This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • In this society of uncertainty and insecurity of ones future, there are always those little things that managers can say to you that have you realize that they’re not going to lay you off anytime soon. Today, I heard those special words…

    Working in Nortel’s 3rd Generation Wireless Department (3G/UMTS/Wireless Data), I’m developing this script which will be able to configure their servers automatically in a matter of minutes. You see this, is a big deal, because many times, it takes people hours if not days to configure their switch properly. So, needless to say, this is a BIG deal. And I’m the brains behind the operation there.

    Anywho, I’m doing all of my development on this separate workstation I have in my cube. And everything pretty much resides on it. I was talking to my manager today about future roles for me and he said that he wanted documentation of everything, because “If you were to die tomorrow, we’d be screwed.” (If you haven’t caught on by now, those are the Special Words I was referring to earlier.)

    Some people might think that’s morbid. Some people might think that means I’ve got more work to do. Some people might get a power trip from that…but Me…I think that’s AWESOME! (Ok, maybe I enjoy the power trip a tad, but that’s ok.) You see, I have now proven my value to the company, and future productivity now is vested in my staying with Nortel. Now yes, I know that once I’m done with this project, that I can be canned, but I’ve also got a few ideas up my sleeve that I can prevent to management for future job security. 🙂

    Feeling good about myself and looking forward to the Studio 54 party on Friday-Me.

  • First off, the title is the beginning of a very interesting story that goes against everything mom brought me up learning.

    It started off with me going swing dancing at the Sammon Center for the Arts where there was going to be a costume contest. Some of the people there looked really good while some looked really evil. (The front of her T-shirt says, “Evil” in blood read.) Of course, I got decked out as Disco Stu and rocked the casba. My friend Andre then approached me about heading out to the Lizard Lounge for some good happy time at a “Pimp and Ho Costume Contest” Never turning down an opprotunity to shake my groove thang, I happily joined him and his girlfriend. But I was lacking one essential piece of the puzzle.

    A Ho.

    So, I turned to this really charming girl I just met and blurted out, “Will you be my Ho tonight?” After not being able to get in touch with her friends who she was supposed to hang out with for an after party, she grabbed my arm and I took off…complete with my wench … err…ho at my side.

    The Pimp and Ho Contest was more than a specticle worthy of wating in the outside drizzling cold for. Some of the people were totally self-expressed in their Pimp-Daddyness. There was even a female pimp, that was quite the Mack Mamma. But they were all infinitles compared to the Mack Daddy of the Pimp Daddies. He won first prize.

    And then came the Ho’s:

    If you can pay close attention to these next few pictures, you will see that just about every male fantasy was present on stage. Heck, there was even two girls that flashed. You like Zebra’s? They had them. Transvestites? Yup. Them too.

    Overall it was a great time. My legs are definitely in pain from the football, earlier today, the hours of swing dancing, club dancing and standing around. Thankfully, I had little enough sense to say, “Hey, Maybe I should take a break.” and went out dancing instead. The rest of the night was spent discussing Europe, Programming HTML, dancing and francais parlant avec Miss Scarlet. (My Ho for the night.)

    Life is grand, n’est pas?

    Click here if you want to see the whole album.

  • A good friend of mine, Amanda, and I heard of a really interesting idea.  It’s called a Leftover Party.  The name’s not too appealing, but the idea is definitely curious enough to have me throw one.

    The way it works is that you bring a “friend” of yours that you might have dated at one point, but that you think they’re a really cool person, and would recommend to your friends, but there’s just no spark between the two of you.  So, that person now becomes your “undate”.  So, you and undate now go to the Leftover party and meet other people and their “undates”.

    Tomorrow, Friday, October the 24th, I’m throwing one of those parties at my house.  Theoricly, it would be half and half guys and girls, but so far only 3 “couples” are coming.  🙂  Hopefully, there’ll be an even amount.  Regardless, I know it’ll be a blast.

    And next week?  STUDIO 54 PARTY!!!  The place to be in Dallas on Nov 2nd.  (I was also told there’s going to be a Pimp and Ho party this Saturday, so Disco Stu could get a lot of visibility the next few days.  Which is good, because he’s been sitting in the closet for quite some time lately, itching to shake his grove thang.)


  • Many years ago, some friends of mine and I created a monster. This monster has become known throughout the globe as Disco Stu. Disco Stu, some say, is my alter ego. But I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that Disco Stu is more than an alter ego. He’s a modern Disco diety. And all the women worship him.

    Anyway, two years ago, Disco Stu signed up for a costume contest at Kempi’s night club…and won!…$500 smacks! Needless to say, everyone was impressed by this feat. But Stu knew that it was from the power within.

