This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • As some might have noticed, my site has been down for a while. This seems to happen right after exchanges. Which is, of course, the worst time for it to go down since I’m ready to start posting pics ASAP for all to see. Hopefully, I will have the Seattle Exchange pics up by tonight for your viewing pleasure.

    In the meantime, if you’re looking for the story of the Snoopy Kiss, here ya go. This is Lee’s account. I plan to have mine up soon enough.

    — Feeling refreshed. Could be the 11 hours of sleep I got today.

  • Earlier this week, I found out that one of my favorite bands, “The Avalances
    was playing at the Red Jacket on Friday.  “Oh my Gosh!  I’ve gotta get all
    my friends together to partake in this grand musical concert.”  So, I squandered
    up my friends “Lee”, John, Eric and Bill.  Part of the core gaming group
    that gets together at either my or Bill’s parents house.

    Anyway, most of the group meets at my house and we pile into my Saturn for a quick trip to “The Jacket“. 
    We sit back and have a good time with some cheap drinks only to hear those
    dreaded words, “The Avalanches will not be playing tonight.” 

    NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!  You people have no idea how much I’ve been waiting
    for this.  How much I’ve been anticipating this!  How much effort into making
    sure that my butt was inside the Red Jacket
    so that I can get primo stage viewing for the only concert that I’ve ever
    took an active role in organizing a group to go see!  Gahhhh!

    Thankfully, I was with friends.  Not just any friends, but friends that
    I KNOW that I will have a good time with…no matter where we are.  So, we
    decided to go see “Signs“, the new M. Night Shyamalan
    flick. (What’s cool is that he is a major character in the film.)  We showed
    up 5 minutes before it started.  Which is very interesting, because a large
    portion of the movie was about what type of person are you:

    • Someone who believes that luck is just luck or
    • Someone who believes that everything happens for a reason.

    I, myself, am a person who believes that everything happens for a reason.  Now, I don’t know why the Avalanches
    show was cancelled, but I admit that I had a GREAT time tonight.  And I also
    believe that everything worked out so that we could see the very last showing
    of “Signs” at Cinemark that night.

    Now I don’t know if my belief is “The Truth
    or whatnot, but I do know that it gives me hope.  When things aren’t looking
    so well, it’s good to believe that there’s some reason that it’s happening. 
    Besides, I don’t think anyone knows “The Truth“,
    therefore, you’re just making it up from your perspective.  Might as well
    make up something that will forward you.  And believing that everything happens
    for a reason does keep hope alive for me.

    With that logic…you’re reading this for a reason.

    Know why?  I don’t.  I just have faith that you are.

  • I’ve
    always known that I’m surrounded by some of the greatest people on Earth.
    I think that God has blessed me in many ways by providing me with friends
    that care for me deeply and will support me eternally. This weekend, I got
    to be a Groomsman in the wedding for one of those people that I hold very,
    very high: Jeromy McDerment.

    Jeromy and I were Sophmore roommates back in my zany days of college.
    During that time, I was off persuing my own ways, trying to figure myself
    and my life out; meanwhile, Jeromy was a strong Christian influence on me
    which was unwavering and never-ending brotherly love. He and his brother
    Cliff, and Cliff’s wife, Brooke, always amazed me at the amount of pure love
    and respect they had for each other. They don’t know this, but they were
    my idols back in college. Jeromy and I always used to kid about who the
    other people was going to marry and about our futures. (Ahem…Annette McDerment!)
    And now I got to see this lucky girl who Jeromy asked to be his wife. I
    first found out about Cathy when Jeromy told me that he was engaged. I knew
    that they were perfect for each other after seeing this picture of them.

    Now onto the wedding:

    I carpooled with some of Jeromy’s current friends and one of my old Tulane buddies,
    Aaron Kirtley. (One of the smartest men I know, who just finished MIT graduate
    school and knows at least 3 languages and is a very humble and pleasant person.
    Pretty good for someone who also looks like Matt Damon.)
    We caught up and had lunch together at the mall where we discovered the freaky
    chicken guy. (Some white guy who wore lots of makeup, had dreadlocks which
    he wore up while some dreads beaded down his white beret.) We got to the
    hotel to discover they had Krispy Kreme
    right across the street. My taste buds were more than happy to take some
    free samples and eat some for breakfast, dinner and lunch the following days.
    After the rehersal and rehersal dinner, I crashed after getting only 2 hours
    of sleep in the last 48.

    The wedding went almost flawlessly, except for the limo driver who didn’t know what he was doing and passed the church on more than one occasion.

    Here’s some pictures from the wedding:

    One of my favorites: The bride and groom getting heart shaped sugar-paper tossed at them.

    After the wedding, the two of them couldn’t keep their hands (or lips) off of each other. We then went to this beautiful park
    to take some pictures. Come to find out, we weren’t the only ones to have
    that idea. There were about 5 other bridal parties taking pictures at the
    same park that time. Some of them apparently had a hard wedding and needed
    to help loosen up. Some people were also fishing at the park and caught a biggie. Jeromy learned that if you ever need support, to just call on your friends.

    Following the picture taking was the reception. Were the women had their hands up most of the time either catching stuff, or doing the YMCA. And of course, what would be a wedding w/o the ceremonial wrapping of the groom’s car. Maybe I should get out of the way.

    The next day I went to Niagara Fall’s
    with some of Jeromy’s buddies and we had a good time talking about the follys
    of life, Krispy Kreme, women and of course…how to meet them. The best
    thing we could come up with was following in the footsteps of this one guy
    who we saw walk past us with a T-shirt that said, “Available.” How much
    easier could it get except for adding your phone number to the back?

    Needless to say, Niagara Falls
    was breaktaking. I forget how many gallons of water flow over each minute,
    but it was some number larger than my bank account. Oh, and here’s something
    I didn’t know. Niagara Falls is actually two water falls. One is “America Falls” and the other is “Horseshoe Falls“. People say that the Canadian side has a more attractive view, but I think that it couldn’t get much better than where I was standing. One thing I really liked was the cloud of vapor that rose from the Horseshoe Falls. Me and the guys also went on a boat ride to the middle of Horseshoe Falls which was awesome. If you’re ever there, you MUST go. Oh, and yes, I took all of those pictures myself.

    All in all, it was an amazing experience and I am so glad that I was able
    to be a part of my good friend Jeromy’s wedding. Many blessings and much
    love to you bro. Thanks for everything.

    8/5/02 – Just in case you were wondering if I had any fun. 🙂 (That’s Cliff and Brooke in front of me.) Here’s another good picture of the couple.

  • Sometimes, there are those days where the World just seems to come at you with no rhyme or reason and you have no idea why.  Well, this wasn’t one of those days. 


    This was one of those days where the World came at me, but it was all because of my own doing.  Since this is Tax Free weekend, George and I went out to do some shopping and lunch Friday morning.  By the time I finally got into work, it was about 2:30.  I had some MAJOR catch-up to play in addition to finding someone to go see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with me.  Thankfully, Nortel (Greatest place to work, eva.) understands that there are people like me that don’t adhere to a normal sleeping schedule, or even a normal working schedule for that matter, and as long as I’m a good and prosperous worker (which I have confirmed with my bosses), I have certain liberties.  Yea me!

    After a while of searching for someone to go with, I decided to take George as my “Man-date” (Just two guys going to see a play together.  No funny business.), and we both really enjoyed the play.  Due to popularity, they’ve extended it for another week.  Go see it!  (I think Lee’s planning a group watching next week, so talk to him.)

    Then, we were onto Part 2 of the evening.  An inebriated watching of Strangeheart at The Magnolia.  A movie, along the same lines as Rocky Horror, where audience participation is, not just allowed, but encouraged.  So is drinking.  Which a number of us did.  George and I were accompanied by a slew of people I knew would make this a great evening:  Lee, Carolyn, Allison, Peck, Audra and Joe.  I brought my homemade “Gatorade” (Read:  Midori Sour).  Matt Peck had some tasty Buttermint Schnapps that he was passing around.  By the time, it got to me a 3rd time, I decided to take a huge swig of it, only to find that he replaced it with pure Gin.  I nearly spewed it on Carolyn, who was sitting in front of me.  (I’ll get you for that Peck.)


    Anyway, back to the movie.  There are the typical lines that you’re supposed to shout out at opportune times, but I found that our own improvisational lines, belted out mainly by Lee and a few others that were “taken by the spirits”, had the entire theatre in an uproar and were much mo’ betta.  Afterwards, a few of us went to Café Brazil for some after movie/drinking food.  I was dragging myself around until I finally got my French Toast and I was hit with my 3rd or 4th wind or something.


    Going to bed, I knew that my biological clock was going to keep waking me up, telling me that it’s time to go to work, but thankfully, I was able to press the internal Snooze button and get my 8 hours of sleep from 5AM – 1PM. J


    –Snoopy Kiss is glad that he’s not a giant.  Because then the only movies he would be able to see is at the drive in theatre.  And then, I’d probably crush some cars.

