This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • Yet another weekend proving that I have the coolest friends this side of the universe.

    About 100+ people stopped by my house this Saturday to check out some amazing dishes. I was so happy to throw this party, that I even bought prizes for the winners!

    • The award winning receipes were:

    • Appetizer: Apple Happiness (Matt Musselman)
    • Entre: Grilled Salmon (Matt Weyandt)
    • Dessert: Sopaipilla Cheesecake (Eric Simpson)
    • Best of Show: Raspberry Brownie (Helen Cantril)

    I only wish I would have had the frame of mind to get pictures of the winners with their dishes. Instead, I was facinated by Sarah and her Jello-Shot Wedding Cake which boggled my mind in at least 3 different ways.

    Ahh…now off to Denver this weekend for more partying and a Birthday dance with the countries best follows!

    Amazingly enough, after 3 weeks of progress, Heather, Lee and I were able to get the walls and white boards in time for the party. With 2 hours to spare! Words can not express their coolness.


    SnoopyKiss knows that it’s good to be king.

  • I wish I had more to say about Lindy Gras right now, but it’s pretty late in the night (or early in the morning) and after postponing this post for so long, the vivid memories of dances and follows are quickly being replaced with Perl code.

    One speciality of this Exchange was that Heather and Lee got their Exchange cherry’s popped. I think they enjoyed themselves.

    The invitation for the 2nd Annual Food and Spirits party just went out, and I’m amped! I plan on this being a bit more subdued than the last one, but still a good time with great people that know how to cook. Or at least know how to pick out great spirits.

    –SnoopyKiss hates breakups.

  • I went through my site stats today and found something amazing.
    I had 140K+ hits to my site last year. January’s not even over and I’m almost at 10K hits, with 1100+ hits just today!

    You love me! You really do love me! Or at least my pics…

    –SnoopyKiss feels validated. But not like a parking ticket.

  • Another weekend, another party.

    This time, it was a bit more personal focused, than an all out, Crazy Go Nutz time. Some Okies thought that they could actually dance better than us, so by some miracle, they were actually able to follow directions and make it down to Dallas for the 2nd SmackDown.

    There were some pre-dance activities which involved me showing off my “mad shuffleboard skillz”, and Heather (#6; Double-Three; C; Casey; < Insert Personalized designation here >) schooling everyone in pool. And I don’t mean: Winning. I mean: Slack jawwed Okie still has 4 solids on the table as she sinks the 8 and gloats. It was like all out Pool-sodomy.

    Afterwards, there was a major good time at Party Central (Chez Falgout) involving some damn fine blues dancing and music, an interesting game of “I Never”, and a visitation from the local Police at 5AM.

    –SnoopyKiss thinks it’s time to give in and buy a professional steam cleaner.

  • Last year, I resolved to: “Not make any New Years Resolutions.” I’m not sure if I either totally succeeded, or completely failed. So, this year, I decided to put some effort into this. About 2 minutes later, I sneezed and the feeling went away.

    Due to a number of fortunate events in my life, I have found myself evolving and breaking out into those areas I have, for so long, ignored and passed over: Being a Normal Human Being.

    • Cooking: My first experience in this arena actually happened on New Years Eve Eve, where I completely surprised myself and Angelica with my ability to make a really good flank steak. These directions were provided in the new steak knives I got for X-mas.
    • Spending X-mas with the family: I didn’t tell my family I was going to Louisiana tuntil the last minute because the drive there makes me regretful of ever leaving Europe where one can drive 30 mph over whatever speed you think might be appropriate. God Bless Lee and his desire for adventure to spend X-mas with a bunch of coonasses. I also got to take a few cool pictures too!
    • Work on the house: I’ve LOOKED at new wallpaper. That should could for something.
    • Trying new dishes: From my new diet, I’ve been eating Oats long enough to know that they won’t kill me. Maybe asparagus won’t either.

    I’m also really happy to say that I have fully recovered from the parties. I think I’ve apologize to everyone who deserved it too. 🙂

  • Wacky antics ensued.

    I want to shout out to a few people who helped make this last party such a huge success:

    • DJ FU! Who kept the tunes raging and the people dancing from 8PM-2AM.
    • The Tommy Support Team: You know who you are and what you did. This party was a hit and kept on going because of your efforts. I’m blessed to have y’all as friends.
    • The Cleanup Krew: Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies. And there were a few there to move.
    • Everyone and anyone who contributed to the party.

    Now to go crawl under a rock for a while…

    Oh yeah, the pics are up. And no, not THOSE pics.

  • So many great games out there. So little time to play. Lee tells me about Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and how great it is, how I should play it; however, I’m pretty sure that I’ll never finish it.

    On Saturday, tho, the Heavens and the Earth will collide in an EPIC moral battle beyond all expectations. No-Pants Santa’s gonna be there.

    –SnoopyKiss wants somebody to love. Don’t you want somebody to love?

  • Too many things have happened since I’ve last posted for me to describe in any great length, so here’s the 5 minute ramblings:

    • Most of the Falgout Family came into town to visit. I even got Charles, my nephew, to come out dancing. I never knew I could have so much fun pimping out my own nephew for dancing. 🙂
    • Had Thanksgiving dinner with my family…at IHOP…at 9AM before they left for Cut Off.
    • Got stuffed into a closet. *snicker*
    • After two weeks of no returned calls from Brooke, finally heard from her on Thanksgiving day. We talked about what happened and how I didn’t hear from her in such a long while. She promised to call me…a few days later: still haven’t heard back from her.
    • I’m STOKED about the Naughty or Nice party coming up on the 20th. It’s just less than 2 weeks away and I’ve already got 40+ people confirmed. There’s gonna be prizes, a DJ, a Blues room and a visit from No-Pants Santa!
    • I finally took a non-Lindy Exchange trip! Goddess Kathy found me cheap-ass tickets to Denver which I could not pass up, so packed up some warm clothing and jumped my butt over to Colorado. It’s there that I met a whole bunch of Yehoodites I’d talked to before and most amazingly, Jen Hohnstein! Some might have heard my “First Kiss” story (aka, “Tommy, I’m so drunk I can’t find your mouth.”), well Jen was an instigator of that immortal night. After her Freshman year of Tulane, she dropped off the face of the Earth and I ran across her while dancing in Boulder! I even got to play with myself!
    • I got a new girlfriend. Long brown hair and blue eyes. I know that they care; because, it shows in my call log. His name’s Rob. 🙂 Sorry Christine, but I found him first! He knows how to make me do “Man Swivles.” (Just kidding mom!)
    • My Strong Bad CD came in…and I’m so glad the Cheat’s not dead.
    • What’s one to do when you’ve been living in your house for over 2 years and a package comes for the previous owners that got shipped back due to a Custom’s failure?
  • One of my small pleasures in life is the art of subtle humor. My friend Matt Mussleman is the supreme king of such humor. I, on the other hand, tend to keep it to myself and many times too obscure or bizarre. For example, one of the servers I created at work is named Tatu, also one of the tools I wrote generates logs named TPS reports. I bond instantly to anyone to pick up on it.

    I’ve decided to name my latest server “w00t”, my new desktop will be “yarr” and I’ve already got a “pago”. Unfortunately, as I write this, I’m at work fighting with Yarr and w00t. Thus producing a bunch of other four letter word exclamiations, but thankfully, most everyone is either gone or doesn’t speak English and is using a vacuum cleaner.

    On a side note, the last time I really heard anything from the Aforementioned Brooke was right after she posted a comment on my site. Maybe I’ll hear from here again. 🙂

  • On many different levels.

    One of which was that I didn’t even notice that my site’s been down for quite some time because my ISP (Comcast) changed my IP w/o me knowing. Therefore, didn’t resolve. If you don’t find this funny, ask a techie. If the techie doesn’t find this funny…well, it’s probably not. But hug your techie anyway; because I’m sure he would enjoy it. (Hmm…Hug A Techie Day.)

    The other level is that I promised myself to post whenever events happen. Probably one per event. As of my last entry, there have been enough events to overwhelm a freeze-dried turkey. So, I shall summarize:

    Austin Lindy Exchange – Dancing, dancing, dancing and more dancing. At some point I slept. Oh yeah! And I had 3 women staying at my house! We even made shirts. Tommy’s Bordello. I felt so special.

    Halloween Party #1 – Unbeknownst to me, I had tickets to go see the Plano Rep’s Chicago that night. I went to a costume party where Disco Stu was accompanied by the likes of Angie the Carpenter and Greg the Cholo (sp?). It is here that I met who was awesome enough to sing some Janis Joplin for me outside.

    Halloween Party #2 – Helen and FWSWS threw a Dance with a live band, costume and even a birthday party for Mistress Helen who was spawned on Halloween, a few years go. My class was also there! Sidenote: I’ve never been so self-conscious in my life than when sitting in a Greyhound bus station for an hour while wearing my Sugar Daddy PJ’s. Afterwards, went to Weyandt’s party which was an event and a half.

    Halloween Party #3 – Rocky Horror. I could go into that some more, but my mom reads this site at times.

    After a particularly unfortunate Hallowween ending, involving a miscommunication between friends, I feel that karma smiled down upon me (that is if karma would have the properties of a face and muscles to make such a movement). And presented a gift which I have been reveling in ever since. The aforementioned Brooke. (Who a number of my friends are starting to doubt the existance of because due to some reason or another has been unable to join me on none, but one of my social expeditions thus far.)

    Oh yeah! My new Treo 600 came in and I’m once again, like a giddy school girl playing with my new toy. I only wish I wouldn’t have dropped and scratched it on the concrete last night. (“That didn’t take long.”)

    Now to prepare for Movie Night. Yarr!

    –SnoopyKiss now believes in Karma.
