier still lives!

    It started with seeing an X and getting insanely jealous. That was later calmed down by attending The Angry Asian’s “Stereotypical Party”, where you come dressed up as the worst stereotype of your race. I was about to go home and mope until I was told that I couldn’t until I went to see “Madame Wong”. Boy, that was a good idea.

    The next day pushed my limits of stress and ability to deal with physical threats. These two unrelated “tests” involved gunshots from outside at 1:30, and later, an unwelcome visitor who burst into my bedroom in an outrage and had some very unpleasant and tramatic things to say. Thank God I was dressed.

    Throughout the numerous ordeals, I was brought back to sanity with the help of my amazing friends who don’t mind getting 4:30AM emergency phone calls from me.

    Today has been interesting as I’m finally getting a few week’s worth of laundry done, got a Thank You card from Barb and (OMG!) Mentos from Australia and New Zealand from about the coolest person on Earth!

    And then I got an SMS from Brooke. Now I know why she disappeared for so long. Maybe I should have left a “Tommy was here” in the closet.

    –SnoopyKiss can’t wait to settle down with some girl that won’t eat his Mentos.

  • Since I still hadn’t conquered my blues, I thought, “Hey! Maybe if I buy stuff, I’ll feel better.” I’ve heard women do that, so I decided to try it out for myself.

    Here’s my progression:

    • Breakup -> Blues
    • Went shopping and found 2 DVD’s of Happy Tree Friends and cool new pants and shoe rack that I’ve been needings for about 2 years -> Happy
    • Got home and listened to Blues -> Blues
    • Put together shoe rack -> Productive
    • Watched Happy Tree Friends DVD -> Amused
    • Found KICK ASS “Break Up Songs” compilation on iTunes, which really hits the spot -> Elated!
    • Problem downloading songs via iTunes, chatted with friends -> Happy
    • Finally downloaded files with iTunes. Some files missing -> Irked
    • Found out iTunes won’t let me re-download music I’ve purchased. (Even when their software failed the original download.) -> PISSED!

    I would go to sleep, but now I’ve got two very prevelant reoccuring thoughts in my head, “I HATE iTunes” and “la la LA LA LA”.

    — SnoopyKiss will have interesting dreams tonight.

  • The process for getting the absurd speeding ticket (65 on the Tollway) has been stretched out to the point where if these were gym shorts, they would no longer fit. I’ve failed to see any humor in the situation until I realized how much I loved the Internet, and how it was my friend.

    If you’re from Texas, you’ve probably heard the ads for I decided to take a risk and try it. There’s the occasional question to make sure you’re paying attention.
    (Ex: “When you come to a red light, you should:

    • A.) Stop
    • B.) Go
    • C.) Some other silly option.

    I ain’t lying. And if those questions are too hard for you, you can just hit the refresh button as the questions are random)

    In any case, I decided to take a few liberties with my Defensive Driving course and I think that the amusement value more than made up for it. (Note the Smirnoff Ice)

    With that said, I think that the timer on my last page is up, and I should return.

    –SnoopyKiss is also heartbroken. But don’t worry, he’s got some glue on backorder.

  • I’ve got so many great taglines to use in my jorunals, but so little content. This latest one sparked my imagination after a fairly reenactment of this happened at the BK near my work.

    Few things put me me in the holiday sprit. That’s one of them.

    I’ve also been proud of myself as I’ve finally embraced the idea of doing my homework. Growing up in Louisiana, you usually couldn’t get me to go outside unless you tossed the computer out the window. And even then, that would be because I was attached to it. So, that I actually bought and USED a weed-wacker, is about as shocking as having Mushmouth replace Dick Clark and getting the countdown right!

    I’m also excided as I will be getting a minion (read: Co-op) at work. Don’t know what else to say.

    –SnoopyKiss just got professionally insulted, and feels honored.

    P.S. After-hours blues party = Good, Good, Good, Better.

  • Another month, another exchange. (Although that ratio is a lot lower this year.)

    I’ve made many decisions in my now 28 years of life. Some have brought me great amounts of happiness, such as buying this house. Others…well, there’s a reason why I’m called SnoopyKiss. (Also realizing that a Variable Life Insurance Policy is not a worthwile investment for a Gen-X’er was another poor decision.) However, one of them will go down in my mental history books as being the wisest of them all. Staying in Denver those two extra days.

    It wasn’t a quiet exchange. In fact, with all of the hundreds of pictures I took, you’d think that hardly danced a song. But I did. Mmm…Amber blues.

    The Denver Exchange is a meeting of some of the best Lindyhoppers in the entire country. And not only are they good dancers…but they’re HOT!

    So, why were those two extra days so great? Where else would I have gotten to compete in a cage dance competition, lindybomb the techno club upstairs with some sessy, sessy blues dancing downstairs, and have three women commandeer my camera to make a home video of “Why Tommy should move to Denver.”

    And no, you can’t see the video.
    And yes, it’s good to be the King.

    Oh yeah. I got to pick out fetish wear for hotties.

    SnoopyKiss contemplates moving to Denver. But will they still respect me in the morning?

    P.S. A few more shoutouts:

  • Kat, Jen and Amanda: God bless you and your fine arse slapping!
  • Kathy!!!!: Without you, I probably would have skipped out.