  • Thankfully, there’s lots of things in this world that makes me happy. One of which is helping Lee to update his site so that it has all of the articles from our old Radio Possibility site up and getting the dates correct. I’ve been ever-expanding my knowledge of PHP and MySQL through this website and my work at Nortel. My new banner makes me happy too.

    What do I have to write about? Today? Nothing. It’s just been a good day. Lots of things are wacked righ now (like the Saturn dealership having my car for many hours and them not being done with it), but it just feels like a good day. One of those days where you’ve got it handled. One of those days where you’ve got tickets to Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat and then are going to hang out with some friends aftewards to go see Strangeheart. You might have a sense of what I’m talking about. I dunno.

    I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new play-thing, the Treo 600. My existing Treo has taken a beating and is ready to be replaced. And as much as the flippy top looks cool and has that Star Trek feel to it, it gets annoying after a while. Yeah! New Technology!

    –wondering where all the Cowboys have gone.Mr. Falgout

  • Some hobbies are expensive.  Some cheap.  Others, like swing dancing are cheap, but if you really want to go crazy with it, they can get really expensive.  But now that I think about it, I’m sure you can say the same thing about every hobby.  So, nevermind.

    My latest expense, justified towards redeveloping the growth of the world economy, was my trip to Vancouver for the Lindy Exchange.  As some of my close friends know, one of my deep dark secrets is that I have a Canadian Fetish.  I don’t know why.  I just seem to be drawn to them.  I call it “Eh-dar”.  (Speaking of that, look at what I found!)

    In any case, while I was there, I had some really amazing dances.  All too many to single out.  (Mostly because I’m afraid that I’d forget someone.  I’m also really bad with names.  So, chances are, if I danced with you, told you “Thank You.”, I probably enjoyed it.)  While I was at it, I finally purchased new clothing!  Something I don’t believe I’ve done in about 6 months. (Check out the Gallery for pictures of the city and of the dance.)

    Unfortunately, there weren’t too many quotes at the exchange, but I updated the quote page, with other mindless ramblings.

    In other news, my Pool of Pudding Pictures have become quite the rave.  I’m getting calls from managers really high above me asking for the password to get in.

    –Just a boy looking for your love.P.S.  I love my friends.  They’re insane.  But not insane like this.

  • You know, I really wish that I could say that I had full control of the God and Goddess party yesterday, but I’ll have to admit…there was no holding it back.  “It turned that knob to 11.”  Oh yeah, when I woke up, there was an octopus in my sink.  That’s how you know it was a good party.  We also did have a cop come by, but thankfully the God of Bad Instructions waved to him with his beer bottle and he waved back and drove off.

    The party went till about 2PM, the next day as some of the hard-core partiers (read:  People too tired/drunk to drive home) went to the Original Pancake House for doilies and good grub. 

    I’ll also have to admit that this was one of the most fun parties to invite people to.  How often do you actually get to be the God or Goddess of your choice for a night?  We even had prizes which I bought, but never gave out.  Two of the un-official winners were Jenna as the “Goddess of One Night Stands” who had a table, night clock, and other items attached to her.  And Lee, The “God of Arrested Development” whose favorite X-mas gift in recent years was a K’Nex rollercoaster which he proudly wore on his head and was even functional!

    The party was also paid a visit by Cleopatria, The Goddess of Water, The Goddess of Fire (completely unplanned), the Goddess of Fashion and the Goddess of Fashion Faux Pas (I kid you not, also, completely unplanned).  George Lucas’ Goddess of Marketing, The God of Turn Tables, The God of All Things Shiny (your truly), The Goddess of Unfinished Projects (who went quite well with the God of Unfinished Party Decorating, as I was late on the preparations), The Goddess of All Things Naughty, God’s Gift to Women, Goddess of Common Sense (who should also win a prize for spending 3 hours hot gluing about 300 pennies to her already shiny dress), The God of Turntables who kept spinning his live mix till about 3AM and too many other deities to name.

    It was a truly divine party, that I was proud to host; because there were so many cool people there.  About 10% I met at that day.  And another 10% I met the day before. 🙂  Pics are up! (Unfortunately, I didn’t take too many pics myself, and will get other people’s pics up as soon as I can.)

    Oh yeah, and for those interested, I have the Pool of Pudding Pictures up.  Although, due to the “Nature of the pictures” they’re password protected, so shoot me an email if you want in.  BEWARE!  Not safe for work.  (That means you too mom.)  If you want some of the videos, let me know.  This was one of those parties, that I had no idea what I was getting into.  How often do you get to see 60 gallons of pudding with people wrestling in it?

    Yeah…that’s what I thought.

  • They say that God/life will never throw anything at you more than what you can handle.  I agree to that; however, in this past week, I think that I’ve thrown about as much as my body could handle.


