This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • My friends say the darndest things. Thankfully, I usually have enough sense to capture them down and the put them on the internet.
    Now the latest quotes are updated at the top:

    • Only funny if you live in Dallas: “there seem to be a lot of accidents…especially on the freeways that end in 5”
    • When’s your birthday?
      St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th.
      Oh really? Are you Irish?
    • I feel like the life is being sucked out of me from my feet.
    • Your boobs needs manual intervention
    • Is that a Heather in your pocket?
    • Wake up, ass!
    • I’m going to use your hat as the armrest condom
    • Project for this afternoon: I think I’m going to use this nice rare day and stain a bed. Y’know, paint.
    • She runs like a woman.
    • I swear, if that’s a Yoga position, then I’m going join Yoga tomorrow!
    • Ah No! The ugly sock of Christ!
    • It was so hot, I felt like Frodo in the 3rd Matrix Movie.
    • What the Hell’s eating him?
      I bet you it’s not his girlfriend.
    • You had to put up with a lot while dating xxx. Was it the challenge, or was there anything else?
      Well, some people climb Mt. Everest.
      And others date xxx.
    • I’ve got an empthy thing. If you’re sad, I’m sad. If you’re crying, I cry too.
      I’m horny…
    • Mistletoe is always a good idea.
    • Better watch it, or you’re gonna get cream sauce all over your hoo-has…
    • Now with more God.
    • So how is it that God creates us both, man and woman, in his image?
      He’s a hermaphrodite?
    • Shallownees is only skin deep.
    • I don’t go on dates because I’m po’
    • Our people don’t make the difference. Our customers that buy our shit makes the difference.
    • She’s a Catherine with a C. Can’t you tell?
    • F*ck the cow. I wanna be a boy.
    • I have a full license to operate the cookie.
    • I’m just a lesbian with a built in strap on.
    • Now with more tongue.
    • “You know you’re drunk when you can’t feel what you’re eating anymore.”
    • “They go together like Oreos and mayonnaise.”
    • “I never realized you were white until I saw you dressed like this.”
    • I have a customer on the line who’s pissing me off! I’m about to be a faggot on a rampage!
    • Let the a$$ slapping begin!
    • Our food is really great, which is surprizing considering the crappy service.
    • “Carbonated yogart with Seltzer. It tasted like goat.”
    • “Wow, it’s like Valley girl meets caveman: Dude…ugg…dude!!…ugg..”
    • “So, you’re a fish snob?””I prefer to call myself an fish-anadio”
    • “I hope that’s blood.”, After slopily eating a steak.
    • “You’re going to like what I’m wearing tonight. Bring your Extra brain.”
    • “What?! You ate her danish and you didn’t even know her name?!”
    • “What makes you think I’m wearing underwear.”
    • “We need to start the rumor that all Jews are good dancers.””So, when a girl says ‘Good Dance.’, I should say, ‘Thanks, I’m Jewish.’?”
    • “I don’t need a push-up bra. I need a push-in.”
    • “Which one is Solomon?””He’s the one that looks like Harry Potter grown up about 10 years.”
    • “Swing dancing is great. There you are listening to great Jazz and grooving with hot women….some of which ride motorcycles.”
    • “He just gives women the look and they come dance with him.””A little big of tongue helps too.”
    • Smirnoff Ice? I haven’t sold that to a guy before.
    • “Well, you know 10% of people are gay.””No No No No No. Only 5-7% are…”
      “Sounds like someone’s in the 8 percentile.”
    • Is this corn starch or cocaine?
      Dude, I’m going to find out.
    • I gotta go. My Depends are riding up on me.
    • On dancing connection: “We’ve gotta give equal forces…like our friend Issan Newton said.”
    • This bar is very secure in it’s masculinity.
    • You know it’s a good blues dance when you have to adjust your clothing afterwards.
    • Somewhere, there’s a trailer park that’s empty, and a tornado that’s looking for something to do.
    • Whatever you do, you can do it better with more women.
    • You know you’re drunk when you don’t know whose navel you sucked it out of.
    • You’ve been a bad girl! Go to Tommy’s room!
    • Were you supposed to ravage me, or was I supposed to ravage you?
      You were supposed to get me drunk.
      Oh, should I drink you more?
    • Put the jailbait down.
    • Don’t make me bitchslap you where it counts.
    • I have a nine inch tongue and I can breathe through my ears.
    • Rod, what are you doing back there?”
    • I often have my head in the clouds…when it’s not up my ass.”
    • Is he your boy?””Tonight he is.”
    • It’s called foreplay! You damn men. That’s what’s wrong with you. You don’t take your time. Would it hurt you to heat up the pan before you put the meat in it?”
    • At least I’m a nice whore.”
    • Oh, I thought you were a lesbian.”
    • On movies: “He seems to only play black people.”
    • Vegetables are what food eats.”
    • Your hair is so silken. It’s like the rope they bound Gollum with.”
    • The more you eat…the more you drink…the more you throw up…the more you can eat.”
    • Wiskey always makes me butch.”
    • The water fountain doesn’t work and someone bit me!”
    • I just got sucker punched by a 6 foot 2 blonde amazon. I’m supposed to be embarrased, but I actually like it!”
    • Everything’s fine. Better than “Cats”. I wanna see it over and over again.”
    • Jesus loves everybody. But I’m his favorite.”
    • His Lindy hurts me.
    • I got a grey hair last year. That’ll never happen again.
    • All I need is a psychologically damaged man with good abs.
    • I look foward to dancing West Coast…when I get old enough.
    • I’m a musician. I play the radio.
    • Any party that lasts 20 hours, is a good party.
    • You know it’s a good party when there’s an octopus in the sink.
    • I have to remember to shave when I come to Tommy’s parties. I forgot about all of the man-handling.
    • This little piggy’s hung over, this little piggy’s hung over, this little piggy’s half in the bag, this little piggy had LOTS and this little piggy went WHHHEEEEEE!!!
    • Testostorne…We’re helpless under it’s power!
    • Mmmm…Mormons
    • You don’t know whose fault it is? It’s the fault of the wang. Don’t blame the wang.
    • If there’s a white girl telling you to shut up, you better SHUT UP!
    • Your mom said, “woot.”
    • When Luby’s starts closing down, you know the economy’s going down.
    • Damn, that was the part of my brain that did long division.
    • That was a double combo of happiness.
    • And what do they think happens to the placentas in the wild?!
    • My new instrument is my voice; because it’s, like, so portable.
    + ,
  • WARNING: This post links to some pretty graphic stuff. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

