This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • At one of my last parties, I realized
    that I had thrown enough parties designed to get wild and meet lots
    of cool people. I wanted to do something new. Something with a
    bigger purpose in mind. Something that would leave people with warm
    fuzzies. Something…for the children.

    So, I started spreading the word about
    people auctioning items off and donating the proceeds to charity.
    People seemed genuinely interested in the idea and had lots of
    creative ideas. So, I went for it. I planned the party the weekend
    after the St. Louis Exchange and I knew that it was going to be
    awesome. A few setbacks occurred, like getting sick during the
    exchange which had lasting after-effects that kept my throat in a
    constant state of dry-coughing hoarseness.

    Thankfully, with the help of the best
    man in the world, Lee
    , I knew that nothing would get in our way. From the
    beginning, Lee was the backbone of this operation. From coming up
    with the name: “Tommebay”,
    to designing the website,
    to designing the “I
    Gave Stuff
    ” and “I
    Bought Stuff
    ” stickers, to auctioneering,
    to building the hot-tub steps in the 13th hour, this man’s
    presence reigned supreme over the party.

    It would take forever to go over all of
    the magical highlights of the party; however, in brief, some were:

    By the time the 3rd and last
    set of auctioning was done, (1:30AM) everyone was in high spirits and
    Lee announced that had raised $1695 for charities. At that point, my
    heart froze.

    I knew that we were going to make some
    money. I knew that we were going to help some people out. I knew it
    was going to be a good time. If we raised, say, $400, I was going to
    be happy. But 1.7K?!?!

    I’m very honored to have been blessed
    with such cool people (with deep wallets. 🙂 ) to be able to pull
    this off. There’s been mention of doing this again. Definitely.
    Just let my my house recuperate for a while, ok?

    –Tommy is feeling the warm fuzzies

    P.S. I think that this must have
    earned me some karma points, because I got pulled over for speeding
    coming back from Movie
    and got off with a warning. 🙂

  • Apparently, it was that time of the month for me. I was a bit late; however, that was ok; because I was able to resolve some personal issues since the last time. And once it happened, it was a big relief for me. I was starting to get really worried.

    The St Louis Blues Exchange proved to be an amazing time. It ended on a bad note for me, (i.e. sick as a dog) but I have never has such high spirits with so low of an immune system. For this exchange, I joined forces with some of the other Dallas-ites (Greg, Helen (Yes, even though she lives in Ft. Worth, she’s considered a Dallas-ite.) and Andre) going to STLBX.

    We rented a car and headed over to the “Un-Cruise” Dance of the evening. We were supposed to be cruising up and down the Mississippi River, but alas the propeller was broken. On a positive note, the bartender provided some extra liquid happiness to make up for it. I got to see the Arch, tho. So, I was quite happy.

    Little by little, I started seeing people that I recognized from previous exchanges and St. Louis was becoming more and more like home to me. After the cruise, I begged everyone to stop by a White Castle for their tiny burgers which I had never had before. Andre warned me that it was toxic waste. I should have listened. Then, we headed to the late night event at Fusion Dance Studio where Helen slept in the Car and I refused to give up until the DJ was done (~4AM) We traveled to our hosts place where we amazingly enough didn’t wake her up because she’s an Mech. E. student who was up late working on homework with her beau, Ro. She let us in and I slept like the dead.

    Rob, the X-local, pointed us to some amazingly tasty BBQ and I even discovered a poster from back home in the window of a Fish market. We also ran into some other Lindyhoppers and tried some imaginative blues dancing with cell-phones (Greg’s phone had the best advice which was to keep “Looking for Service” .). We then jumped off to the first Friday Dance, where I realized how naked I feel without my camera. Between dances, I shot back to our hosts place and got there in time to watch the wacky antics of combining mini-tricycle races, dancing and roller-skating all in one package. Back to sleep at 5AM. One guy was even lucky enough to say, Ahhh…I have women at my feet.

    I woke up bright and early (Read: 11:30 AM) to go to the Blues Dance Workshop which I hope will make a huge difference and look forward to taking back to Dallas. After the class, which was done near a fountain with a beautiful backdrop of the St. Louis Arch, we decided to jump in the fountain and see what happens. Well, we got wet. Lotsa wet. But thankfully, no one ever fell down. One thing that will never cease to amuse me is how 50 people can be dancing in a fountain, but the moment it starts raining, they will run like rabbits for shelter. The rain continued to greet us, and we remained determined to last this through. In the end, we won.

