This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • Last night, I spent the night in the Staff Room as there were no more beds. This is a pretty disorganized hostel as the manager doesn’t have a book and has it all in his head. Doesn’t help when he’s not on duty. But I was glad to have a room with a bed. Even if it was with some guy that was snoring and farting at the same time. I had no idea that was even possible.

    I also had no idea that Basement Jaxx had a video to “Do Your Thang”. Best use of words on boobs evar.

    — Snoopykiss is off to Dublin. It’s Easter Weekend. I’m gonna be Catholic for 2 days.

  • I arrived in Glasgow (Still in Scotland) after finding a hostel w/ wireless Internet (Yea modern world!).

    The walk there proved to me that Scotland does have a modern city with a drag, complete with a KFC, women wearing too much makeup and a sidewalk band…Singing the blues. With a Scottish Accent. And a touque. *snicker* Yeah, it was pretty funny.

    I’m just now getting a chance to take a breather after going clubbing with my French roommates. As much as they loved dancing to Bee Gees and other Disco hits, I was surprised that when the club played Saturday Night Fever on the screen, they all thought it was Grease.

    Even if I go to sleep now, they’ll wake me up when they finally come back from dancing. That’s ok, I’ll just curse them out in Pig Latin and that’ll freak’em out.

    — Snoopykiss est rester vivant

  • I’ve barely been here a week and already so much has happened. Good lord, this is not a boring adventure. (I never took a shower until the 5th day.)

    After spending about

    …Ok, the fire alarm just went off…some Spaniards just burnt their meal.

    Not a boring adventure at all.

    After spending over 16 of my first 24 hours on this trip traveling, I found myself in Edinburgh. Screw England. I wanted to see Scotland! I want hills! And lively music! And meet women who can drink me under the table! (Yes, they do have Smirnoff Ice here, but I’ve restrained myself from buying any.) But only after taking a leak in the “Lou of the Year”.

    This is the time of year when Hen Parties (Bachelorette Parties) emerge. The happiest, Pissed, Mad Women you’ll ever meet. I made friends with a few and they loved hearing the stories about Texas and having an uncle with an alligator farm. Apparently, arse slapping is just as common here as it is in America.

    I then jumped on a tour bus, guided by Duncan, through the Highlands of Scotland, the 23 mile long Loch Ness, sheep, sheep, sheep, and enough whiskey to make you go blind. The bus returned and I knew that I had to go back.

    Who knows how many pints later, I jumped to Inverness. A beautiful city with a lot of character, a small castle in the middle of the town and Scotland’s largest music pub (3 stories with different music in each story). A Hen Party later, I made a few more friends and even met another guy from Dallas, Texas. Back at the Hostel, I hung out with a few Spaniards that almost had me fall off the top bunk bed laughing. (Ask me the difference between Regular Porn, and Asian Porn.)

    One of the best lessons I learned from Rick Steves was that if you want to enjoy Europe the most, chat up with the locals. I constantly asked them for their recommendations and everyone kept pointing back to the Isle of Skye. The next day, I did one of the craziest things so far.

    Long story short, the best place to see a sunset nearby was back at Eilean Donan Castle, about 8 Miles back. The bus driver told me that it would be too long to wait for the next bus, and that I should hitch it.

    “Is it safe?”
    “Sure. I hitched 500 miles one time.”
    “… Um. … Ok.”

    So, I started walking and threw my thumb out. (Sans towel) About a mile later, I got picked up! It must have been pretty creepy for them as I was absolutely beaming because this was such a new experience for me. But they were fine with it. The driver used to hitch all the time when he was young. I got dropped off right at the castle, next to another hitcher who I swapped out with.

    I got my pictures, learned some history, even chatted with a set of English kids to seemed quite taken by a Texan that would talk to them. I got back to the hostel and chatted with some friendly Germans who were driving around the Isle of Skye and next thing I know I’ve got plans for a day-trip with them tomorrow.

    The Isle of Skye is the epitome of what I imagined Scotland to be. Sheep, Beautiful mountains, jagged cliffs and tiny roads. Most of the roads are only fit one car. So, they have humps so that one car can pull off to the side. Crazy.

    Tomorrow morning, I take a bus to Glasgow to see some more beautiful cemeteries and the end of my Scottish trip. Next to Switzerland, this is my favorite. So many wonderful, friendly and inviting people. It’s almost like my Grandmother raised everyone of them to be so great. I haven’t tried on a kilt yet, nor have I tried haggis. I’m adventurous, but not with my meats.

