This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • I truly have some of the most amazing friends. I don’t know really know what I would have done without them.

    And now that I’ve discovered what they’ve done to the house while I was gone, I’m really not sure what to do with them!

    Duckies. Duckies EVERYWHERE! 300 of them on the bed, about another 100-200 at work. Inside the cabinets, underneath pillows, in the shoe cubby, etc. There’s supposed to be ~1000 total, I figure that I’ll still be finding them till 2012.

    Pics forthcoming.

  • For Kathy’s Birthday, we went to see Eddie Izzard. I was concerned since I heard that he wasn’t as funny outside of his original attire (read: In a dress), but it was a sold-out show and those can only mean good things, right?


    Charles Darwin



    No warm-up comedian. No break. Just laughing till the jam hit the roof. Fantastic.

  • The updates…they are a-flowing.

    I’ve created a Wedding Website to answer all of your questions.  Like when we actually decide on a date, color and style.

    I think that my ideas for having a huge raver party complete with glowsticks has been properly shot down.   I’ll see if there’s a way I can sneak in the midget tho.

  • No big hooplah.

    No major fanfare.

    Hell, it was about 3 weeks after it happened before I told anyone.  Most people still don’t know.

    Katherine Denise Falgout.  That’s going to sound funny.  (Thomas Milton Carter?)

    Lee, if you’re reading this, you’re the best man.  If you call me back.  Otherwise taking applications/bribes. 

  • Another company, another round of layoffs. And I’m still here.

    Regarding all of the speculation of getting bought out from MS, News Corp and who knows who else, the only one that sparks my interest is Apple. That would be fun, I would totally love to see the two rise up together and form an alliance that would bring users exactly what they’re looking for with the greatest of ease and with a beautiful interface.

    Although the purple might clash with brushed steel, I’m sure that Yang and Jobs can work that out.

    On a side note: Kitties!!!!!!

    There’s Enara and Geroge / Motorboat / Squid. They’re a bunch of fun and are enjoying romping around the house and on my abdomen. Even when I’m asleep. They’re beautiful. Come check them out!

    –Snoopykiss just saw a Cowboy Mouth concert and is truly Glad to Be Alive.


  • and Me!

  • Here’s a picture of my car, on Google Maps, behind the old Yahoo Building in Deep Ellum. Wheee!

    And for more wackiness: Drunk monkeys!

    I also want to thank everyone for your support through the craziness/adversity I was facing. And despite the way it was worded, it wasn’t all of DSDS that was attacking me, just one person. One person who thinks that I would be the instrument of Dallas’ downfall.

    What’s funny, is that I almost believed him.

    — Snoopykiss knows that cake is a lie.

  • They make movies about people fighting for what they believe in. There’s usually some battle anthem with an emotional score and actors playing out well defined parts. Maybe someone dies or suffers a personal injury. And you often to get watch it from the comfort of your home and feel inspired to do something…anything. And have that thing be something that brings out a new beginning.

    But then you sneeze and the feeling goes away.

    I’ve sneezed many times, but this time I held my nose and the feeling lingered. I’ve found that the swing dancers of Dallas are begging for something new. Something outside of the same musical rotation which has been played for the past few years. A challenge.

    I decided to present to the Dallas Swing Dance Society board a proposition of creating a new dance opportunity. I had hoped to write a piece of paper and then present it to the Board and see what happens. Instead, I got a phone call from one of the leading figures of the dance scene telling me that the Board would not accept my idea, telling me that I associate with people who they do not respect as human beings, that if I “Fuck this up” (i.e. bring a bad reputation to Dallas), then they “won’t know me anymore”, and that DSDS would not have anything to do with me anymore.

    Needless to say, I was quite hurt by the attack. To the point that I planned on withdrawing my proposal. However, with the support of other dancers, they helped me get back on track and take the presentation to the board.

    A proposal which was very well received and had a lot of support. Nothing is finalized, but words cannot express how much of a personal victory this has been for me. In spite of the verbal beating I took, I was able to say, “Fuck it. This is something I believe in. Something the community will directly benefit from. I’m not going to let someone tear me down from it.”

    To those who supported me: Thanks, from me and everyone who will benefit from this in the future.


  • Air Guitar Champ

    Originally uploaded by Strange Muse

    Air Guitar Nation.

    Simply a beautiful movie about the spirit of humanity through the hidden bedroom act of Air Guitar. It inspires, it laughs, it entertains, it embarrasses, it opens your eyes.

    I now want to compete. All that’s left to do is get my Funk and Soul Monthy Dance going and get the competitions going, babye!

    –Snoopykiss wants to party like an Air Guitar Rockstar


  • THAT bridge

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss

    Every time I come back from Denver, I rave about how I want to move there. After Germany, it was the same thing. Now San Francisco.

    One of the benefits of working for a big company is training. That benefit is especially kickass when it involves a city that has good dancing (Lindy and Blues) every night of the week. A city that complains when it hits 78 degrees! This is my type of place!

    Unfortunately, it’s everyone else’s place too. 1 bedroom apt (1/3 my current sqft-age) costs twice my mortgage. Dammit.

    Meanwhile, they passed on me for jury duty. I’m somewhat relieved, but would have enjoyed the experience. I think the breaking point for me was when they asked “Would you be able to enforce the maximum penalty (1st degree felony 20-99 years) if you knew it true?”

    “99 years for selling (less than 200g of) drugs?! That’s longer than the average life expectancy! A better question is what could possibly be that bad to enforce that type of punishment?”

    Yahoo! continues to treat me well as I continue to become an even greater techie badass. (And possibly move to CA. 🙂 )

    — Snoopykiss is currently re-building a Star Destroyer. But he plans to use his powers for awesome.