    The weekend before, I went to Salt Lake City for a Lindy Exchange.  That was a hella lot of fun, even though the cops came in and busted us for holding a dance past 2AM.  It was pretty upsetting as Salt Lake City is trying to be seen as a “normal” city, but still doesn’t allow organized dances past 2AM.  As an outcry, I’ve created where we hope to raise money for the Free Nate Foundation.  (Nate being the person who organized the SLC Lindy Exchange, and is going to court, because of it.)


    As for this few days, here’s a lowdown:

    • Parents came to town and brought my two nephews, Evan and Charles.  It was interesting to have the little rug rats running around the house to see what a real family would be like, but I can definitely see that I’m not ready for parenthood.
    • To spend some quality time together before she headed back to Baltimore, Melissa stayed at my place for about a week.
    • The Master shower drain pan started to leak and my preciouuusss (read: House) started to leak and have all sorts of water problems.
    • Earlene Falgout, my grandmother passed away after a lengthy battle with Lung Cancer.  She was almost 90.  May she rest in peace.
    • Falgout Family Food Festival!!!!  W00t!  If you missed out on it, make sure not to do that next time.  There was more seafood and other food that we didn’t know what to do with it all.  Thankfully, I’ve got a big stomach and appetite.
    • And of course, Melissa’s departure from Dallas.


    I took a sick day today, to let my body recuperate from all of the stress and it’s feeling much better, but my tummy’s rumbly.  I think that there’s been a lot of loss for me recently; however, I’m quite proud of how I’m handling myself and not losing focus that life does go on and that these types of things happen.


    BTW, if you’re a Matrix Fan, I HIGHLY recommend watching Animatrix.  “The Final Flight of the Orisis” kick MUCH holy arse.


    Carry on,



  • Didn’t I move to Dallas just a few weeks ago?Didn’t I start working for Nortel the day after that?
    Didn’t I just buy my house?!
    Then what the heck is this email saying that I’m getting a gift for my 5 years of employment?!!!

    Hopefully, that doesn’t mean that I’m getting old.  Because that would probably require me settling down, getting married, having little rugrats, and being “responsible.”  I’ve successfully avoided all of that so far, and I plan on continuing to do so.

    I plan on having a small taste of this whole, “family” thing coming soon as my house will soon have it’s “maximum family stability factor” tested when Melissa stays here for a few days before heading back to Maryland, and my mom and dad come to visit and bring my two nephews, Charles and Evan.  Yes, I will be good to see all of them; however, I’m not sure how high my “family tolerance” meter goes to.  I bet that it’ll be pushed to 11.

    The Utah Swing Exchange is getting more and more on my mind as the time nears.  Yea!  I used to think that I would get some of my best new pics at Utah, but I’m starting to think that the prize winners can be the expressions I get when I tell them that I’m going to Utah to dance. 

    “You’re going to Utah…to dance?!  They have music over there?””You mean, you don’t know these people and you’re going to stay with them?”

    I should have my pics from my second trip to the Scar. Renaissance Faire up soon.  Word to the wise:  Don’t go when raining.  Blah.

  • So, I’ve realized that I haven’t posted here in a while, and I think that’s because I usually spend a lot of time working on getting all sorts of links in with my stories, which takes a considerable amount of time.  However, since I want this to be more of an online journal and less of a online link-fest, I’m now resolving myself to posting more often but less links.  Except for really cool ones.

    As I’m sure most of you know two weekends ago was the Dallas Lindy Exchange.  I was one of the team leads and had a freggin’ blast.  It wasn’t until the Saturday night dance that I finally got my groove on, but once I did, I was ready to jet.  Lots, and lots of pictures and even three different albums!  (Thanks Greg and Jerry!)

    Every year, Waxahachie (sp?) is blessed with two special events.  One of which is the Hallowween Fright show, and the other is Scarborough Faire.  This is a grand Renaisance Festival from April 12th to June 1st.  I went once and I’m determined to make it to every one from now on.  Gene, Becky and I herded on over there at the bright hour of 9AM.  (yeah, I know it’s not early, but for me, that’s harsh on a Sunday)  Mine eyes did feast upon many beautiful costumes and I also had a slight revelation:  Not all breasts look good squashed together in very tight costumes.  I did end up running into a number of people like the security guard for my building at Nortel, an old friend from Landmark of 4 years ago, and Erin Finn and Teel Flemming.  (You might remember these two from a Mardi Gras, and Food and Spirits Party from a while back.  They’re cool peeps.  Just trust me.)

    Now, the pictures are uploaded and I’m ready to crash.Good night everybody!  (Good night Tommy!)
