This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • Ok, after years and years of telling myself that if I ever got laid off from Nortel, I was going to backpack around Europe for a few months, and then getting laid off from Nortel and then NOT going to Europe. I’m finally doing it.

    I’m excited. I’m scared. And for some strange reason, I keep misspelling Europe.

    I’m outtie March 28th and coming back May 16th. Details and a huge arse “Go Away” party to come!

    –Snoopykiss goes Weeee!!!

  • How good can good food be?

    A question recently pondered by myself right after my recent Food and Spirits party. And I think I found the limit.

    After talking about how she took the leftover chocolate fondue and threw in whipped cream and poured it over pound cake, Kathy’s friend realized that this was tasty enough that she’d “Punch a Nun”.

    NOTE: To all you nun-lovers out there: I highly doubt that this friend would go around actually punching nuns for pound cake. But what if she opened up a Denny’s/La Quinta rival: Punching Nun Inn/Slap a 4 Year Old Diner.

    Crack a Cardinal Tuesday’s.
    4 Year Old Friday’s.

    Wrong, yes. But it’s be tasty. I’d eat there.

    –Snoopykiss wishes he could Feast on Asphalt.


  • A Picture Share!

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    Caution! Runaway Bikes Zone.

    -- From River Legacy Park in Arlington, TX


  • It worked!

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    What’s May without a Pole Dance?

    What started out as a joke between Neighbor Dan and I about how we should freak out the other neighbors turned into a beatiful Beltane mini-festival.

    Kudo’s to G who drove up from Austin to help out and Neighbor Dan who bought the ribbons and showed us how to play one of my new favorite games.

    –Snoopykiss likes to frolic.


  • 0020

    Originally uploaded by JoJo4Art.

    Creepy freggin’ movie! But good. But creepy. And a bit too much at two parts. You’ll know if/when you get there. Although, I haven’t been able to find someone else who’s played the game to compare it with.

    And it looks like I’m being a complete goober and missing out on two of my favorite cities for dancing. Denver and St. Louis. Curse you, finite banking account!

    As a result, It’s roommate searching time again. From 0 to 3, back to 0 in 1.2 years.

    –Snoopykiss is cooking up a storm. Let’s hope he doesn’t burn it this time.


  • Leon (Good Movie)

    Originally uploaded by notequal.

    From a Kiosk in a Grocery store where I pay Per DVD/Per Day. $1.08, please. (Jarhead was great.)

    And speaking of making the most of Media, I’m curious to know how Zuna Fish takes off. $1 to trade a DVD, CD, Paperback with someone else. BRILLIANT!

    –Snoopykiss is a happy consumer. Until his gas light comes on.


  • 30 in binary

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    “What’s it like turning 30?”
    “I was giddy for most of the day. I was just unconditionally happy through most of it. I can’t explain it. I spent so much time going, ‘Holy cow! I’m 30!’ and then laughing. Somehow, I didn’t expect to make it this far.”

    When my sister and parents tried making cracks at how old I had turned, I asked them what advice they could give me for reaching their age. We changed subjects quite quickly.

    I want to thank everyone who came out to the B-day party and a special thanks to Allison and Kathy who have helped cultivate my new passion: Cooking.

    Now accepting applications for guinea pigs. Serious inquires only. Only requirements are the willingness to bring some ingredients and an appetite. Alton fans extremely welcome.

    I hope to see you around the kitchen.

    — Can you smell what the Snoopykiss is cooking?! Oh, really? Sorry about that, I’ll crack a window.


  • tag, tag, tag, tag, tag, and tag

    Originally uploaded by mjutabor.

    Matty got me.

    Four jobs I’ve had
    # Popeyes (cook, cashier, fluffer)
    # Shrimp Boat helper
    # Perl Badass
    # Dance Instructor

    Four movies I can watch over and over
    # Here Comes Dr. Tran
    # 5th Element
    # Se7en
    # Zoolander (Thanks Lee)

    Four TV shows I love(d) to watch
    # Lost
    # Dead Like Me
    # Firefly
    # TMNT

    Four places I’ve been on vacation
    # Switzerland
    # Canada
    # Tijuana
    # Paris (techincally work, but *snicker* the Parisians don’t work)

    Four favorite dishes
    # Most anything from Lee
    # Most anything from Matty
    # Some of my food “experiments”

    Four websites I visit daily
    # (hourly?)
    # (Development Server)
    # (Production Server)

    Four places I’d rather be
    # Gaming
    # Europe
    # Catching up with friends
    # Dancing

    Four I’m tagging
    # Lee
    # Barb
    # G
    # Sarah.

  • I’ve never seen a city so involved with it’s airport code. Not that I know which came first, but all locations in Portland referred to themself as PDX.

    I know there’s DFW, but at least that one makes sense. So, I decided to venture out there to find out.

    I came back, a week and a half later with no answer, but a hell of a time spent with Lee and Barb and Erin and Josh and others. And dance.

    And visit the coolest library on this planet, in Seattle.

    And the craziest donut shop evar.

    I also tried Ethopian food. Go me. But mostly, I was happy to go to a place with “Queen” (Queen Sheeba) in the title and not see drag.

    Thanks to Lee, Barb and Martin who let me crash at their place longer than I expected. Even if Martin’s justification was, “Well, I had sex in your bathroom.”

    — Snoopykiss needs bleach. Stat.


  • 3rd boobie

    Originally uploaded by Malingering.

    Definitely not awesome.

    On my way to pickup a space heater AFTER winter finally hit us (Yea Winter!), I noticed the “Willow Bend Wellness Center”. What really grabbed my eye sockets and had me rubber-neck was that the top business there was “Plastic Surgery”

    I’m definitely no Health (It’s HEALTH, not Wellness, dammit!) Fanatic, but since when does Plastic Surgery have anything to do with Wellness?

    I’m not even going to start with the physical ramifications of nipping and tucking, but that’s like…mayonnaise and peanut butter!

    — Snoopykiss just had Chik-Fil-A. Maybe he should get a boob-job to compensate.