    The following year, while I was living in Paris, my good friend Patty K., took over the contest by wearing a costume caked in blood and bobbing birds, imitating the movie “The Birds” and walked out of Kempi’s half a grand richer. Needless to say, she’s been bragging about it for almost 365 days so far. Well, those bragging rights are about to be over, because Stu’s back in town.

    Here’s a bit of banter back and forth that Patty and I had regarding the upcoming Kempi’s Hallowwen party this year:

    Patty (via Mary Muldoon): You will EAT MY DUST and the feathers too.
    Tommy: WOMAN! You betta RE-CO-NIZE!!! Just wait until the Mothership of F-U-N-K comes landing on your doorstep. Then we be seeing who be eatin fethas!
    Patty: Okay Mr. Funkmeister – we’ll just have to see who RULES !
    I got fresh birds, and word has it – they eat FUNK for lunch! And they’ll be plenty hungry come Halloween eve!
    We’re out for Bloooooood Baby!

    Tommy: From the Eastside to the Westside, everybody knows that when I shake my
    Southside, the women start going Tommyside.
    There ain’t NO way, you’ll be getting your hands on my green. It’s mine, and you betta get it through your skull, honeychild.

    Peace, Love and Fro’s,
    Mr. O. (as in the Big One.)

    As you can tell, this will be an awesome place to be at on Hallowween. If you’re interested in joining us, let me know.

  • My evening consisted to two totally awesome parties on completely different ends of the spectrum.

    I started at the Fox and Co Investment party, where I was given free Margarita’s and food. What else can I say? I was in Heaven. The theme was Cowboys, so a bunch of people got dressed up in their typical outfits. And I also learned something…I love women in cowboy outfits.

    But it ended on an even higher note as I left that party to go to a once in a year event hosted by the Flying Vintage Museum, called the Hanger Dance. This was a truly magnificant site to behold. People decked out in their vintage outfits, a live Big Band a B-17 behind them, and pinup girls on the walls. I had missed it the past 3 years I knew about it in Dallas, but I will be sure to never miss it again. Oh yeah…and women in sailor uniforms drive me wild too.

    Check out the gallery for pictures to both. Hanger Dance Gallery and Fox and Co. Party Gallery

  • If you’re already seen any of his movies, (5th Element, The Messenger, The Professional, Le Femme Nikita), then hopefully you already know this. However, his latest movie “The Transporter
    kick much arse. (I’m trying to refrain from cursing, because I found out
    that my mom REALLY DOES read my website. :)Â Thanks mom.)

    Not to ruin any part of the full movie experience for you, I’ll tell you what myself, Lee and Matt learned from it:

    • How to hotwire a Mercedes
    • How to hotwire a human (or the machine that goes PING!)
    • How to hotwire the door to someone else’s house.
    • Always keep scuba gear (and a spare attachment) in your basement which is connected to the sewer.
    • Letting female hostages go potty on road trips is a bad idea.
    • And a few other things that could be useful in some unforseen future.
    • When hiding out after attacking the bad guy’s stronghold, watch out for anti-tank missiles
    • Quiet is good. Too quiet is bad.

    It really sounds like the main character read my friends’ “Rusty” and Sarah’s “Worst Case Scenerio” book and was prepared for everything.

  • You
    know how there are those good influences in your life? And those bad influences
    on you? And then there’s those “Good Bad” influences. Well, my friend Lee is that person for me. We’ve been coming up with a few ideas for T-shirts to make. Some of them good, like

    Qui est ton papa:

    (ask me if you’re curious) and others, like



    Show us on the doll where he touched you:

    (Yet another really hilarious story behind
    this one. If you have been raped or are offended by this picture then, I
    apologize. The story/picture combo is just too good to pass up.)

    Of course, all of these are copyrighted. And it seems like everyone one
    of my friends that I tell about this, wants one of the t-shirts. I usualy
    have to tell people the context, but it makes for great stories every day.
    I figure that with enough promotion, we’ll get the Christian Colliliation
    beating down our doors in no time. Who knows…maybe I’ll get to see my
    mom again. 🙂 (No offense, mom.)

    And today I was talking to Krystie about my upcoming Halloween party.
    I had so much fun at the Toga party last time, that I figure it’s time to
    throw my own. But, I want to be original, so I’m going to throw a Studio 54 Party
    I’ve got the wacky friends with the great imagination, I just hope that everyone
    else can bring the costumes! If you think you’re up for it, email me and we’ll coordinate.

    Till then cheers and much love and partying!


  • So many events…so little time that it happened in…I’ll try to be as brief as possible, but good Gaud!…So much happened.