    A while back, a friend of mine, Matt Musselman told an interesting story about how he was searching through some porn one day and came across one of his X-girlfriends. Pretty shocking, mind you. Well, I got curious enough that I asked him if I could see it “Do a Google on 132991.jpg. She’s the one in the middle.”

    Not too shabby, I realized. So, I started poking around (pun intended) some of the other pics … and came across 132980.jpg. That’s when my jaw dropped.


    When I went to Tulane and all of the dorm rooms had ethernet connections to them, it was awesome. Except that I didn’t have a computer that could make use of that (Stupid Packard Bell)…so, I had to bum off of other people. This one time, I went to a friend’s dorm who had the almighty Internet connected to his computer and after bugging him for a while, he gave in and showed me how Internet porn works… (wow, I wonder how many hits I’ll get from saying the word “porn”. There, I did it again.)

    This first post we went to talked about these girls sunbathing nude at their dorm room and these guys that started taking pictures of them and they invited them back to their room to take more pictures of them.

    **BACK FLASH**

    You’re getting the picture by now, aren’t ya? Yup. My Virgin Internet Porn Experience was from Matt’s X-girlfriend. We later exchanged notes and determined that it happened not too longer after their breakup. Wow. Thankfully, we’re at the stage in our lives where we can laugh at that.

    Unfortunately, I can’t find the original chat session where it started, but here’s a transcript of him and another friend named Matt talking about it.

    LOL…it still cracks me up.

  • Bonsoir tout la monde,

    A heck of a lot has been going on since last I posted. US has gone into war, Melissa and I took a vacation around Texas, my B-day, lotsa lotsa working. I could write about it all for a while, and I might but I’ve been trying to take care of the basics.

    And on the basics, I just finished watching an amazing Mini-series called “Band of Brothers”. It’s an HBO original mini-series about the Easy Company for WWII and their experiences. It’s directed very similarly to Saving Private Ryan, but is about some of the paratroopers (who I’ve been told on a separate occassion, have an average life expectancy of less than a minute.) Anyway, it seriously moved me and although I cannot say that I now oppose war at all costs, I now have a lot of respect for anyone that has seen combat and the catastrophic result it has on the people in the thick of it and those that never even pick up a gun. May God keep us safe and at peace for as long as we all shall live.

    On a very fulfilling sidenote, I think that I’ve found my place in life. People spend years, decades in search of their “perfect job” I think I’m there. Currently, I’m developing tools for Nortel that are taking a lot of the manual configuration out of the picture and creating a web interface for it. I’m now at the point where some of my co-workers are using the tool and thank me in the hall for doing it. How rare and awesome of an experience is that? I’ve also received an Intenuity award from my senior management, so my name’s getting around! 🙂

    Here’s to living the Good Life.

  • Being from Louisiana, food is a major topic of conversation with me and my friends, and I constantly hear, “You know, I make the best ” Well, I gave those people a chance to put their food where their mouths are.  Or someone else’s mouth to their food…anyway, you get the picture.  Plus, I made it into a contest with prizes!

    Also, since a few of us were so inspired by what we saw at Lindy Gras, we knew that we had to re-enact parts of it.  Naughty us.  And speaking of naughty…my pig had a good time too.  Ride the pig!  (or Erin.  Either way is fine with me.)

    Back to the food…Some of entries were:

    • EXP appetizers (brought 3 hours after the party started! 🙂 )
    • Couscous a la Melissa
    • Girl Scout Cookies
    • DA-BOMB Sushi (Some in reference to previous mischief at Chef Tommy)
    • Gourmet Mac and Cheese
    • A most tasty Filet Mignon
    • Taco Salad
    • Mucho Alcoholo!
    • 125 Jello shots!
    • …bunches of other things that I have forgotten, or didn’t eat because I was quite toasty that night.  (Many mega super happy thanks to Andre and Angie who brought me liquid happiness:  Smirnoff Ice!)

    One of the more interesting events was when Matt M. bet me $5 that I couldn’t eat one of his Sushi rolls without blinking.  Scoffing at his offer, I got a big crowd to watch me as I threw the tiny morsel of seaweed in my mouth.  For about 5 seconds of chewing, I was fine.  Then it hit me.


    Once everyone was satiated, Teel whipped out:  The Tingler”.  Words themselves cannot describe the sensation of being “Tingled.”  Next time you’re out dancing at the Sons of Hermann, ask Teel about it.  Just make sure that you’re sitting down and don’t get too carried away, else you’ll contort it and then have to pray to the “Tingler Diety” for forgiveness.


    We then sprawled out the always-faithful party-enhancer Twister.  Except Helen had something else in store for us:  Jello Shot Twister.  If you landed on a spot that had a shot, it was yours. 


    The prize for winning the Twister match?  Once again…Tommy’s house.


    I tried defending my title, and almost succeeded.  I got too anxious and knocked everyone down (including myself), so the judges defaulted to me, the defending champion.  (Studio 54 Party)  However, it was then noted that Helen took the most amount of shots and was on the mat the longest (we didn’t start at the same time), so in the spirit of the Olympics, Helen was the declared the winner.  But it’s now been 24 hours and she hasn’t claimed her prize, so I get to keep the house.  Woohoo! 🙂


    After some more drinking, it later hit me, “I should stop.”  So, I did.  But the room didn’t.


    Many many glasses of water later, I was ready to bed, which happened around 4AM.  There were still people on my couch chatting, but like I tell people, when you come to my house, you’re family.  Which also means, don’t expect me to fix your plate. 🙂


    When I woke up, those left over from the party, (Myself, Melissa, Lee, Janice and Brian) were treated by the master cooking skillz of Monsieur Gibson.  Complete with homemade waffles topped with strawberries and syrup. 


    For those that missed out…next time bring a pillow.


    Some of the more interesting quotes overheard:

    • On how to have the most out of life:  “The more you eat, the more you can drink…the more you drink, the more you throw up…the more you can eat”

    • Let’s not do that again:  “Wiskey always makes me butch.”

    • Let’s do that again:  “Whatever you do, you can always do it better with more women.”

    • Let’s make sure do do that again:  “You know you’re drunk when you don’t know whose navel you sucked it out of.”

    • On tough issues:  “Hit one little brown kid with a Stretch Armstrong and all of a sudden, YOU’RE the racist.”

    • No parking here:  “These (lift boobs with hands) are just for show.”

    • Bad girl, good girl:  “, you’re being a bad girl.  Go to Tommy’s Room!”  (I did not say that!  I swear!)

  • Now that I have been exposed to the deep, dark underground that is Swing Exchanges, I will admit that I have become addicted.  On Feb 14-17th, I danced and partied my arse off in New Orleans for their first exchange, Lindy Gras.