    One bathroom induced shower later, we were off to The City Museum where, yeah, it was for kids, but HOLY COW, I had too much fun. I think I danced maybe 5 songs, and ran around with my camera and my youthful psyche for hours. There were dozens and dozens of places to crawl through, get stuck and take pictures of. There were airplanes to crawl through. Old, old comic books. Things to pet. 3 story slides. Big Galoot Underwear. Toys. Lots and lots of toys. I can’t wait to get back there once their 10 story slide is operational!!! Oh yeah, and some good dancing and a nice massage.

    Before the late night, a few of us went to Have a Nice Day Cafe where we Lindy-bombed the place. And then off to Late Night where I was starving, but didn’t want to stop dancing. Although, some people wished that I would have.

    Moooree sleeeeppp…

    By this time, I feel as if I’ve done enough exercise, that I can properly treat myself so a grease-ball burger from Rally’s. One of my favorite burger places back in college which doesn’t exist here in Dallas. So, Greg, Rob and I pigged out before starting our dances at the History Museum which contains the famous Spirit of St. Louis. It’s also here that I grew a new appreciation for my last name. I could be more funke, but I’m proud to be a Falgout. Because I could be something else.

    Apparently, St. Louis also has a high Catholic population. So much so that they have their own Catholic Supply store. Apparently, you can actually buy a Savior. Before we started the final late night of the weekend, some of us went to the grocery store for snacky-treats. This lead to more food dancing…and even some food dancing affairs!!! Also some naughty Austin Exchange Paddle pics. Everyone wanted to get involved. And Diva Jeff putting up a great show. The late night also had some structural beams which lead to a few interesting moves. Plus I got to hang out with some cool froods and even some drunk ones.

    By this time of the night, I was dead. My body, totally exhausted. My immune system, left for Istanbul, leaving me feeling like I just got run over. However, what also really made my day was coming home, and giving my roommate some money and having him come back with exactly the type of milk I like, OJ with extra Vit C and E for immune pump-upping, Aleve and oats for my breakfast. He’s the shitz-bomb-diggity.

    To summarize. STLBX: Good. Mark: Good. Not taking care of immune system: Bad. I give it 4 and a half “Yarrs!” The only thing I was hoping to get out of the exchange that I didn’t was to work my balance issue. I guess I’ll have to go back next year to get it rights. Sucks to be me. Yeah, I know. 🙂

    –Snoopy Kiss is ANXIOUSLY looking forward to the Auction Party.


    Imagine my shock when I got a short message from my mom with the above link asking me to check it out for a surprise.

    For those that have read the entire article, I’ll let you know that it’s true. Yes, some of my uncles hunt alligators, and one has even bitten my dad on the hand. And a nasty scar, it did leave. Apparently, my Uncle Bill on my mother’s side joined in on fun that same hunting trip and found a friend. They also got an 11 ½ footer.

    Growing up in Cut Off, I knew that no one in their right mind would have ever heard of my hometown. However, as I’m venturing out and meeting more people, I’m surprised to find that it’s not as obscure as I previously thought. At least…not since “she” made it popular. (And no, I don’t think I know her. I might be related to her and might even recognize her better when I see her, but not offhand.)

    Some people ask if I ever miss Cut Off, and will want to move back. Sternly, I tell them “NO”. Growing up there and everything that happened has molded me into the person I am today, for which I’m grateful. But being allergic to your entire hometown? I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Ok, maybe one person.

    –Snoopy Kiss is feeling kinda nostalgic…Ok, it’s gone now.

  • After taking enough trips for dancing/swing related events, I decided to do something completely different: Accept an invitation to go to Baltimore/Wash. DC to see a wedding of someone I had never met before, a friend of an x-girlfriend. And get some dancing in, if I’m so inclined.

    As you might know the x-gf in reference is Melissa, the only girlfriend who matched the “area code” rule Lee and I created. (My mobile’s 214, so close enough.) We parted on good terms and have kept in touch.

    I had always seen pictures of the beautiful spread out houses of New England and was delighted to see that unlike my neighborhood, you could walk out your front door for more than 10 straight steps and not be on the road. These people had yards! I mean REAL yards. Ones with more than 50 blades of grass. And hills! And REAL houses. Not ones that have some floorplan as 20 other houses in the same 1 mile radius.