  • Nothing brings people together like being confined in a small environment, all with the same goal. Korean, Russian, Romanian, Canadian, and even a Texan Coonass.

    Things I learned today:
    – “Botched Job” comes from an engineer (Botch) that created a bridge in Scotland that later fell and killed 75 people.
    – Never trust a Cambell
    – “Blackmail” is a Scotish term. I forget what it means, but it’s something about paying for something (mail) with sheep that are somehow blackened.
    – “Attack the Gas Station!” (One of my favorite Korean movies, and the inspiration for my car’s name, PAGO!!!) caused a big problem in Korea, because all sorts of kids took after the movie and started attacking gas stations. Pago can also mean, “Hit the car in front of you!”
    – The Highlands of Scotland are BEAUTIFUL.

    Monty Python Locations I saw today:
    – The “What is your Quest?!” bridge (Actually, the bridge is gone now.)
    – The castle where the marriage scene is “performed”. The one with the curtains.

    I enjoyed the Highlands so much that it’s now the next leg of my trip. Now if you excuse me, I’ve got a showing of Braveheart to go see. (Make sure I tell you the story of how much the Scots love that movie.)

    — Snoopykiss wants to go running naked across a mountain now. But damn, it’s cold.

  • Edinburgh is gorgeous. Although, a bit cold, even for this Coonass who likes it like that. Backpacking is an amazing experience where you get to learn a lot about yourself and other people. However, it does get a bit…well…lonely.

    So, I went up to the bartender and told him about my problem: I’m here to visit Ireland and Scotland, but…I don’t drink beer. After a few shocked looks, and having to indeed verify that I was a Texan, he eased me into a decent cider.

    I then struck up conversation with a Scotsman right next to me and we chatted for a while till I got drawn into this “Hen Party” (i.e. Bachelorette Party), where one of the girls was so Irish (i.e. drunk) that I think I introduced myself to her 3 times.

    Europe is a great place. All it takes is saying you’re Texan, and then singing the first 4 notes to “Dallas” and you’ve got insta-friends. Tell them your uncle has an alligator farm, and they’ll never let you out of their sight.

    I’m up bright and early now to head out to do a day trip to Loch Ness. Makes me wish I brought my squid shirt.

    P.S. I went to bed early, and woke up to the sound of a girl coming into my bed room. (It’s a 6 person, dorm-style room with private curtains for each bed.) At first, I thought some lucky guy had made a friend and wondered if this would be more like college than I was hoping for. Then more women came in and I realized that I was the only guy in here. It’s an awkward experience hearing a woman undress knowing that she probably has no idea you’re there. Seriously.

  • At some point, I’m sure I’ll actually get to see Europe. But currently, it feels like I’ve done nothing but travelling. 8+ hours by plane to London, 8 hours by bus to Edinburgh.

    On my way here, I realized that it had been about 3 day since I last brushed my teeth…


    Details and pics to make you hate me later.


  • Airport Castle

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    I’ve made it to London!

    What’s next? Dunno.


  • Kathy and Me

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    Traditional social standards tell me that I should have had a beautiful day in the park with my kids and maybe gone see a movie with my wife.

    Instead, I found that downing half a liter of Rum and Honey while throwing beads to hundreds of drunk strangers and excited families, then going dancing and party-hopping afterwards made for a much better story than identifying with “The Pursuit of Happiness”. That’s just me.

    I’m sure one day I’ll get to that point. But till then, I’ll keep going to rock shows and living by what I believe to be true.

    — Snoopykiss knows a good thing when he … ooh shiny!


  • Bring on the Funk

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    As a white guy, why do I love the Funk so much? Maybe it’s because it’s got a hard bass. Maybe because it’s a reason for me to shake my groove thang. Or maybe it’s because I get to see outfits with as much color as some of my bedrooms.

    I just can’t help myself. Like Richard Roundtree on Blacksploitation movies, or a Gun on Pamela Grier, I love me some funk.

    And I got to attack that booty from the back at the MezzJelly Lindy and Soul Exchange. With a rollerrink, house party, soul food, hot DJ’s and a hot tub, how could it go anyway but DYNOMITE!!!

    High 5 to Ami and Jered who helped make this possible and all of the DJ’s who kept it groovy.

    — Snoopykiss feels good. And he knew that he would.


  • A Picture Share!

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    I bought it for the name. As in "DAIIIIM, girl. You lookin' hawt. He's gonna twist open the Boon's Farm for you tonite!"