    I was hesitant to make the 8 hour drive there, since I waited too long to get tickets at a reasonable price, but Greg and I later decided that we’d make the hike together.  We finally arrived at our David’s (our host for the weekend) very shag-a-riffic house around 7PM.  Equipped with a dry sauna, pool, and a Jacuzzi, I knew that this should would be perfect for crashing after the 1-5AM after hours dance parties.  At this point the party was Gene, Dan, Craig, Greg, Helen, David, Jeff, and myself.  Needless to say, Helen enjoyed the ratio.  But we had a problem.  We were hungry. 

    David, once again, had the great hookup because there was NO WAY we were going to find a restaurant with a decent wait time on V-Day…on a Friday night.  So, we went to a club with a live band and some home cooked jambalaya for a $7 cover charge.  I was in heaven.  Let the dancing begin.


    With full stomachs we headed out to the Registration/V-day dance not too far from my Alma Mater, Tulane.  Met some people. Danced some dance.  The generous people of New Orleans even put on a “Dating Game” skit for our amusement.


    But then the real dance fever came out…at the after-hours Pajama dance.  I was in my comfortable “Suga’ Daddy” regalia while others donned more fitting nightware.  Oh yeah, watch out for the Killer Frogs.  Not all were able to hang in till the bitter end, but some tried.


    The following morning, David took us out to Jaegers on the Lake, for some good eatings.  It had been too long since I’ve had boiled crawfish, so I was quite content.  Thankfully, we didn’t get into too much trouble since Jeff was harassing our waitress and she swore that we just let him loose out of a Psychiatric Institution.


    But my food craving were not to be completely satiated until I got my beignets.  Man, I miss Café du Monde.  Back in college when I had the only car, I would be my friends’ beignet/car pimp.  If they needed a ride, they would have to feed me.  Café du Monde was the standard payment.  Strolling around New Orleans, we felt the urge to visit Coyote Ugly.  Who knew that we’d find so much good clean fun?  (Complete with the down home hospitality.) Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves quite a bit.  Even Helen and Jeff.  Thankfully, Jeff didn’t mind us sticking him in the trunk since we didn’t have much room in the van by then.


    Back to dancing!  We arrived just in time to watch them crown the King and Queen of Lindy Gras.  Lo and behold, the Queen was Dallas’ own Jamie!


    But before heading out to the After Hours party for some more 1-5 dancing, Andre, Greg and I decided to be boys and visit Bourbon Street for some sights.  Believe it nor not, my favorite was the disproportionately sized truck.


    Timing was apparently on our side, because right as we got back Andre jumped into a Birthday Jam for him and a few other Lindy Gras’ers.  But not everyone knew that it was Andre’s Birthday. J  Afterwards, Jeff and Atalanta did a good job of stealing the show. (FOCUS, Jeff!)




    My mom and sister (on left) were in town, so I went to the Olive Garden and had lunch with them.  Let’s hear it for free food! J  I then drove like a demon to Lindy in the Park.


    Here’s where I’m going to get all sentimental on ya, so just brace yourselves:


    Growing up, I was always the social outcast.  Everyone poked fun at me, and I didn’t seem to fit in anywhere, except with the other outcasts.  Even then, it didn’t always feel right.  When I went to college, I didn’t really do much.  I stayed inside, played on my computer, rarely partied, and only drank once or twice.  Needless to say, I’m making up for it now.  So, when I was dancing in Audobon Park, right across from Tulane, it was a truly spiritual experience for me.  It was a testament to how far I’ve come.  How much I’m enjoying life.  How rich of a life, I now have.  And how very grateful I am. 


    I’m really happy with how some of the Park pictures turned out.  But then again, some of the best pics are done with the cooperation of Mother Nature.  Good dancing too, next to a lake.  Just had to make sure that I didn’t fall in, or do a swing out and find my partner all dripping wet.  (And not in a good way.)  This was the “say goodbye” dance for lots of people. 


    Nap time.  Then the last dance of the schedule:  Rock and Bowl.  Take an old fashioned bowling alley, add some very tired, but party hardy swing dancers, and a DJ, and you’ve got Rock and Bowl.  (Plus a little celebrity endorsement.)  A brief, but fun finale to the scheduled dances…


    And that’s when the cat’s got let out of the proverbial bag…


    Bourbon Street.  World renowned for it’s drunken fests, parties, good music, great picture ops and dancing.  Now add people who know how to get drunk, get their party on, deal only in the best of music, love attention and traveled hundreds of miles to dance…that might give you some small sense of the intensity of the night.  I could write an entire journal entry just on Sunday night, but I’ll only give highlights.