    While doing touristy stuff there, I saw the Baltimore harbor, had a deee-licious crab cake and observed some of the local marine life. Afterwards, a Asian wedding was to be had and if you know anything about Asian weddings, you know that at the end, you won’t be hungry for days. I partook of a 12 course meal, that went on for hours. Thankfully, I shed that shyness layer a while back and I was able to socialize with a bunch of people I’d never met before and even walked out with a small gift!

    I also did some dancing. Well, I tried, but the music was too fast, and definitely not to my style. I only danced with 3 people the entire night. One of which was a woman who used to live in Austin and was in desparate need of some Texas style dancing. (which I was already missing) I hung out with some of peeps afterwards, and although they were cool enough (they started writing funny sayings on the Equal and pink stuff), the guys definitely don’t treat outsiders as well as I’m accustomed to. (“Hey Texas. Go get me some more sugar packets.”)

    The next day I got to play around on a carousel and witness Contra dancing. And then ahhh….back home to Dallas where I’ve been running around like a crazy person with his head chopped off…but still with all of his motor functions. Err…nevermind. In any case, I’ve been busy and am finally getting a chance to journal this.

    — SnoopyKiss likes the dancing in Dallas, because DC’s too fast. And the people are cooler too. Those kids and their damn fast music.

  • A while back, my good frirend Teel told me about this place called
    Kerrville. Being somewhat perceptive, I noticed that Teel seemed to like
    this place a lot. A LOT. Like A LOT, A LOT. No really. More than that.

    After finally letting my mind accept the fact that if I went to the
    Kerrville Music and Wine festival, I would have to be camping the entire
    weekend, possibly w/o showering. I did enough of that back as a kid to know
    that it’s not my cup of tea, coffee, beer, or soy protein drink. However,
    feeling adventurous and curious, I decided to jump in.

    I would say that I got more than I expected, but how can you really expect
    something like Hippies named Shaggy, sampling and passing out numerous Texas
    wines, skinny dipping and staying up till 5AM with about 20 other people
    listening to lots of folk music and comtemplating life?

    Without a doubt, my favorite part of the weekend was being on wine duty,
    where people would give someone else a dollar for a ticket and then give me
    a ticket for “a taste” of wine. The quotation marks are because as I
    “tasted” the wine myself, my “tastes” got bigger. For both me and the
    ticket holders. It was a win/win situation. Except that I was on a red
    wine table, and I strictly prefer sweet white wine. But that just meant I
    got to make friends with … uh, um … some vinyard that had a really good
    traditional Reisling. Man, I wish I remembered who it was. Mind you, snake bites can be pretty nasty.

    There was also a wedding!

    By the time it was over, I was sleep deprived to the point where I was seeing things, stinky and having problem
    comprehending the English language. All the signs of a good time.

    — Tommy now thinks that hippies are cool!

  • While I was at Kerrville, I did some pondering. And some stream of consciousness work. It’s amazing what will come out of your head at 5AM.

    These are the days, right? The days where I’m to roam the Earth, footloose and fance free, right? The days where the World is at my fingertips, I’m experimenting and the only thing stopping me is my finite amount of finances.

    Yes, these ARE the days.

    Don’t tell me when it ends. I had to work hard to get to this level of blissful ignorance. I don’t want to know.

    As a kid, I thought I’d be married by now. Probably struggling to make ends meet and saving up to by a house. My best friend, my spouce.

    Reality check: I’m two years past that date, my best friend is a rocket scientist and I’ve already got the house. No struggles either. Sometimes I wish that I had someone to share all this with; however, since I’m not with them now I assume that I’m not ready.

    …abruptly ended because I needed sleep…

    + ,
  • There are those things that you can shake off, given enough time and perseverance. They’re usually things pertaining to your ego, identity or self-esteem. However, there are things that you hear or see that stay with you. Things that you keep replaying in your mind in such a way that it does nothing to invoke a deep sense of helplessness upon you.

    Hearing that Charles, my nephew, is in the hospital after undergoing epileptic seizures is one of them.

    I got the message from my mom today, and immediately called her back.
    Apparently, he went through some last night, was sent home from the hospital
    a few hours later, and then started having some more again. They had a
    pediatrician come in and he said that Charles is hitting puberty, and this
    sometimes happens
    . Never heard of that before, but Hey…he’s the one that
    knows children better than me.

    I’m still in shock over everything, as this is the first immediate family
    emergency I’ve experienced (Grandparents excluded). I’m sure that he’ll be
    ok, but there’s always that off-kilter feeling you get after hearing news
    like this.

