This is my blarg!

Ramblings of a Microsoft Solution Architect

  • blaukraut bleibt blaukraut

    Originally uploaded by mjutabor.

    I got the following email from Kathy today. I would say that I’m scared, but it was recently discovered that over 50% of my salad dressings were out of date. And I think some of the stuff there was from when I was still in college.

      One of the trainees just told us that last night she ate a TV dinner that was over 20 years old! She said that when she and her husband moved back from Lubbock in 1985 they had three TV dinners they brought with them that had been in their fridge before they moved. Well, last night, she decided to throw them away, but then thought to herself, “I wonder what this would taste like?” So, she heated it up and ate it. Dude…when your food is old enough to drink, don’t eat it!

    –Snoopykiss wants you to close your eyes and open your mouth…


  • today’s fortune

    Originally uploaded by lil aNNa.

    The title is a fortune that G claims he got. I would fight him, but I one time got one with nothing in it. I don’t mean “No fortune in the cookie”. I mean, “No cookie. No fortune.” It was just a empty bag of air. I spent the rest of the day wondering if I was going to die of aphixiation.

    Anyway, while at Pei Wei this evening, G and I were discussing ways to approach the attractive girl at the counter. I suggested a fortune cookie with “Now’s the time to ask out that cute girl behind the counter.” But then I realized that there could be a really strong market for pickup lines in fortune cookies. Or even a short bio and the person’s phone numbers.

    Think of it people: The Fortune Nookie.

    –Snoopykiss has been doing his homework.


  • Summit Plummet

    Originally uploaded by bobscrazyblog.

    Not out of resolutions, but more out of revolutions, I’ve noticed changes in myself. All seem to be for the better. Pasts I’ve overcome. Demons I’ve pummeled into the ground and have resurfaced. New habits I’ve taken on. Heads I’ve shaven.

    But the one that’s interested me is in this current relationship with Kathy. And it is in this instance that I’ve grown, rather fallen into love here.

    Growing involves setting roots and feelings things out and going at a nature’s pace. Like the good Lord intended.

    Falling usually involves lots of exciting and crazy emotions, with your synapses firing more times than a redneck wedding. Until you stop falling. Then it hurts. Like a mothafuka.

    –Snoopykiss went to Ikea today and is thinking funny.


  • Gone

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    We always view national tragedies in horror, but it rarely sinks in how gruesome they are until we see them first-hand. And it’s rarely pretty.

    I got to see some of the damage done by Katrina during my visit back home to Cut Off. Thankfully, my home town was mostly spared, but the scene became completely different once we passed the levees that kept the water out.

    Going to Grand Isle was a sobering realization of how destructive Mother Nature can be when we ignore it.

    –Snoopykiss is sobered up. It’s time for New Years.


  • Utterly Texan

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    But not in a “Survivor” way. They’re actually going to get this boot.

    Kathy helped pick out this … this … Wow. I didn’t know what to say when I first saw it. I mean…it’s got barb wire! Her dad actually said, “I could have made that for you.”, which only furthered the experience.

    It’s a Birdhouse, it’s got barb wire, and a license plate on a turquoise Boot. Dood.

    Also in Tommy House news, Mike proposed to his hunny. And she said yes. Go them!

    –Snoopykiss is now pondering, “How do I get this on the plane?”


  • 1 Day Cat

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    While on a complete high from watching Doom in all of it’s B-movie goodness, there was a freezing, yet friendly cat outside the house. It was cold, and I had some leftover tuna from a previous roommate. Worked out nicely.

    Coincidentally, if there is such a thing, I was thinking about getting a pet. But not this one as it disappeared after we gave it a gap in the garage door. It’s amazing how you’ll talk to an animal, even though you know it’s not listening.

    And speaking of cute…

    –Snoopykiss just leveled up his Karma.


  • mensshirtL2

    Originally uploaded by

    So, I’m chatting away with Miss Sam, of Weyandt’s affection, and discussing a possible X-mas party.

    There’s the traditional White Elephant party, but when your attendance reaches 100+, you’ve gotta bend the rules to make this work. Otherwise, you’ll be there till my Birthday (St. Patrick’s Day. I like Legos).

    In America, you can turn anything into a game by adding either “Strip” or “Drinking” to it. So, what would happen if there was a penalty for stealing?

    –Snoopykiss is suddenly in the Christmas mood.


  • Turkey in a Bag, babye!

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    I made a turkey in a paper bag that was so juicy that it de-winged itself upon removal. BOO-YAH! This was probably due to the uber-slow cooking oven I’ve got. And by uber-slow, I mean the 325 setting really means ~250.

    I also gave a Thanksgiving prayer, so unique that I got a round of applause (I think, even from the Aethist) after my Amen. You just had to have been there.

    Mad, mad props to that old black lady who I’ll probably never see again, but talked me into this whole mess. I was able to impress a bunch o’ people, including myself because of it.

    –Snoopykiss has mad turkey skillz!

  • Tis the season, yo. It’s time where we all get jollified and make conversations with strangers. In the past 24 hours, I’ve had two that just made my day:

    I was out at the Bone and dancing with Ann. (A particularly attractive and wonderfully great follow who I met at ALX this past weekend.) We were having one of “those dances”. I thought it was pretty good, but this random person came up afterwards and was ranting and raving about how great it was.

    “You guys were AWESOME! I’ve never seen such dancing like that! You never missed a beat! That was AMAZING! The two of you should get married!”


    “Well, I’ve got a certain lady-type who might not agree to that.”
    “Doesn’t matter. Ditch her. I see it! I tell you! Y’all need to get married!”

    Back away slowly.

    And then earlier today, I was buying groceries for my “Orphan’s Thanksgiving” and was all prepared to go the bachelor route of buying a frozen pre-cooked turkey, I asked this old black lady what she thought of it. Long story short, I went from trying to get confirmation that I was getting a good turkey to getting talked into cooking my own turkey myself. Using a paper bag. Crazy.

    –Snoopykiss has just become a fire hazard.


  • Chicken Elmo

    Originally uploaded by SnoopyKiss.

    So, I successfully completed my “Stick it to the Man” Tour with a buttload of pictures and some new friends. To sum it up, I went from Boston to a Blues weekend in DC and had myself a freggin’ blast. Met up with Meg and her recovering Mormon roommate, Jewel (who is talking me into taking another SittM Tour, to the West Coast).

    Since then I’ve been through Tulsa, St. Louis (x2), Austin, got my Kung Fu Yellow Belt, lost a roommate (down to 3), went to a Polka Festival, parents went through 2 hurricanes, lost and uncle (unrelated. RIP Uncle Melvin) and threw a Food and Spirits Party.

    I think it’s now time to retreat into my house for a while until the Red White and Blues invasion.

    –Snoopykiss. Not just for breakfast anymore.