    Needless to say, this was one of the grandest times of my life.  It’s two days later and I’m still trying to catch up on all of my sleep. 


    Some of the more memorable quotes of the weekend were:


    • “What better way to say someone you love than with beer?””Say it with a lager.”
    • (After the lights came on at 5AM and people were screaming and running away)  “We’re like roaches!”
    • “Munbah netch kha””You read my thoughts!”
    • “Full contact Lindy Body Shots”
    • Insight:  “Demons are spawned from (chocolate) Jeff’s loins.”
    • On a church outside sign:  “Stop Drop and Roll doesn’t work in Hell.”
    • “Hey Baby, wanna go out?””Save your breath for your inflatable date.”
      ”She cancelled.”
    • In reference to Jeff’s loins:”Bring the Devil out.”
      ”Is that what you call it?”
    • Heard from someone who needed to talk to a fellow Lindy Hopper that was driving away:”Stop the wedding!!!”
    • “There will always be auta’s, shoulda’s and woulda’s”
    • Count the boobs: “If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them both.”
    • Spoken by the lead singer of the Blues band after mentioning that it was his birthday:Murmur from the crowd.
      “I’m a pussy?!  Oh, a pieces.”
    • On kissing:   “Have y’all kissed yet?””Not officially.”
    • “Don’t hate the player…hate the game.”
    • “Sometimes, it’s good to be the bitch.”
    • “This weekend raised the bar.  But then again, the bar is now at lesbian booty.”
    • Passing by a cop from Venus, TX:  “I’ll be damned.  There is a guy from Venus.”


    I wish I had a more profound ending to this story, but all I can come up with now is:


    Thank you, New Orleans.


    Now I’ve just gotta get myself ready for my own “Food and Spirits” party this Saturday and practice giving Penalty Shots.  Then, another possible trip back to New Orleans for Mardi Gras.  Phew.  It’s a good and busy life.  Gotta love it.


    And when I got back, my new toy was waiting for my at my doorstep.  I’m so happy.


    You can see all of the pics here, and the best of the pics here.

  • For those still not aware of my new habit of going to Lindy Exchanges, get used to me mentioning them.  I should be hitting quite a few this year.  The latest one which I am preparing myself for tonight is Lindy Gras, hosted in one of my old neigborhoods of New Orleans.

    Most of the dances will be right by alma-mater, Tulane.  I’m really looking forward to it.  Although the drive (Yes, I’m driving there instead of flying), will be quite an 8 hour hike which I’m not looking forward to.  Thankfully, I’ve got Greg to keep me busy. Plus, I just found all of my missing MP3 CD’s!  Yea!  Each CD is about 11 hours of music, so we’ll never run out of music.  Yarrr!

    I’m also planning another trip down to New Orleans in two weekends for the classic celebration of Mardi Gras.  This time, George, Lee, Michael and I are planning to make the journey.  I’m not sure how that will turn out since George is our more “pure” friend joining us.  I wonder how his brain will handle the massive visual breast intake.  Will it fry his brain?  Or will Pat O’s do it first?

    Planning a trip to New Orleans always concerns me.  Living there for 4 years and hearing about your friends getting mugged, I’m always the cautious one, watching my step.  I hope that this will be a safe time for me and my fellow Lindy Hoppers.  May God keep us safe.  Especially through this time of international tension.  I hope that no crazy guy decides to bomb New Orleans while we’re there.  Pray for a safe trip for me.

    Dancing like there’s no tomorrow,Moi.

    P.S.  I also have the pictures from Matt Weyandt’s 80’s B-day party up.  It was a total blast, dude.  Complete with Rubix Cube cake and almost working Atari’s.


  • The above conversation was an excerpt from a conversation I had with a drunk kid one recent Sunday morning when I told him that I told him I graduated from Tulane. (where he was studying) I then told him that he was a long way from home.

    Drunk people amuse me. At least the ones you find at Denny’s and IHOP at 1-2 AM. Having had a relative killed by a drunk driver, that is about the extent of my tollerance of them. Oh yeah, and then there was that time where Evil Roommate Steve was so drunk that he got me laughing because he was so loony. At one point he turned to me as he was sprawled out on the couch and said, Hey Tommy. What?


    In some sort of dumb male way, it was really funny. But not as funny as Whataburgerwhat? Heh Heh.