    It started off with a Birthday Party invitation from my friend Suzyn, who was throwing a Toga party with another friend Celena A. Diamond.  Determined to not make the drive by myself and to brind my favorite partying and travel companion, I informed Lee
    that he was going to be joining me on this trip.  Since he had such a crappy
    week beforehand, I knew that this would cheer my main man up.  The plan was
    to leave after Lee left
    work and I would pick up the clothes (For the Toga) and other materials (laurel
    and grapes for women to feed to us) for our little adventure.  I did forget
    to get Suzyn a b-day gift, so we stopped by Carl’s Corner, TX to
    find an appropriate gift.  After much searching, I found what I was looking
    for…”A Carl’s Corner Toothpick Holder.”, some beef jerky and a postcard
    exaggerating the size of the crickets in Texas.  After picking up some alkeyhol
    beverages, and more grapes we arrived. 

    Before walking into the party, Lee and I donned our new attire and “ran on up in there!” to be the new lives of the party.  Little did these inhabitants of the Toga Party know that their night was going to change because we were now there.  I immediately joined up with a few of my friends, and maaaaadddd partying ensued!  They started to dish out birthday wishes and cut some apparently good cake soon after we got there.  It was great to see some of my old friends, Cathy, Suzyn, Cecilia (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong there.), and Celena
    (the awesome hostess of the evening.)  As well as meet some new ones who’s
    names I don’t remember…but faces I shall never forget:  (Thankfully to
    my trusty digital camera)  “Cowboy boots Toga girl“, “Scary Neighbor Jimmy“, “Girl with Cool Shoes“, “Girl not wearing a Toga but kept with tradition by going Commando“, “Guy mixing Mardi Gras and Toga Party“, “Anthony…Alfred…Author…whatever.“, “Holly and Paula.” 

    Here are some other really good misc pictures that I can’t afford to pass up:  “God Bless photography“, “Lee wanted me to destroy this picture…So here I am putting it on the Internet.”, “Dude! 
    I just totally grabbed your ass!  I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to do that…and
    I did a really poor job.  If you want me to make it right, you can come back
    and I’ll do it again
    .”, “Gaudess luv.”, “Umm…your toga’s too small.”, “The picture of the night.”, “It’s good to be Emperor“, “Uhh…umm…I’m sorry…were you just saying something?  I got distracted.”, “I see Toga People.”

    After many, many hours, the party died down…That was at about 3-4AM. 
    Then, little by little, people started to trickle off.  And then there were
    10…More talk…more chatting…more people leaving.  And then there were
    6.  At which point, Lee and I started mellowing the party out by telling
    our tales of The Polyphonic Spree,
    and how we think they are God’s Gift to music.  (They’re going to be in Austin
    on Sept 14, so Austinites BE THERE!  Lee and I might be making a trip down
    there again to experience this.)  This, plus a few of our other amusing stories
    and Lee‘s huge lexicon kept the group entertained for quite a while.

    Suzyn and “Anthony…Alfred…Aurthor…whatever”‘s left…And then there
    were 4.  More music, more chat…And then it was 7AM.  “Uh guys…wanna go
    get some breakfast?”  So, we then performed a sacred “Prayer of extinguishing
    the Tikki Torches and thanking the Party Gauds who bestowed many fortunes
    on us these past hours.”  and dragged our tired butts (At this point, it
    was myself, Celena, Lee and Eric) to Kirby’s for some omlettes and more entertaining
    stories.  Since I had to be back in Dallas for 2PM, I figured that we would
    roll on outta Austin. 

    By this time, I was VERY braindead and asked Lee to drive the way back. 
    I kicked the chair back and took a short nap.  I was then woken up by the
    sound of my tires screeching.  My immediate thought was, “It’s going to be
    ok, we’ll stop in time.”  Then…WHAM!!!  Forward motion throws me into my
    seatbelt and I am now looking (very closely, mind you) at the rear end of
    a white Chevy.  Not good.  We pulled off into a bank parking lot and assessed
    the damages.  Thankfully, NOONE was hurt.  The guy in the truck had no visible
    damage, except for a bent plug, which they can probably take a wrench to. 
    My car had a new cleft lip.  We
    were able to bend my hood down a lot and even though there was some fluid
    leakage, the car was drivable.  Thankfully, we were able to make it back
    to Dallas w/o the car overheating, simutaneously combusting, or just plain
    stopping.  The trip back was much more somber than the one coming, but towards
    the end, we were back to our normal chipper selves…at
    least as chipper one can be w/o sleeping for 36 hours, driving for 7 of them,
    and partying for 10 of the rest.  That and we discussed our new line of shirts
    involving our favorite catch quotes, “Qui est ton papa?!”, “And…WWHHHEEE!!!!”,
    jailbait: , “PIE!”, which we might get Celena to design.