    What makes this all the more creepy for me is that I was thinking about his
    yesterday and how I’d enjoy having him come to Dallas and we could spend some more time together.

    — Tommy just wants everything to be OK.

  • Ok, I’m upset. Pissed. Fuming. Raging. Why you ask?

    Because I just dropped and screwed up one of the most expensive pieces of equipment I have here at my house. My near, dear and precious camera.

    I invited my good friend Audra and Joe to come over and drop Montgomery (the 3 foot pig) as I took pictures of it with the paddle. Audra, being the great person she is, drove long and far to come deliver the pig back to me and as I went to pick up my G3, it slipped out of my hands and went crashing hard onto the concrete, smashing the lens frame and now it won’t even close properly. Grrrrrrrr….

    To make matters worse, I spent some time working and upgrading my website and now Lee’s gallery doesn’t have any albums in it. It’s got pictures, but you can’t get to any of them. I think I need to stay away from anything regarding digital photography now.

    — Snoopy Kiss really, really, really, wants that “Rewind” button on his Camcorder of Life right now.

  • Oh yeah..I forgot some of the quotes that I either overheard or instigated during the exchange:

    • “Let the a$$ slapping begin!”
    • Our waitress at Minnies – “Our food is really great, which is surprising considering the crappy service.”
    • “Carbonated yogurt with Seltzer.  It tasted like goat.”
    • “Wow, it’s like Valley girl meets caveman:  Dude…ugg…dude!!…ugg..”
    • “So, you’re a fish snob?””I prefer to call myself an fish-anadio”
    • “I hope that’s blood.”, After slopily eating a steak.
    • “You’re going to like what I’m wearing tonight.  Bring your Extra brain.”
    • “What?!  You ate her danish and you didn’t even know her name?!”
    • “What makes you think I’m wearing underwear.”
    • “We need to start the rumor that all Jews are good dancers.””So, when a girl says ‘Good Dance.’, I should say, ‘Thanks, I’m Jewish.’?”
    • “I don’t need a push-up bra.  I need a push-in.”
    • “Which one is Solomon?””He’s the one that looks like Harry Potter grown up about 10 years.”
    • “Swing dancing is great.  There you are listening to great Jazz and grooving with hot women….some of which ride motorcycles.”
    • “He just gives women the look and they come dance with him.””A little big of tongue helps too.”
    • “Smirnoff Ice?  I haven’t sold that to a guy before.”

  • As Seattle has been one of the most talked about Lindy Exchanges out there, I pondered…who am I to pass up such a great opportunity such as this?  Apparently, about 200-300 people had that exact same thought.  or maybe some deviation of that thought.  or maybe it went along the lines of “Wow, there’s going to be some kick’arse women/men there!”  (Including the infamous Skadoo) or “Hot Damn!  I feel the need to dance to some 200+ bpm song while totally experiencing the whole tribal rhythym.”  or maybe it was just subconcious that anyone who is anyone should be there.  It was all of that and a bag of really finely cooked salmon.


    Hosted by the lovely, talented, and sexy Mrrree and her beau Jeremy, I was able to browse the finer locations of Seattle, from their balcony.  Completely, on a whim, on Thursday night, I attended a performance workshop by Zah-Zu-Zay (2002 American Lindy Hop Championship winners) which we later performed that night.  I was also “properly introduced” to the Meghan/Mrreee combo of Seattle fame.  After some food and going through my 3rd or 4th wind, I was ready to crash.  Which, I did.  Quiet successfully, I might add.  The next morning, another Dallas-ite, Heather Leigh Smith, and I went roaming around downtown Seattle for some dancing with the local band “Dusty 45’s“.  Later on…there was more dancing.  And even after that…even more dancing.


    Next few days…guess what?  More dancingRandom blues-ing. There was also some beach side activities and cutting up that happened about every time I heard someone scream out, “Tommy!  Come over here…and bring your camera!”  Oh yeah…lots of good naughty-ness with the Austin Lindy Exchange paddle.  We also got to visit the famous Pike’s Fish Market.  One of my favorite dances was in the heart of Seattle, where some “Got Milk?” advertisement campaign tried setting up a concert across the street from us, but they only lasted 30 seconds, because they knew that they couldn’t compete with the entertainment provided by 200 people from all over the world (Including France and Australia, let alone 6 people from Texas!).  That place is also where I think that I got the best picture of the exchange.  It’s also where Will finally got to invoke his revenge on an old water fight from the Salt Lake City Exchange.  Thankfully, Melissa’s a good sport.