    On a less than humerous note, the growing tension surrounding Iraq and N. Korea. Part of the US is Pro-Peace, and part is Anti-Saddam. I don’t know where I stand yet. I think that a peaceful resolution would be to the benefit of the world, but how? And what can I do to help? As I drove by downtown Dallas last night, looking at the skyline, I turned to it and said, “Don’t go anywhere…ever.” I’d hate for one of the building in Dallas to be destroyed and then replaced by a less than practical solution.

    Peace Out! (And I mean it)Tommy.

  • One of the traits I feel I’m blessed with is the ability to laugh as most any situation. This comes especially in handy with bad movies. I’m not talking about Bad Movies like, “Waterworld” or “Toys“, but BADDDDD MOVIES like, “Jack Frost 2: Revent of the Mutant Killer Snowman“, “Tromeo and Julliet“, or “Jason X“. The “straight to video” movies.

    I think that watching these movies opens up your mind and soul for a new type of experience and sensation. One where your mind’s third eye is opened and and aware to new way of being and life…then stabbed by a runaway killer zombie who used to be a simple farmer, but turned the wrong way in the cornfield and decided to examine that mysterious puddle of goo coming out of the smoldering rock that wasn’t there yesterday. If you’ve ever seen “Teenage Catgirls in Heat“, then you know what I’m talking about.

    Last night, I prepared myself for another ones of these experiences when Lee and I were exploring Movie Trading Company and he found this one flick, “The Specials“. The tagline is: “Not as good as regular superheroes, but slightly better than you.”. It has Thomas Haden Church (Lowell from Wings), Rob Lowe, and one of my new favorite actors, “Sean Gunn” who plays Alien Orphan/Doug.

    The movie opens with a quick monologue by one of The Specials’ biggest fans. She says that The Specials weren’t the “cool” group to like when she was in school. She then says “Screw that I liked Winger better than Bon Jovi, I still do!”

    It has its slow moments, and it’s hilarious moments, but if you have an open mind, then I promise that after watching this movie, you shall reach a higher level of movie consciousness.

    Buddah in the House, out.

  • New Years are always interesting times. Finding out that Dick Clark is still alive, people are coming off of the X-mas hussle and bussle, there are more drunks on the road, people are cheerier than X-mas, and of course, the opprotunity to clear off the slate and start new.

    Interestingly enough, the gathering I was at for NYE didn’t turn on the TV until the very last minute of 2002 and ended up counting down the seconds in Spanish, because we didn’t have time to change the channel. Afterwards, they had a Spanish Ska band which was interest capturing.

    I’m proud to say that I don’t feel as if I have anything that I need to wipe off, but do have some new directions I’d like to take my life. And although I am typically against resolutions, because I think that they don’t amount to nothing. This year, I’ve taken on some ones that I look forward to rather than feel would be a burden:

    So far, the 2003 is going well. I spent Jan 1st taking two movies off of the Movie List, vegging out, waking up to the smell of cooking pancakes, played some disc golf and had some of the best hot dogs on Earth. All that an I’ve started to develop a taste for NPR, which I listened to.

    Some of the things I think will happen next year is that I will have owned my house for two years. I will probably be roommateless for the first time in about 3 years. Lee will be graduating and probably move to some far away city. I’ll miss the guy. And I plan to install a hardwood dance floor downstairs. That’ll be fun.

    But in the grand scheme of things, who knows what will happen. All I know is that I plan to enjoy it extensively. In the words of Roooth Acosta, “Bring It On!”

  • Going to visit the family is, of course, always a pleasant thing to do.  Have home cooking from mom, chat about the future with dad, kid around with Michelle, play with the newphews, etc., etc., etc.  However, there is one party of going to Cut Off, which I abolustely despise.  My allergies.  Plain and simple I’m allergic to my hometown, especially my home.

    It didn’t bother me for the first 24 hours, but soon after I wrote my last blog entry, I would be found roaming the halls doped up on Benedril, Claritin or whatever else I could find with a box of Kleenex in my hand, like a patient with an IV trailling them.  It was absolutely miserable.  Thankfully, my sister needed a babysitter so mom and I drove up to visit her near Nawlins, and in the 8 hours that I’ve been away from Cut Off, I have started to ween myself off of the Kleenex and make a visible recovery.  I’m walking upright now.  Yeah.

    My main concern is recovering in time to go dancing at the DSDS Holiday dance.  I’ll be driving directly from the airport there, so if I do make it, I’ve got a long, fun road a head of me.  Let’s hope I’m an animal enough to make it.  After taking the “Which Muppet Are You?” test, I found out that I’m Gonzo.  That’ll do.