    Final analysis:  Party…GOOOOODD!!!   Driving…..BAADDD!!!  Still, a
    great time was had by all and I’m looking forward to doing it again…just
    this time in Dallas. 🙂

    Here’s a link to the entire album of pictures I took at the party.

  • It’s
    been a while since I’ve updated this place. Not much has happened, except
    for an occasional date. Which brings me up to an topic:


    Growing up, I always hated dating. I would say that it was nothing than
    a bunch of horny guys chasing after girls that just want to play with you.
    Thus, all of the relationships I had started not out of dating, but because
    we instantly connected and found ourself in a new relationship. No courting,
    no working up to it, no sexual tension. We would meet, we would have one
    night together, and then poof. We’re together. So, I’m now exploring this
    new idea of dating. (i.e. I’m now one of those horny guys.. 🙂 Thankfully,
    I’m not out to just bed every girl I meet.) Anyway, I digress. These past
    few weeks have been chock full with dating and other women meeting opprotunities.
    A 3rd date with Snoopy Kiss Girl, a blind date with one of my friend’s fiancee’s
    sister…and tomorrow…TOGA PARTY!!! Yeah babye!

    Now I know that people say that they’re just dating and that they don’t
    want to get serious. And for some people, I believe that, but for the most
    part, I think that’s total BS. We’re all looking for someone. We’re built
    for partnership. Call me a romantic, but I’m looking forward to the day
    that I find my special someone that I say to myself, “Ok. I’ve found her.
    I’m now ready to dedicate myself to you.” And I think that one thing that
    is really cool is that I’ve learned a VERY valuable lesson in life, dating
    and relationships. The job of the guy is to make sure his woman is happy.

    Yeah, yeah yeah, some of you might argue with that; however, I know that
    I am really satisfied and fulfilled knowing that I’m doing the right thing
    which pleases her. Now to find a woman willing to communicate what she wants.

    Before I get too far off track and forget why I started writing this at
    3:15AM, I will let you know why the circle is now complete. On Thursday,
    I called one of my X-girlfriends, Jenny to wish her happy birthday. Everyone
    has “Their X”. The one that broke their heart more so than anyone else.
    Well, this is Jenny for me. The conversation went remarkably well and I
    can say that I am now friends with every one of my X-girlfriends. That’s
    something not many people can say. I wish there was something really profound
    that I could tell you about that, but I can’t think of anything at 3AM.
    Maybe something will come to me tomorrow.

    Till then…good night…err…good morning.

  • Ever
    had one of those days where everything went your way? Where you were on
    top of the world? It seemed like for 24 hours, your guardian angel was the
    cream of the crop? And then it his 12:01, the next day, and his/her shift
    was over?

    On Friday, I had a truly extraordinary day. I got figured out A LOT regarding
    perl, Makefile and installing libraries on my UNIX system at work, without
    having root access. Go me. 🙂 Then, I got a call from a girl who asked
    me out! Woah! Don’t get much better, than that, right? Well, I then went
    to play disc golf with my best friend Lee
    and then I sank an 85 foot putt! (Quite an amazing feat, I will say.) After
    celebrating at one of our favorite restaurants, Chipotle, we went to CD Warehouse
    and I bought music from a band I’ve been wanting for a long time. Oingo Boingo.
    And on the way home, a really great girl who I think is the total bomb, called
    and wanted to hang out. I did the Snoopy Dance of Joy as soon as I got off
    of the phone with her.

    When she came over we chatted, and watched “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back“. Kevin Smith is one hell of a director, and we both enjoyed the movie. A woman who can hang with Jay and Silent Bob says a lot to me. Anyway, the universe was at my every command. Muhahahaha!

    And as far as I can figure, at 12:01, all of that changed. What happened
    is that I licked her. Now before your mind goes south with that, I want
    you to know that it was just on the cheek. It is what I call a Snoopy Kiss.
    Remember how Snoopy would lick Lucy and then she would go around screaming,
    Dog Germs! I’ve been touched by Dog Lips!”
    Well, she didn’t run around like Lucy did, but at that point, the evening
    was over. Nor have I heard back from her. Lesson learned.

    So, boys and girls, what’s the moral of the story? For the Love of God,
    don’t Snoopy Kiss someone until you’ve reached “that point” in the relationship.
    Even then…wait a few months. Commit that to memory.

    Here’s Lee’s account of the event:
